Why are Highlanders so romanticised?
Why are Highlanders so romanticised?
there's something poetic about a culture of honor rooted in such a beautiful landscape and most of the time they're presented almost as an anachronism.
Because there’s only one of them
>there's something poetic about a culture of honor
Because they're extinct.
>Scots are a warrior nation
>Losses to the fucking B*ngs
Scotland went into the union with England willingly because they were financially fucked and the only way to get out of that hole was to pair with the English.
It's their culture and roots same reason why Mexicans romanticize pancho vía and just completely ignore the fact that he butchered villages to get the attention of the U.S government or the fact that he conscripted poor farmers at gun point
the dramatic landscape, poetic culture, and yeh what other people have said ITT. In this day and age I would say that outside of scotland (honestly for all I know barely anyone there cares anymore), the only romanticisng of highlanders is taking place by americans claiming 1/68 scottish ancestry who don't actually know anything about scottish history and highland culture anyway.
Nah Germans seem to love them, aswell as the other anglo colonies.
Mel Gibson
>Nah Germans seem to love them,
Why is that? I wonder if they see a resemblance to their ancient culture but they feel to ashamed to directly admire their own ancestors.
I wonder how many germans in 2050 will admire scottish highlanders or even know what they are
>but they feel to ashamed to directly admire their own ancestors.
50 years of guilt tripping propaganda will do that to you.
This guy named Robbie Burns and a bunch of other Romantics wrote a bunch of shit and people have been jerking off to it ever since.
>Scotland loses to Britain
People always say this but I've never been convinced by it as an argument. Ramsay, Burns, Scott, Hogg, et al. were all Lowlanders. Their works primarily glorified Lowland Scottish culture and language, sometimes in addition to but more often as the expense of the Highlands.
They were responsible for the romanticism associated with Scotland as a whole, but the only one who ever wrote anything particularly focused on the Highlands was Scott.
Wrote my undergraduate dissertation on this topic, there's a lot of political baggage associated with it but as an outsider I think I've given it a fair shake.
The Highlands represented a very isolated and exotic culture that was still reasonably close to home, but importantly, they still had the trappings of statehood that made them more appealing to a foreign eye than, say, the Irish. They had the social means to export their culture as a kind of commodity, which is why appreciation of Highland culture wasn't just limited to England, but spread to places like Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Italy, Austria and especially France (Napoleon was reportedly obsessed with them).
Why is it that the Jacobites are romanticised as an anti-English force, when the vast majority of Scotland also opposed them?
I always figured it was the same reason Native Americans are so romanticized, despite everything thats happened to them at the hands of the US, they've essentially been immortalized in American Culture
Lowlanders at this point were a lot more Anglicised than people realise. Scots was no longer spoken in most of the country, most native Lowland customs were derided as backward or primitive, and many of them had taken to calling themselves Northern Britons and other similar terms. So people don't really see Lowlanders from this period as being real Scots, which is somewhat unfair but the Lowlanders themselves would probably agree that they weren't.
As for Highland opposition to the Jacobites, people have the idea, partly due to the Jacobites' own propaganda and partly because there's a grain of truth in it, that Highlanders who opposed the Jacobites were cowed into doing so or only did so because their traditional Clan enemies had become Jacobites, and that Highlanders who sided with the government forces were somehow selling out their countrymen, so they get purged from the historical narrative.
I may be wrong, but I've always interpreted that war war as a religious war, being Scottish, Irish or English came second to being protestant or catholic.
>why are knights so romanticized
>why are vikings so romanticized
>why are legions so romanticized
>why are cowboys so romanticized
>why are pirates so romanticized
>why are samurai and ninjas so romanticized
>why are rambo-style green berets so romanticized
>why is anonymous so romanticized
the answer to your question and all of these is "they are out model of manliness at the time"
this Anglos have a tendency to glorify enemies with fewer numbers and resources. It makes their defeats less humiliating.
they more like welsh back then then scots
>but the only one who ever wrote anything particularly focused on the Highlands was Scott.
Scott was the most widely read novelist across Europe at the time, jk Rowling equivalent. He's responsible along with some of the fake poetry.
Scotland seemed to exist in the romantic imagination kind of like India to today's gap year students
There's so much great romantic music by bruch and mendelsohn etc celebrating this fake idea of Scotland being the last outpost of wildness in Europe.
German here. Nobody here gives a fuck beyond the Mel Gibson movie
Probably because politics is hard and boring. Historical politics even more so. Boiling it down to just "The Scottish" vs "The English" is easier for brainlets to understand.
>Absolutely ass-blasted over superior men and tactics.
Actually the Scottish parliament was split three ways between ayes, nays and abstentions. there was a considerable amount of blackmail, bribery and threats behind the Act of Union, king George had been wanting to dissolve the Scottish parliament long before the Darrien scheme, he found it annoying.
Oh, and the public were dead against it. There were riots.
>King George
Could you provide a link to your paper so i could read it please? Fascinated by Scotland. Really interesting evolution of a specific type of identity
>Actually the Scottish parliament was split three ways between ayes, nays and abstentions.
I'd also like to read it, that sounds like an interesting take.
I would also love to read that.
not least as I'm writing a research paper on the subject of romanticisation and myth, and its impact on research on scottish archaeology, for a peer-reviewed paper, and would love to see more of what others have said before.
bump for these
Jacobites did nothing wrong, long live the true King of England, Scotland and Ireland James II.
just curious as a young and doubtless naive gap year student about to go travelling - what's the reality like? Is it just like being at home, but not at home?
