>tfw no gf
Tfw no gf
No reason for gf when you have Veeky Forums.
I'll be your gf
are u a grill ?
I'm a girl (male)
>Be exhausted
>Some short blonde, cute face, big tiddies asks me for directions
>Her voice is unreal. I can't think of any word other than angelic to describe it
>I know I'm staring at her like a retard but I cant stop
>I give her directions and she leaves
>She turns around and sees me staring at her
She came back about 20 minutes later
>'Were you staring at me?'
>'I just wanted to hear your voice some more'
>She giggles and tells me this is the nicest thing she's heard in a long time and we start talking
>After about 3 minutes I apologise for wasting her time because I'm a divorced single father with no money and a shit job
Thanks lover
> You will never experience having a childhood female friend who you walked to school and back home together with everyday and just enjoy each other's company and at which at the end of the day before you split she waves and tells you and she will see you tomorrow.
>tfw had gf but she cheated on me
fuck man
All you have to do is lower your standards user. Best thing that'll ever happen to you.
Like goes with like.
I think I actually have a shot right now fit
>sittin at table with hombres because senior
>18 dont worry
>cute girl next to me, bit shy, nice to talk to though
>We talk easily because both in show choir
>id be lying if I said I joined for the girls
>fuck you I can sing and lift.
>Start chatting it up
>she mirin
>Tfw im still a hyperbeta so I think about asking her to hang out but dont do it
I still believe I can pull this off Veeky Forums. Just gotta not beta out. again.
I had that. My best friend growing up was a girl and we walked home from school together every day. First fight I ever got in was because some kid was making fun of us by saying we were in love. We had a proto relationship for sure. She ended up breaking my little heart in the end.
negro it's summer
how did you do this
> also go for it, she'll just say no worst case scenario and you find someone else
No ridiculously tall dutch gf
in kentucker we go back to school in early August. its shitty but I get to graduate before all the other faggots. i think im gonna do it though. wish me luck men.
No gf, but I've lost ten pounds (down to maybe 17% bf), and my friend's girlfriend complimented me on my clothes last night. We're all gonna make it.
Just do it. 99.99% of highschool guys don't lift, can't sing, don't talk to girls and especially don't ask girls out. If you go for it you're already at the pinnacle of high-school desirability.
Yall mind if i.... One up you?
>Be me
> Meet the most beautiful qt girl at work
> we talk and offers me lifts home if we clock off at the same time
> start getting attached, dream girl, see no flaws.
> Tell her i like her, says she knows
> receive the following
"so kinda put me in a bit of a situation.
i'm flattered that you like me, i really am, but i just don't think i'm ready for anything right now, i know that'll probably hurt, but i've just got so much going on.
i'm clearly not going to cut you off, i'm not like that at all,
all my last 3 relationships have been back to back; like no break what so ever, and that's what i need, i'm planning on going overseas for a while so i'm not going to lead you on.
it's not a waiting game because i don't actually know when. i can't give you a time frame.
you have gone above and beyond and i can say i've never really had that before and it was nice, i'm sorry if i have lead you on in any way and i know this isn't really the answer that you're after.
i don't need time to come up with an answer. i just don't want you waiting around for something that may not happen, right now, i can't say i have feelings for you, i'm sorry."
My Birth was an error, i have to see her at work everyday, it isnt the same anymore.
She's a slut probably.
>offers me lifts home
I knew how this story would end as soon as I saw that.
>i'm sorry if i have led you on
Every fucking time.
Should said, " Oh sorry I got caught up to much as well, I really dont like you either; youre a cool friend."
Girls fucking hate it when you turn it around on them and do it to them. She probably wouldve fucked you so she assert her dominance again. GG m8 girls are confusing
I still Really like her, i still have feelings for her because i think shes really special, i dont want to lose her but i probably already have, feels bad man.