How to train this back muscle

I was inspecting my physique tonight and I noticed that my lats pop, like, 3d lats. Thick. Solid. Tight. And my traps are the traps of a primarch. But then I have a total void of muscle right in this area
>pic related
How the fuk do I train it?

My back workout is currently:
Deadlifts 1x5
seated rows 3-4x10
upright rows 3-4x10

How can I hit this part of my back?

Other urls found in this thread:

Shrugs & hang cleans

3pt rows

Lean forward when you do shrugs.
(preferably DBs)
Protup : Don't shrug fast. Do shrugs like you would do calves - nice and slow. Hold on top for 2-3 seconds and squeeze.
Protup 2 : When you do DBs shrugs dont just shrug up and down. Try to rotate your arms backwards.

Thanks for the responses.
So shrugs then, while leaning forward. with dumbells, not barbell?
Where in the program should they go? after rows or before?


thats muscle is called trapezius

and if you want to develop that zone do: overhead press, dips and pull ups

just here to say tempo shrugs are autistic

i am and not bro, shrugs aint do shit to your traps, neither rows

pull ups, overhead press and dips are the way to go, if you ask me, i have that zone very well developed, and these exersices are all i do

as well as i read anatomy and traps are pretty much involved in those movements

My traps, like between my shoulders and neck, are great, it's below them between my shoulder blades that are under developed.

You think over head press will hit that zone? I don't see how it would, thats for shoulders, no?

High Rows, Facepulls and Cleans

Middle/lower traps and rhomboids, kids. Do facepulls and wider grip rows correctly (with no shrug) to infinity. Enjoy improved shoulder health, heavier deadlifts, and better positioning on bench.

dumbbell rows

its the traps bro, the middle zone, its a pretty big muscle, google it and you will see

and yes overhead press hits your traps, as well as dips and pull ups do

try a set of dips and you will see your traps sore tomorrow

Dumbell rows looks like it could work

And facepulls are a thing I usually do on shoulder day. Should I do facepulls on back day?

why everyone suggsting rows when pull ups are way better ?

You should do facepullls and/or band pull aparts every day forever. The mostly postural muscles you indicated require a shitload of volume to grow.

Because half of this thread is retarded including you.

Db rows are your best bet. Facepulls second. Bb rows 3rd. Seated rows like in op are pretty good too. Op is either doing them wrong or just started them.

Though bb rows are incredible for your whole back. Always do them. I used to leave them out due to fear, and I always used to have a shit back. Now my back is probably the best part of me. Literally do any form of rows you can as much as you can.

lol yea sure, apes do dumbell row and so they developed that sheer strenght and big lats

just see how primates do in jungle, pulling movements, basically pull ups, and see how well developed they are

if you want to stay fit and strong, look at your cousins

if your back is the best part of you then you can do pull ups with 80 kg strapped on your back right ?

I'm very tall and my seated cable rows are with a narrow grip and really only hit my lats

A lot of people are saying pull ups / chin ups

Are chins good for targeting this area?

yes bro, do both

Thanks for the help
Will start incorporating these movements

Thanks for the help legionnaires.

The Emperor protects

you are welcome bro

heavy as shrugs, will help your dl massively as well

That'd be your lower and middle traps, they're mainly responsible for retraction and depression of the scapula. Rows, pull ups/lat pull downs, and shrugs would hit them the best, probably. I was recently shown a sort of "low cable pulley row" that hit my mid back pretty hard, it's pretty much a face pull but the rope goes to your sternum. Good luck user, luv u

If you're going to talk shit on the best exercises for traps, then claim you have great traps, you better post them. OHP and dips involve traps in the movement, but they won't stimulate them enough to cause much growth. Pull ups, on the other hand, are great for lower and middle traps

Look up nether rows, it's the most isolated movement I've seen for lower traps and rhomboids if you really wanna target it directly.

Also facepulls and rear delt flies with dumbbells, specifically rear delt swings will help as well.

>DB rows
>for traps
Maybe if you're rowing toward your face, like a sort of facepull-row. DB rows are a good exercise (as any row is), but maybe the conventional DB row is not the best for developing traps

Pull ups are better for your traps/rhomboids than chin ups are, but chin ups aren't bad for them.

The choice of exercise matters less. How you do the exercise matters more.

Anything that lets you retract your scapulae i.e. pinch your shoulder blades hard together, will be useful to build the area you have circled.

Obvious choices would be row variations. And wide grip pull-ups, but you have to be pretty strong to get good retraction on those.

Make sure you get as much retraction as possible and hold the position for a second before you let go. If your lats are well developed and your midback is poop, you'll probably find that you'll have to reduce the weight a lot to achieve this.

>he's not lifting for Slaanesh

Problem with DLs was I couldn't actually hold onto the weight I was able to lift, even with mixed.

Started doing Farmer walks and doing a set or two of shrugs super heavy. I was stuck at lmao2pl8 DL and it took two and a halfish weeks to go from 225 to 285.

Dumbbell rows. Go heavy and use a pronated grip
Basically just do kroc rows

DB rows are great for traps, see article above.