It's like any other part of the UK only with less jobs, half the people are farmers and hunting, horse riding etc are more popular hobbies.
not him but barry coward's book on stuart england explains this. scots were cajoled, coerced or bribed by english mps. you can't say that the scottish political elite didn't benefit from the deal, but there were factions dead against it anyway.
because they are the princes of the universe
t. Huertista
endless testosterone and giant fucking swords that will cut off multiple heads at once. They also nearly kicked the b*ngs out of Ireland by allying with their Celtic brethren in a war that was viewed by some as the second coming of King Arthur, pic related, kicking out the foreign invaders and re establishing Britain's greatness.
not that guy but check pic related
It's American hours then
beautiful trip and dub combo, you stabbed this thread in the heart and killed it dead.
Unlike most Americans I view Robert the Bruce as the main protagonist of Scottish history though.
He was a frog tho
Walter Scott's novels were probably a big part of it.
A really fucked up, obsolete culture often gets romaticized about four generations after its demise (about the time that everyone who remembers it is dead.).
See Gone with the Wind for the Confederacy, what stormfags are trying to do for the Nazis, or the way some idiots idealize 1950s America.
But he fought for the freedom of Gaelic people from the yoke of perfidious albion.
In 1998 The United States Congress resolved that the US Declaration of Independence has been modeled on the Declaration of Arbroath. It was further resolved that April 6th was from that day on officially National Tartan Day in commemoration of that famous document.[13]
Robert the Bruce was so epic that the strongest nation on the planet decided to have a LARP national holiday in remembrance.
In 1998 The United States Congress resolved
Robert the Bruce was the most based figure in medieval history. He personally killed his cuck archenemy, John Comyn, in a fucking church leading to him being excommunicated by the pope, which was later receded when he won the war against England. When England brought their heavy cavalry to fight the Scots army, he lured them into a fucking bog where they were slaughtered, arrogantly believing that capturing castles were the key to winning Scotland. Before the battle of bannockburn started, he personally decapitated Henry de Bohun, a beta English knight, with a battleaxe after Henry charged at him with a lance. Is that the end though? I think not. After Scotland was independent he sent a large portion of his army to Ireland to aid in the revolution of their Gaelic cousins against the bongs. Unfortunately it was led by Robert's brother, Edward, who lacked the expertise to win that campaign, despite defeating the Bongs in many battles.
He murdered some guy then ran away until some spider convinced him to come back
At the end the story is partly historic reality, partly legend, the border is vague and much stays unclear. In general it is interpreted as a story of keeping faith confronted with overwhelming odds and thus finally being rewarded by success.
But one thing is absolutely sure about the whole story: to leave the cave, Bruce must have destroyed the web across the cave's entrance... So all the try, try and try again was futile in the end, as it was in Scotish history.
What edition of the book?
This, the song Hail to the Chief comes from Scott's Lady of the Lake
>Gone with the Wind for the Confederacy,
And amusingly a lot of the southern confederate ideas about chivalry etc came from Walter Scott's romanticised image of the middle ages and the Highlands. The cycle of retardation continues
because some highlander nigger lived until now and wrote about how cool they were
And yet the Campbells are still hated in the highlands
No, sorry, I mean King William.
Outlander is pretty comfy
>re establishing Britain's greatness
>the English proceed to make Britain the greatest country in the world while scots and irish rebel and bitch the whole time
>can't win the Scottish throne for himself
>has to submit to Edward I's judgement
>expecting pathetic third worlders to get their nomenclature right
>highland clearances were scotland v england
this is a board for people who like history
Most of Robert the Bruce's ancestry was Anglo-Norman, including his paternal lineage
Lowlander Scot is not Highlander
The Scottish are Anglo Saxons. We are talking about Highlanders here
At this point highland culture is 100% dead, there's no highlanders left and the Scottish highlands are pretty beautiful wilderness with a few campsites and nice hotels, virtually no trace of their existence to be found though
your pic related was a fucking psychopath who took an already de-stablized nation and tried to lead through fear and intimidation. Bruce was a bigger cunt than any English king was to Scotland. Hell, during the 1307 - 1313 period he exclusively targeted his own Scots rather than the fucking English.
because they are the real rulers of Scotland(literally means land of the Gaels). Its what people imagine when they think of Scottish culture. Nobody likes the inbred mongrel bastard lowlanders
if highlanders are so great why couldn't they rule their own country? They left all the "civilisation" business to lowlanders while they had petty clan fights and shagged sheep
>Unfortunately it was led by Robert's brother, Edward, who lacked the expertise to win that campaign
Talk about an understatement. The dumb bastard charged an army thrice his size even when the Irish lords said don't be a retard and wait for reinforcements.
>They left all the "civilisation" business to lowlanders while they had petty clan fights and shagged sheep
And they had democracy through their clan system and democratized the means of productions, not like those filthy subhuman scum anglos with their hierarchical exploitation
Still wrong
Nah, William III got pissed with the Scottish parliament when they demanded to be given a copy of the report into the Glencoe Massacre. It was under his government that moves were first made to dissolve the scottish parliament
Even the English are barely Anglos Saxons really.
The Scots are Celts.
Not on about the clearances though om on about the Jacobites being put down and Bongs subjugating the scots
>vast majority
That’s a wild exaggeration, parts of the country did, however much of the population wanted to end the union with England
To be fair, many of the Scots he killed were being bribed by Edward and later his son and if he wanted to solidify his position they had to be taken out or the country would be annexed like Wales. Scotland was
>took an already de-stablized nation
It was destabalised because Edward kept trying to fucking annex it, the only reason it wasn't was because the clergy in Scotland played the long game.
Campbell here
got those faggots lmao