
Ok fit for the period of two years I have tried at least 10 different methods from dieting to different cremes but nothing seemed to work properly,in two weeks I am going to take my first roaccutane pill any tips ?

My joints are still fucked up from taking that shit over 10 years ago. Enjoy.

Thanks made me feel much better

Buy moisturizer and lip balm now, you might need vaseline for your nose. Drink a LOT of water.

Anyone who says the sides are awful were on retarded doses

20mg ed is more than enough for severe cysts

My upper arms look like your back.

My suggestion would be to get a little sun on the problem areas, plus pay attention to your diet.

Thanks ,I will tell my derm

I had same shit. Went for a month to Egypt and burnt my skin the fuck off. Took an excursion to Israel and paddled around in the dead sea and fucked some nose goddesses too.

It's all been good since then, although I can tell that britbong environment is not good for your skin.

Currently slowly falling for the keto meme
I don't want to go out shirtless with this shit on my back lol

They're not badly fucked, the worst is mostly that one of my ankles pops constantly when I walk.

Well I was thinking about burning it ,at the end of the day cool battle scar looks much better than acne

>I don't want to go out shirtless with this shit on my back lol

You could try sunbathing in your backyard?

I live in stalker wasteland known as eastern europe

well then, nothing can save you.

You got alot of refugees there?

this is all you need to know

you could try eating dairy products at least for a month and see if it helps

No almost no dindus in my city but tons of degenerates it is just a matter of time for us to get cucked

Tried for a 1,5 month straight it just got worse lol

I'd recommend for you to don't, but it seems you already down that road. Used it myself and don't recommend. My other recommendations: Cut either carbs or fats, personally would choose carbs, cold showers, some form of cardio, if needed creams for you skin and drink watah


I'm only 17 y.o I think it is just my hormones

Do you have some bad experiences with accutane?

Yes, maybe, didn't happen to me and I'm not saying it can happen to you, but shit tier skin can last past adulthood. All of those can combat it, taking the medication will prevent you from doing some while being able to fuck you up in the process, the side effects after you finish using it can be aggravated by environmental(drinking/bad diet) or genetic(some time later your body starts play a bitch on you) reasons. Also, there's a slight possibility of the effects coming back, I after some time I bet you wouldn't be down for another round of Accutane.
Some, but from my pov it is a extreme measure to take more than anything. Not saying OP didn't do enough but in this case there's always more things to do before deciding to use it.

Accutane is not the answer. For real, it's like nuking your body for some treatable pimples

Looks depressing.

shut the fuck up

>t. never had severe facial acne
accutane is a life saver

For some Accutane is the only answer. Please don't be the normie who says "bro just wash your face and stop eating chocolate".

FWIW I took accutane when I was 17 , 50mg a day for 7 months ( being 80kg at that time so around 0,65mg/kg ) not a enormous dose as I've seen people going at 80 to 120 mg ed with a lower body weight .
I'm now 20 and slowly slowly starting to recover of what isotretinoin did to me: ED, zero libido, joint pain, anhedonia, hair loss, facial changes, insomnia, chronic fatigue, shrinkage. The list goes on.
In before, this WONT happen to anyone that take accutane, that's for sure . Me and the others that got those side effects after that treatment are a minority .

But before taking it, I was perfectly healthy . You can't know what this drug will do to you . I'm now 20 and far from cured . This is my everyday fight , researching, gathering anecdotal experience, taking action, trying a lot of things .
But, even though I'm fucked by this drug and made life unbearable for me at one point , especially when it all appeared. Again, you ll be able to take this drug with no complication afterwards, but that's a risk .

Tl:dr : I took this drug, it ruined me. However, I'll recover in a few years and be thankful for what it did to me seeing the priceless changes and strongness this story brought me.

I can accutane when I cycle. I had bad back and chest acne as a kid, so I'm hyper vigilant when I start getting cysts.

1) Do not take any via A, at all if your doc has you on huge doses(80mg+ a day)
2)Low doses work well for treating acne, high doses for 3+ months will get rid of it forever.
3)High doses are miserable, drink dnp levels of water, dont cycle orals or drink, get chapstick and use it every few hours, sleep with Vaseline on your lips, get some good lotion oil based is fine here your going to be drier than the Sahara.
4) Dont expect to kiss anyone or go on first dates, your lips will be past chapped, I mean like cracked and bleeding 24/7.
5)It usually takes ~2wks-1month to start seeing results.

How old? I can't say I had bad acne compared to others growing up, never had cystic acne or anything but I had pretty bad back acne def worse than what i'm seeing in that pic. Mine completely when away when I was like 18-19 though I can't really remember

It works extremely effectively, but keep in mind that there will definitely be side effects. Mine were mostly nose bleeds, dry skin, and general fatigue.

