Post what you are doing
Rest Day General
drinking coffee, browsing Veeky Forums and thinking of which jap cartoons to watch
didn't have to go to gym so I slept in an extra 10 minutes.
will steadily do pyramid reps on pullups today to keep active
Just had a mental fap to the titcow at the bagel shop. Gonna smoke some pot a shirk all my responsibilities for the day
literally nothing
caffeine overdosing, binge eating, self hating and cardio skipping
I just did some cardio and some push ups.
Gonna head to the winery down the street and enjoy a few glasses.
normie detected
I had to go today
>fucking gym closed for bank holiday REEEE etc
I did hanging leg raises and crunches and gonna run a half mile for my rest day
meal prepping
shouldnt you faggots be doing the same?
Playing league, streaming games, and fasting for 24 hrs to recover from binge eating yesterday, fuck me...
I go to the winery and read a book and drink some wine.
eating cookies, drinking water, shitposting on the Chan
I was oversleeping now I guess I'll watch anime as I shovel enormous amounts of food into my mouth
from a plastic bottle?
I'm skipping rest day in homage to Rich. I'm gonna destroy my arms it's gonna be hard time trying to wash my hair afterwards.
Update. I actually did abs and ran a mile
Cook, eat, jerk off, nap, have a couple beers, bath, foam roll.
My condolences
Went to Mass, going to read for a while, maybe clean my room, watch a movie or something, take a walk, and go to sleep early. Enjoy your Sunday, bros
I just have anime and SoundCloud
Drank from plastic bottles in school lunch my whole life
replaying dragon age 2 and watching some nfl pre-season
this is me I guess minus the caffeine
I just sat on a bike for the first time after skipping cardio for months and I am now wheezing after 5 minutes.
This is my only way to work which starts in a couple weeks. Wat do?
>last days of NEET life
>rest days include shitposting, vidya and psychology/philosophy podcasts
Cardio and core
Laundry, Drink a beer or two. Food prep depnding on if it's wednesday, friday, saturday or sunday
>I just sat on a bike for the first time after skipping cardio for months and I am now wheezing after 5 minutes. Are you using the particularly taxing settings? I was a gaming-addicted NEET of a decade, with a well developed beergut, several energy and stamina affecting health conditions, and I could pretty much zone out on the exercise bike for two hours on a low-mid setting. Worst I had at the end was sore thighs and a sore ass from the seat.
Not trying to run you down, just genuinely curious. It seems odd. I mean, by skipping cardio do you mean being in hospital and bedridden?
>Having a rest day
Never gonna make it
nah, I think I felt really anxious as well. I can run for an hour but I am constantly tired. I think I have some heart problems or something, even though I"m skinny and never could eat too much food let alone fast food anyway.
Be careful user, maybe see a doctor. Do you sleep well? Sleep apnea seems to be stupidly common these days. I know several people with it, and my social circle can be counted on two hands.
I slept at saturday at 4.30 pm (my saturday workout was 30 km biking and 10 km running) , woke up at 7.30, went shooting , got home, slept for 2 hours, went to a beach party, met a girl and arranged a date, now im home prepping my stuff becase i work again at 6
thanks for the concern I guess. I think I don't have sleep apnea, since it is accompanied by snoring which I never did.
I think it is more in line with how out of shape I am, despite going to the gym 3 times a week. Always have been.
God I hate rest days
Same,I literally feel empty inside