Who is into it? It is great way to get around, but I feel like the constant cardio is sapping my gains and keeping me in ottermode.
Also, pic related is new goal body.
Who is into it? It is great way to get around, but I feel like the constant cardio is sapping my gains and keeping me in ottermode.
Also, pic related is new goal body.
Other urls found in this thread:
pic related is gay or atleast bi
So what?
Confirmed biking makes you crave dick.
And what's wrong with craving dick?
Would like to cycle, but the roads in my city are absolute shit and drivers use the bike lanes as a shoulder
He is an overratted aids infested faggot
I like to bike.
Knee currently fucked abit tho.
(I like exclusively cis-female homo sapien pussy, also.)
(Well, and all of their relative wet holes also, for that matter)
I'm really into mountainbiking since some of my colleagues took me on a weekend to the Austrian alps a couple of years ago. Great hobby, but can get really expensive if you'd like to have good equipment.
During summer, I like doing outdoor stuff with friends like biking, swimming, beachvolleyball,... so I don't have as much time to go to the gym as in the colder months of the year. I try to focus on cardio, while maintainig strength in one half of the year, and vice versa in the other.
Exhaustion is another point. I'm in my thirties now, with wife and kids, and after biking for couple of hours, I don't feel like adding another exhausting workout in the gym.
only short HIT sessions, legs blowing up anyways though
Tfw when the stationary bike and that one machine where you stand and move the arm thing and legs leave your knees feeling like shit
I think cardio needs to be phased down to "casual walk" unless I want to blow out my knees
Carlets. When will they learn?
Protein.. like 150g-300g.
the appropriate term is cager
You need high cadence, or you have severe arthritis.
>Protein.. like 150g-300g.
So a high protein diet is going to magically make a body forget that it has been excercising for a couple of hours?
Any sources for me to read on that claim?
I bike everyday but I also gomad so no gainz ever lost.
I'm only mid 20s mate doubt it's severe arthritis. We have shitty knees in my family.
your lack of eating is what keeps you small dyel
Pic you used for thread asking if biking takes away muscle gains is, fagot manlet riding bright red bike kek
its okay to be gay user, go suck those dicks
Protein provides not only fuel, but cellular respiration through tryptophan into B3 into NAD.
That's obviously rate limited to the low amount of tryptophan in food; but this amino acid, L-phen, and antioxidants are listed in that link.
I've cycled in a hilly area basically my entire youth out of sheer necessity
and I think as a result I'm pretty good at leg exercises. Either that or it's one of my few genetic advantages.
Anyway, I live in a flat area now and I see people on bicycles struggle for even the tiniest slope at a bridge or tunnel
thanks, hills
I like it.
I just finished making a Frankenstein bike out of my two broken bikes.
Basically I took the wheels, chain, and shifter from my cruiser and swapped them on my mountain bike.
It still has three chainrings but I only use the big one, not like I could switch anyways, derailers are gone.
Chain is loose as fuck and the back wheel needs to be trued but otherwise I hope it won't get me killed.
If you want to keep your gains just eat whatever you burn when you bike, it's easy.
There is a nice biking trail in my town. Riding real hard on rest days is pretty fun. It's all the benefits of cardio without joint stress and it's fun as fuck to zoom around on a single speed. Ain't gonna commute though because no doubt you'll get run the fuck over. Arnold still rides his bike to the gym.
heh nothing personell kid. Will drive extra slowly tomorrow when you try to overtake me.
Guys, kinda unrelated, but today I was riding my bike and I was pushing it, while I was on the bike I felt great. But when I got out off my bike I could barely move, I had to use the wall as a support, and when I entered my house I almost vomited, what happened? Also I'm skinny as fuck
biking is a pretty fun way to start exercising when you're fat, would recommend
Your blood sugar was super low.
You depleted all your glycogen during your ride and literally "hit the wall" when you were done.
You gotta get good sleep and have a meal before you go on tough rides.
You literally learn this in the first episode of Long Riders!
I want to get into it this year since I hate running.
