Solipsism is like the black hole of philosophy. It really fuck with my head..
How do you really know if anything is real?
Our senses and our minds are how we interpret the world around us, but both these things can be fooled in a number of ways (drugs, mental disorders, etc.).
So tell me, is there really any proof that anything objectively exists? How do you refute solipsism??
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To the OP, you are a product of my mind, if I am braindead then you don't exist. And if you can repeat this sentence consciously then congrats....solipsism is still not disproved and ur answer is still a product of my mind.
And btw why am I not you and why am I myself? It's not fair these questions should be asked.
How is it not fair? Is it just beyond our current evolutionary ability to comprehend the idea of a quantifiable consciousness? What even is consciousness for that matter and how do you prove anything has is??
I literally go by the criteria of waking up every morning. Waking up to the same reality means I exist 100%.
That's the whole point tho. You know you exist because you are consciously experiencing reality, but how do you know that anything else actually exists? Think of the Matrix for a simple example of this.
Because there hasn't happened anything supranatural in my life and there are no signs of the matrix' borders or exits. I just go with absurdism desu
I mean really Absurdism is the only realistic argument against Solipsism. It just seems like an argument for ignorance tho ya know?
>You're question doesn't have an answer so don't think about it
Makes you wonder is Elon Muskrat is right and we do live in a giant simulation or some shit.. Just kinda weird I guess.
Idk even know anymore, I just go with the flow. Death should be a release from these anxious thoughts, but suicide is bad because there could be something even worse after.
See that's why I'd like to try DMT and other psychedelics at some point cuz I want to see what ego death is like. It seems like the closest you can get to understanding what being anything other than a normal consciousness. I've only read a little about ego death but it seems really interesting..
It's a myth. Escapism wont bring solutions.
What is ego death then?
physical self blockage (of the bodies that producr consciousnesd)
So would it knock me out or let me experience a different level of consciousness then? Just curious.
>different level
many have tried, with various methods and drugs, but all have failed to see the essence of it all. Drugs aren't the answer + they ruin your body
ps i've tried a few
You embrace it by realizing the amazing miracle that parts of the universe have twisted up in such a way that they can observe themselves and parts of the universe around them.
This generally only works on over 3 grams of shrooms though.
Most psychedelics I know of don't mess your body up and so long as you aren't stupid with them you should be fine iirc
I like your thinking. I heard you really experience your emotions on magic mushrooms.
>Waking up to the same reality means I exist 100%.
How do you know you're waking up to the same reality?
How can a record needle know if the record has been changed when the needle is reliant on the record to retrieve information?
>>How do you refute solipsism?
By asking for empirical proof of their assertions. If they don't have any, tell them to fuck off.
Check out
In physics thought experiments, a Boltzmann brain is a self-aware entity that arises due to extremely rare random fluctuations out of a state of thermodynamic equilibrium. For example, in a homogeneous Newtonian soup, theoretically by sheer chance all the atoms could bounce off and stick to one another in such a way as to assemble a functioning human brain (though this would, on average, take vastly longer than the current lifetime of the Universe).
Basically tl:dr- nothingness once produced a single non corporeal brain hallucinating all that we know.
>By asking for empirical proof of their assertions. If they don't have any, tell them to fuck off.
What if you're not an empiricist?
Not all drug use is escapism, some force you to deal with your real issues
Drugs are just a tool, that produce more of what's already present in your body
If it weren't for marijuana, I'd be having nervous breakdowns all the time. Helps mellow me out desu.
I wont eat mushrooms again because my brain is subconsciously convinced that I was hurting them, like they were living people.
Amazed time and time again how people dismiss psychedelics with the lot of all drugs. Just throw away your art, music, culture and religions while you're at it. Not suggesting that everyone jump into the deep-end but you can't deny the depths of the the human mind and the tools of exploration.
Enlighten me on how to use these tools to explore myself..
Many substances offer introspective states and realizations not by necessarily making one smarter, but shifting the perspective of observation, seeing things with a fresh pair of eyes.
Lasting theraputic benefits, fighting depression, regaining appetite, etc.
Besides just therapeutic.
Many artists, writers, scientists, religious and spiritual figures have used psychedelics to further their works, or find inspiration.
Drugs aren't the destination they are just a tool in exploring...
Unironically based.
>dude all your culture was made with psychedelics LOL
>Solipsism is like the black hole of philosophy
Solipsism is an exploration on the limitations of human language in describing the totality of existence. The map will never be the countryside, and the foundations of all human knowledge are ultimately acts of trust.
Damn.. That makes a lot of sense actually.
I always thought this shit was obvious.
Drugs do not actually physically alter reality as you can confirm when you are sober.
I do artwork under the influence and after the influence... Posting my original watercolor /pen works
cool man.
We derive meaning from the world by interacting with it using our senses.
Human experience is essentially bio-psychological in nature. As long as the 'reality' around us seems sound enough to exist in by human standards it is fine and is real enough.
That's why I prefer Stoicism