So many retarded newfags who /thread their own shit advice. Jesus Christ


yeah, after doing specific heavy grip work, I started getting doms in my hands. They have gotten way stronger

How do I make my lats pop? What exercise and rep scheme should I do?

lat work but it depends on your insertions.

They'll always pop but if they are inserted higher on your back you'll notice it faster. If they are lower, they'll be huge once they'll pop and your back will looks massive

The traps are involved in shoulder adduction. What happens at the top of an overhead press?

barbell rows at a 135% angle
A friend of mine has HUGE lower traps. All he did was pullups.

>rotate arms backwards
>being this dyel
enjoy fucking up your rotator cuffs dyel

Full cleans, upright rows, and face pulls

T. Joocy back chad


A huge prime mover in scapula retraction is the middle traps. If you are not trying to pinch your shoulder blades together, you are not doing the move correctly.

On db rows, don't just rip it up with your arm, finish it with a scapula retraction like you're setting up for bench. Lower the weight and gradually go up until you find a point where your form sucks and work from just below that. Your middle back will explode.

Band pullaparts are great too, and chances are if your middle back lacks, then so do your rear delts. Win win

Full barbell bent over rows and pull downs.

If you don't feel it, figure out how to actually activate your lats. Remove your thumb as it helps you lean on your front delts.

The only proven science in lifting: % of max lifted is directly correlated with strength and # of reps completed is directly correlated with size.

You better be squatting and deadlifting too

bent over rows
band pull aparts
behind the back deads


youre fucking retarded bro

The middle and lower fibres of Trapezius have different actions to the upper fibres.

Middle fibres act act to pull the scapula medially i.e. bring your shoulder blades together. Face pulls, Barbell rows, Seated rows should all hit it.

The lower fibres depress the scapula so pull ups/chins would be your best bet.

Hey man, dont talk shit to me, I have an IQ of 136%

>hurrr why is everyone but me retarded

Nether row nigga.

He is right. Stop posting.

dumb fuck, literally

lmfao the amount of shit advice OP receives from here.

>OHP and dips for lower traps
wtf you imbecile.

OP, leaning forward while doing Dumbbell shrugs does work.

Pull up machine while leaning backwards works too.

seated rows, facepulls are great too.
Basically any kind of rowing exercise trains these muscles. I would just do all of them, instead of sticking to one thing, because these muscles are kinda hard to isolate.

>Nether rows

gul'dan please go

Do you guys unironically get gains doing BB rows? They seem a lot worse than other rowing exercises.

behind the back shrugs murder your mid/lower traps

various types of rows

wtf kind of underwear is that?
she's practically naked
this surely can't be allowed on a christian imageboard

This guy knows what he's talking about

Australian pull ups

Curls also hit the middle and lower traps surprisingly well.
Bent-over barbell front raises are great for middle and especially lower traps as well.

A correctly done OHP uses the traps to perform scapular upward rotation, although you can get away with not using your traps so much on it, while fucking up your shoulders.
Dipping uses mainly the lower traps to depress the shoulderblades, but yeah, you can fuck up technique and not use them well.

Anecdotally, facepulls with a bar at neck height to the neck can hit the traps really well.

Also anecdotally, dumbell overhead lateral raises can hit the traps hard.

I do weighted overgrip pull ups for those,
5x5 40lbs 1min intervals, 155lbs

I love how fantasy / sci fi lore gets dropped casually in any fitness board community

leaning forward while doing dumbell shrugs.. sounds like a simple exercise to add.

I was also thinking T Bar rows because the narrow grip will allow for the heaviest load

Dips? Lmao you went full retard

lower traps bro...

Lower traps? How do they get worked by dips to any large extent? For lower traps you'd do some heavy as fuck rows or shrugs done at an angle

Horizontal Shrugs, easily the best I've found that hit that particular part of your traps.

I have kind of the same problem. I am currently doing wide grip seated rows and narrow grip t-bar rows but i always feel my lats rather then my trapezius.

OP here
I just did a pyramid of t bar rows, focusing on retracting the scapula and holding for a second before releasing. Then I did face pulls in sets of 10 at the neck level.

This might have been redundant, but whatever. I'll wait and see if I get doms in the right place tomorrow

I found them amazing. I do them on my warmup lower sets of rack pulls, everytime I bench when I'm not feeling lazy, and sometimes just by themselves.

On my pull day, I also do weighted chins and phat grip db rows. Sometimes t-bar rows.
I stopped doing rows for over a year due to some low back scares. Now any form of rowing is far and away my favorite thing to do.

If nothing else, I notice a huge improvement in my upper back while I've been losing a lot of weight. I've also been doing neck exercises too recently, so I'm hoping to become a turtle soon.

You get an overall thick upper back from tbar rows, front squats, and power shrugs.

People forget that there are other muscles in the back you need to workout to make your traps look big.

Sometimes i wonder if shrugs are even worth the time and energy when doing a row variation would target more muscles more effectively. Big upper traps look stupid without rhomboids, mid and lower traps, etc

everybody here is retarded

Do behind the back pull variations to hit those lower/mid traps

Source me mah nigga


Go on or some other reputable site and look up what the lower traps do. Then, do an exercise that performs that movement with resistance.

also this

ITT: people who have no business giving training advice...