Seems comfy.

What do you mean?.

Stop being a bitch

Been on Accutane twice, I know what it's does and what severe cyctic acne can feel like.

Look at his back. You think thats an accutane only solution? It's not some magic bullet, there's a reason why he's breaking out and he sure as hell doesn't need to fuck with Accutane in his state.

Just got done with an 8 month cycle. Unless your doctor is an idiot you won't see any long term effects. You will some some side effects while taking it. YOU WILL GET DRY SKIN/LIPS. You may get some joint paint for anywhere from a couple weeks to a couple months. A few unfortunate people have it the entire cycle. You may have to change your diet to cut out foods high in vitamin A. You may develop symptoms of depression.

For me I took the lowest dose possible based on the total amount I can take based on my weight in an 8 month plan. They should start you on a dose HALF the dosage of you nominal one for the first month. It helps ease you into it. For me I was supposed to take 60mg, they started me on 30mg for the first month. Keep up with your blood test, and follow the rules regarding them. They are there to make sure your liver isn't shitting out on you.

>In the first week I experience some dry skin
>In the second week my lips stated chapping easily
>Third week my skin, hair, lips were severely dry. My mucus membranes( nose/eyes) were also dry
>half way into the 2n'd month (now on 60mg) my joints started to ache, mostly my knees and wrists.
>3rd month the joint pain somewhat subsided
>4th month joint pain hardly noticeable, I started to experience feeling of tiredness

Its pretty much stayed that way until I got off it, then everything worked its way out of my system after a month. Now I'm back to normal with no acne.

>cetaphil lotion and wash
>don't exfoliate, use a gently rag if you need to slew flaky skin off
>get good lip balm, I used burts bees ultra
>Vaseline for nose and synthetic tears for eyes
>Get a leave in moisturizing conditioner or hair oil
>Regular pain killers for joint pain

If a symptom becomes absolutely unbearable just ask the doc to knock to dosage down a bit. But I found all of these fairly manageable as long as I stayed on top of my routine.

The results were hella worth it for me

I had to take it. It was genetic. My father had this shit until his late 30's and he looks like the surface of the moon. My diet was great (which doesn't actually do much) and I had good skin routine (which does a good bit). Cystic acne is just a bitch.

Had to do two cycles, about 6-7 months of 30mg/day. Kept lifting normally, didn't experience any joint pain or injuries. Just beware of the sun, for me it was enough to stand 1 minute in direct sunlight to get sunburns. Other than that, spent about a stick of lip balm per week and had to take eye drops because of the dryness. I had cystic acne on my back, chest and jawline, and social gains after I fixed that are immense.

Face wash and topicals can only do so much. It is certainly not a magic bullet. For some people who got the genetic short straw they might not do anything at all. Even if they are doing everything else right. You can have a clean shirt on 24/7 and change the moment you sweat. Clean sheets, fresh towels on pillow, top of the line products and still get these little cysts.

Diet does very little for acne and all of the idea surrounding it are pseudo science pushed by teen magazines. The only thing a change in diet can help with is improving the overall health of you skin, but it will do little to fight acne. Finding out if you have a food allergy or intolerance my help, but only in so much as to help curb inflammation.

Accutane is the only proven way to treat the source of acne instead of just curbing it or minimizing the symptoms. If you get a good doctor that you can communicate well with they can get you on a great dosage plan, with as little side effects as possible, and hopefully permanent results.

My own doctor did my cycle in such a way as to make the results have a very high chance of being permanent. I communicated my symptoms to my doctor twice a month (at the monthly visit and on the phone), so that she could change my dose if necessary. If you actually talk to your doctor and tell them whats happening to you it drastically reduces the discomfort in the short and long term.

take 20mg every day if you dont want to experience shitty side effects.

prepare to balm your lips every few hours, they get dry to the point where it hurts and bleeds.

swallow the shit after you ate oily foods.

drink a lot of water afterwards. If it gets stuck in your food pipe ur rekt.
ull get more acne when you start, but at one point it will vanish and only get better from then on


Thanks for the tips vros

Yeah my doctor was an idiot when I did a 2nd cycle of accutane. I think he had me on a ridiculous dosage and never had blood work done. That's probably why my joints are a bit fucked. I also have digestive issues that I suspect are caused by it too, but it's hard to say.

>in two weeks I am going to take my first roaccutane pill any tips ?
Yes. Try to find ANY MEDICAL ALTERNATIVE WHATSOEVER other than that fucking POISON. It will fuck up your body in the long term in ways you won't like. Do your research!