Why is yoga so popular with Women? Why don't more men do yoga?

Because stretching and flexibility are memes not based in science, and it's gay lol.

Ive been just wondering if getting fucked in the ass is the same like shitting but in reverse, you look like someone who could tell me.

I used to do yoga with a friend of mine. Can't do it this semester since of my work schedule

You sure sound like a well rounded individual there hombre...

Yoga is for siddhis, not for showing off your ass. Women are fucking retards.

Women like being told what to do whereas men prefer individual pursuits

>dude has a question
>calls him stupid instead of answering his question

>stretching and flexibility are memes not based in science

Holy shit

Hot yoga is basically just a sauna, and more about balance than flexibility... which can be addressed with diet.

I don't even know what hot yoga is. I tried Yoga myself and I let it because I can do it better with some stretchins and I can't meditate.
Saying that stretching and flexibility are memes...