But what kind of bike do I need to get for training my cardio in an urban area? I don't want to use it for going to work or anything like that. Just training my cardio the weekend. I know that in reality, any bike would do but I want to make this in the most optimal way
Also I don't know if it matters but my right knee is fucked up.
Thank you very much
400$ hybrid bike at local bike shop
dont get a walmart bike
Will biking make my legs grow taller. Even if by half an inch.
No, but if you have your bike set up for gottagofast then you will sit on the bike higher than how you stand normally.
Your feet shouldn't be able to touch the ground if your ass is on the seat unless you are leaning over.
For bikers, good skill to learn is countersteering it helps in riding bike more safely and easy to turn.
>How to:
>constant cardio
Wut? Bicycle was invented to make traveling easier. Unless you feel walking is killing your gains.
Bikes are for fags.
There are no exceptions.
>having to watch a tutorial to learn how to countersteer
truly we live in the age of the autist
Do you know this girl IRL? I'm rock hard
that is every city
I do the half year riding, half year lifting thing too
try it for a few day and see how that works out for you... guess what its not nearly as easy as it was to type it out
>I've cycled in a hilly area basically my entire youth out of sheer necessity
and I think as a result I'm pretty good at leg exercises. Either that or it's one of my few genetic advantages.
we call that bonking
This is not a motorcycle thread.
This is Veeky Forums. Everybody's too much of a bitch to ride higher than a 50cc
I've been riding ever since i was a kid, mostly mtb now.
Go over to /n/ for advice about bikes and some advice if you need it as this thread won't be up very long as Veeky Forums are mainly fat fucks.
personaly i dont use it for transport as much as i used to, now i just go on a ride along the canal, do some sprints and hop onto a couple of trails for fun.
been thinking of getting a road bike for a while though, always used to laugh at them but i now see the appeal.
"Men do it, women do it. It can't be all bad if everyone is doing it."
-George Carlin
I might not have a choice, might be getting my license suspended for a while. So, today I biked to my grandparents' place. Ten mile round trip. Not bad, actually.
>almost got hit by a speeding spicy that ran a stop light
I guess I should ride some place safer
Anyone else scared to bike around town? I don't want to get hit by a car haha...
Isn't that what sidewalks are for?
>Isn't that what sidewalks are for?
riding on sidewalks is much more dangerous than practicing proper lane control in a road
not only is a sidewalk very dangerous to bike on, its illegal
Same but my left knee. I have a flat bar road bike, 27 speed. Raise and lower seat and adjust handlebars til you find a comfy position. Push hard but not with your knees. I ride with knee braces just in case
Also, go to Veeky Forums
Craigslist a used steel frame road bike and fix it up. Under no circumstances should anyone buy a Walmart bike
Learned this on my motorcycle. It applies to bikes as well once you're hauling some serious ass
...alright, I'll bite. How so?
>Veeky Forums
Meant /n/
Why are you gay shaming people?
Craigslist. 100$ and a few tools and grease will go a long way.
Also nothing wrong with a walmart bike if you get it set up properly and don't do ridiculous shit on it. Pic related is my 10 yo walmart mountain bike I have put over 10k miles on. Learn maintanece like packing bearings and trueing wheels and avoid doing stupid shit on it and you should be good.
I ride a Honda Shadow 1100, just fyi.
Welcome to Veeky Forums
Take some type of candy with you.
Dad told me a story from when he used to cycle. Hit his wall and one of his friends handed him a butterscotch.
It's enough to get you home without you falling off your bike.
Ok, so does he have nudes? What is his name?
Pedestrians are fucking idiots and won't know how to handle you riding at them.
Sidewalks are full of holes and cracks that can give you a pinch flat, bend your rim, or easily fling you out into the street
Crossing low visibility intersections is more dangerous
Being in the street is the same as going below the speed limit in a car.
Sure you're an asshole, but everyone can see where you are. You also have more control over whether or not you get into an accident.
Eh, it´s enjoyable. I bike to and from gym everyday and my gains have always been upping, just make sure you eat like 200+ calories more.
Biking home after doing legs is pain on another level.
that bike looks like absolute shit
>no u