Sup Veeky Forums

sup Veeky Forums
im 23 years old, 190cm tall and I weigh 85kg.

i workout for about 3 weeks now, every monday, wednesday and friday and I do 5x5 stronglifts
my problem is that im fucking skinnyfat and i store all my fat on my chest(my nips are usually a bit more swollen) and hips(which are wide af)
i've already lost 5kg but im now wondering if i should keep on losing weight or should i gain some mass and muscles instead?
halp cuz im very motivated and i really want to look good but man i wish i had normal body type


your body type is normal as fuck dude

Holy shit you can have so many children with them hips

read the sticky you skinnyfat dumbfuck


You are a skinny child, and skinny children should bulk. Drink a gallon of milk a day and drop two sets off those exercises, son.

right gon do

Fucking lift weights, eat at a deficit, and lift 6 days a week. Eat enough protein. You'll lose fat and gain muscle and slowly transform into a decent looking thing.

so why are my hips wider than my chest?
makes sense mate
i wanted to to lose weight really bad to say goodbye to my tits and belly but i guess thats not a good idea

last 2 pics were made after training

Do exactly this, do not fucking bulk OP you're turbo skinnyfat right now on the edge of being a fat fuck

thanks guys
thats what Im doing right now but I have to focus on my diet more
I just eat at a deficit now and i dont eat junk food but i feel like im eating less proteins than I should
I appreciate your help

They are because you're a fat fuck still. Everyone thinks they have narrow shoulders and a huge pelvis until they get in shape after 2 years or so of actual progress (so 3-4 years for most people). Then they realize your muscle and bf levels make up most of your shoulders/hip ratio

Are you censoring a tattoo or needle injection spots?

I was pretty fucking fat, 185 cm, 125+ kg and I never felt like I had narrow shoulders or a huge pelvis, OP has actual narrow shoulders, not that it can't be improved with lifting and dieting.
t.82 kg on lean bulk

Lad has no muscle on his upper body dude. Ofc his shoulders look narrow

last quick question
should i do cardio at the end of my training or not?

I thought you weren't supposed to lift everyday so that you could give your muscles time to recover

He might be doing a split. I disagree that you don't need full rest days, but you are technically giving certain muscle groups a rest each day.

Full body workouts (SL or SS) should be done only 3 days a week.

You have no muscle and you have high bf%
You need to eat right and workout hard.
Eat at maintenance and make sure you get at least 100g of protons

You look like me when I first started lifting. Now I'm 190kg.

Do a five minute mile on a treadmill before you start, doesn't look like you can yet so whatever you can muster

>i wish i had normal body type

hnng show boipussi right now

Jesus christ you are fucking delusional

Good on you for starting to lift and correcting your body and being the best you, you can be. But you let this whole bulk mentality slip into your mind. Anybody who bulks in the state youre in is only going to get fatter and will not see any muscle. For fucks sake you are bulked LOL.

Here what you should do SL is a meme but its great for beginners
Continue SL but with a caloric deficit
You still make strength gain since youre a beginner
Incorporate 1 cardio day on sunday (run/jog/siwm/row)

Shall we change the name of the board to body dismorphia?