Just quit caffeine after around 10 years of constant use...

Just quit caffeine after around 10 years of constant use. I'd probably consume 5 - 10 cups of coffee per day and sometimes other sources like coke. On my second day so far, feel like a zombie with no energy and have crazy headaches. What sort of benefits can I expect? Decided to quit as I was seriously addicted to that shit and needed it to get through the day.

>what sort of benefits can I expect

Caffeine boost your metabolism. So prepare for a couple pounds of fat. Caffeine increases mental cognitive skills. So be prepared to forget stuff and be dumb. Caffeine is an antioxidant so be prepared for illness. Red pill me on caffeine again.

>going cold turkey
pleb option desu. I deload caffeine every three months or so. taper down to about 100mg/day for a week and then drop it completely for one week. then build back up.
>haha you have a caffeine cycling strategy what a fucking autist
guarantee you it works. zero shitty caffeine "withdrawal" effects, minimal impact on gym/life performance

flat Stanley lookin motherfucker in the picture though

T.caffeine shills

>What sort of benefits can I expect?
more money

I'm hoping for my energy levels to improve.

There is no benefit to not having caffeine.

Caffeine increases metabolism. This isn't a vague idea. You literally increase cells oxygen uptake.

You're not feeding an addiction. You're using a substance that holds your metabolism at a high enough level for function.

Stop being a Jew and go drink coffee.

No Crash
No ComicBookCharacterNeedCoffee Meme (aka Addiction)
If it was OK to wear shirts that said
but no because that's infantile and ridiculous enough where we refuse

but also, everything in moderation but especially moderation


Like this user said.

Look, OP, caffeine has some nasty side effects the way you drank it, but it's also not a bad compound to use.
Better kidney functioning, slower resting heart rate, lower blood pressure, decreasing your chances of a stroke, and your chances for a psychotic episode (that's only if you have the predisposition); but you'll also have a slower metabolism, digestive function and train of thought, however, that's just as you recover your functioning without caffeine.

Another benefit I can think of "quitting" is that you will see how much more euphoric you get with a single cup of coffee after six months being off caffeine. From then on, you can alternate month on month off to always keep caffeine euphoric.
You see, as you grow more tolerant, you start releasing less and less dopamine compared to adrenaline. After a few months, it's becomes almost an entirely adrenergic drug (in respect to monoamine neurotransmitters), helping you focus, and increasing your thermogenesis, but no longer improving your mood, but rather, being a necesity.

I have the same body as that kid
i want to die

>Caffeine boost your metabolism. So prepare for a couple pounds of fat

more like a couple of calories

Quitting caffeine cold turkey is going to fuck you up bro. Your mood will be shit, you won't sleep well, you probably will even start getting headaches. You need to ween yourself off of it so you body doesn't go haywire.

I do this too, it's great.

>Better digestion
>No anxiety
>More $$$
>Less cortisol

>Work becomes difficult again (temporarily)
>Workouts suck again (temporarily)
>Constipation (temporarily)
>Maybe losing some antioxidant dose (easily replaced)

why not just be a 1cupper like me

What you should have done was cycled off it every time you built tolerance. there, you get to enjoy the benefits of coffee most of the time

How can i get a body like this?

Nigga you look like EVA 01 Berserk

coffee is a major source of potassium, expect to die from heart disease 15 years sooner now

I've gone through giving up caffeine, and I'll say that the first few days are the worst. That headache will pass. In the end you will sleep better; at night you'll get tired and want to sleep. That sounds like the norm for everyone, but you'll understand what I mean when you experience it.

Don't believe the bullshit about caffeine making you smarter, it just affects your brain's adenosine receptors - a normal cycle of being awake and then at night being tired is normal and long term you'll adjust to this instead of cheating the system by pushing through the tiredness with coffee.