It's all up to him now to lead the youtube fitness industry, isn't it?
It's all up to him now to lead the youtube fitness industry, isn't it?
to be quite honest, aside from being a little bit cringy with the veganism thing, i don't see why people hate him so much
No he is dead
>Losing his hair
It's all about Mark Bell, yo.
MemeGains went from 15 to 35 years old in like a year. What the hell happened
Torch has been passed, we'll all be vegans in 5 years
muscle mass
>Takes shrooms and other shit to feel more spiritual
>Thinks he can make fun of other people doing retarded shit
>Thinks he can make fun of other people doing retarded shit
Infinite Elgintensity does and people don't seem to hate him this much
Le Azn Trap LawMan is actually funny.
Fuck that.
I would much rather take advice from this manlet than listen to the bullshit of a fucking vegan.
Does the guy on the right lift?
nippard is just as shitty, pretending to be "scientific" with low scale studies, i want to believe he isn't roided because of the whole manlet thing going on but since his insecurity is prolly too high because of it chances are he is roiding.
The body part stimulation studies are pretty great tho.
Not eating meat
maybe, but i'd rather listen to smolov, sheiko, lyle mcdonald, wendler and people who actually successfully coached a lot of athletes.
Im not the dude u responded to but no he isn't. He's some manlet that just says the same jokes over and over again. It's funny the first 2 times but then it gets stale as . I don't see how people can watch that unfunny faggot
Poor as FUCK
Wife is ugly as sin, despite shitting on female youtubers for their looks
A psychopath
Reverse fake natty: Does roids to compensate for no meat, yet looks natty
Unaesthetic bod
shat on our boy Pianoman
I'd rather know this guy's story.
He looks non natty but he weighs 160 lbs and has been the same size for years, and comparing him to guys like Lee Priest I'm convinced that Nippard is natty.
>A psychopath
Only valid point.
comparing someone that would be on a low dose and that claims natty to a mr olympia tier dude doesn't make sense at all
what's his ambition?
iron dwarf
I think that its gonna be some retard like bradley martyn because most people who watch youtube and care for fitness persona are teens
Brad isn't a retard. One of the few decent youtubers
He came to eat rice and vegans. And he's running out of rice.
can someone give me a quick rundown on bradley martin?
>Rothschilds bow to the Martyns
>in contact with Rich Piana
>rumoured to possess pumping abilities
>I'm too lazy to do the whole thing
a retard who takes steroids, does gym blog videos and has a nice persona on camera but in real he is cocky and selfless as fuck.
>One of the few decent youtubers
>always make videos over to minutes for more jewtube shekels
>shit videos
C'mon now
Dude he's double digit IQ for sure
so he's the perfect fitness guru for a normie audience
>balding vegan with a mediocre body
>rothschilds bow to the Bradley,
>in contact with Piana and Zyzz,
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities,
>control fitness industry with an iron fist,
>own gyms and GNCs all over the world,
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first supplement stores on Mars (Bradangrad will be be the first city),
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth,
>first designer babies will be Martin Babies,
>said to have 200+ IQ
Im here because I saw the picture on the Veeky Forums homepage and I've got to say that if that picture is real and his arms are that big then that is some seriously awful shit
Some many retards now doing everything they can to be relevant. Seriously, that's ugly as fuck. Don't worry about responding. I just came in to shit on whatever the fuck this is. Please, carry on being tremendous faggots.
I would rather have VG instead of this faggot and that's saying A Lot considering I really hate VG
>being this desperate for attention and ((you))s
>tfw no more zyzz
>tfw no more quad
>tfw no more tiny
>tfw no more rich
>tfw no more god
yes, thats why i picked him as my pokemon
Did you mean selfless?
>roidfags keep dying left and right
>Scooby still doing videos day after day
really makes you think
>Jens the beast
Find out more for yourself, if you desire
our natty lord will never die
are they all dead?
I refuse to believe zyzz is dead
Where was he on the night in question?