The nigger won!
It hasn't even started yet there still singing the national anthem you bloody moron
say. I predicted it though.
this is some next level shitposting
all set up fight, not worth my time
u cant do this
i knew it was gonna end like this, mc gregor getting tired
when will UFaggots learn they cant do shit against a pro boxer unless they have the ko power of a beast ?
>potatoe starts wailing on him
>nigger sees he's in trouble
>nigger turns around and cowers so any hits the potatoe lands are illegal
/pol/ white supremacy eternally btfo
boxing is a meme
all i saw was hugging and that nigger constantly turning around
These manlet on manlet fights always end with shit like this, nobody actually has the power to land a damn good hit. Go watch some Mike Tyson in his prime to compare, that shit is radical
this, fucking this
boxers nowadays are far aways these genetics freaks like tyson, foreman and many more
hear hear for heavyweights
1 dimensional combat sport. He's basically good at fencing. Connor is good at the whole game.
Remember, Connor still went 9.5 rounds with the best ever. Nothing to be ashamed of.
i don't even like MMA or boxing but i'd be pissed if i paid 100$ to watch that garbage
>he still doesn't know that stamina is the most important thing in real battles and real war
>he still thinks that bjj grappling is somehow applicable to real fighting
in MMA BJJ is better than judo but Judo is better for real life
MMA is just for amateurs who can last only 5 rounds
Boxing is for professionals and a boxer would probably perform much better in a real war because of the great stamina
MMA is literally fake fighting advertised as real fighting for retards
>>he still doesn't know that stamina is the most important thing in real battles and real war
if we're talking about real wars then why are you using your hands faggot?
An MMA fighter can do more against a boxer than a boxer can do against an MMA fighter in their respective arenas. Floyd wouldn't have made it one round in an octagon. Respect to Connor for putting up more of a fight than many "pro" boxers
inb4 connor agrees to a rematch for more shekels.
>He's basically good at fencing. Connor is good at the whole game.
He is a master at fencing.
So basically when you start losing you either turn around or bend over so its illegal to hit you, smart fighting
Lmao, mayweather wasn't even fighting back at the start, he only went for the kill once Mcgregor started rabbit punching and doing weird shit to piss him off, and then 2 rounds were enough for it to end
Any other much more aggressive boxer would literally have killed mcgregor right there, Mayweather is relaxed and usually doesn't go all out (that's why mcgregor choosed him instead of Canelo for example)
>boxing prepares you for all the potential problem one might encounter in an actual fight
Found the faggot that fell for the boxing meme.
Good thing fights never go to the ground, huh?
Good thing that once you learn boxing no one will ever have better hands than you - so, why bother learning to kick or standup grapple? Right?
In boxing since people know how to fight they punch harder than you average mmafag, so punching in the back of the head is literally letal
There are many cases of boxers dying from other boxers from rabbit punching, in MMA it isn't illegal because nobody knows how to punch there anyway
try harder, shitskin
>hurr durr I will use my special techniques in a street fight
Lmao, in a street fight there are no rules, a street fight with rules wouldn't be a real fight
So in a street fight all your training is useless because i can use some weapon or fight in a closed space without room and then you can't do shit KEK
>hurr durr i'm more manly because i can fight under certain rules but i can't proof my worth in a millenial century combat sport
Pathetic hahahahaha
they might punch harder because the gloves weigh 2x-3x as much...
I'm an mma fag, but I don't think it would be strictly better in a street fight. The only times I've ever been in a fight my ground skill was useless because
>nigger had friends that would've kicked the shit out of me
>nigger had a knife and the only valid tactic was the 1000m dash
>nigger had a knife AND friends
Humm, no sweetie, they actually uses heavier gloves as safety in sparring and use lighter gloves for heavier punches
You don't even know how to punch do you? lighter gloves mean more speed which is more power, you can actually get more power from speed rather than mass, it's more efficient
KEK how is user coping? Mayweather won, and you're upset on a Mongolian sneaker trading board
Amerifats and wannabe plastic paddys are the only tards who have ever considered the Irish white.
shitposting in more than one thread i see?
The fight summarized:
>The ref yelling "FLOYD KEEP YER HEAD UP" x100
>Mayweather running at McGregor to clinch or turning around when he's getting punched
I don't even care about who won, but it was really boring after I saw that Mayweather was just going to play keepaway all match.
Thanks goodness you aren't that dumb then.
>watching the match now
How is this a fucking fight? The ref literally buts in every time there's something happening.
It's basically golf
Nigger that's called defense
>your hand to hand combat skills don't work because I can move the goalposts
I hate this stupid fucking argument. I've seen and been in many fights, usually at parties and outside of clubs and nobody ever pulls a fucking weapon. If you know how to fight you win fights you fucking stooge.
Big part of the reason Mayweather is so vilified
People want to see knockouts and brutality. That's just not Mayweather