Sugar diet

i'm gonna try to eat a 2200 calorie sugar diet for the next few days on cut to see how it will affect my running and my lifting

what do u think?

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that's retarded

how lol? it's energy

dont listen to him, the first replies are almost always trolls

what you're talking about seems really smart, just have to be careful to brush your teeth. Be sure to update us with your progress, we'll wanna hear how it goes

Legit curious how this turns out

For your running a VHC is literally the best things you can do .
80/15/5 carbs/proton/fat
But make it real food not white sugar , can be all sugar from fruit tho .

why are there always trollls ion this website?

i go easily 70-75% carbs, and i train 2 times a day
enjoy your awesome recovery time, and forget about cheat days, snacks, or rest days
also forget about cravings

Too many people say carbs are bad and give you craving and shit but when you ask them what carbs they eat it's only high fat garbage .

get some sugar from fruits to get your micros

>when you ask them what carbs they eat it's only high fat garbage
this so much
the same happens when you talk about nuts or almonds: they think nuts are Eagle's honey covered and fried stuff

Crisp , cookies , ice cream , even burger , all that fucking carby carbage that contain at least 40% and up to 70% calories from a near useless macro .

only advice i can give you is to not overdo the fruit
fructose does not replenish muscle glycogen
so you basically stuff your face, and your lifts keep getting worse

My high carb diet is mainly:
boxed, and not only oatmeals: i eat kellogs and stuff like that, but not the chocolate covered/stuffed ones, to avoid the useless bad fats
tomato sauce is a must
perfect side for stewed meats
jam/marmalade helps a lot
>really occasional fruit punch
>fruit smoothie dinner when i feel like i need that vitamin pump
i have some pringles if i feel like i am running low on energy/sleepy during the day. they pick me up really good, thanks to all the added fat and salt

some would say my diet is shit, but they forget i train every single day, and this diet keeps me full, happy, and craving-free. also only 3 meals a day

the 6-7 meals a day meme are a thing of the past for me, thankfully

(cont) ofc, my training includes daily cardio

Because this is where they live :(

cant tell if retardedd or trolling

The don't overdo on fruit is really a good tips , I also had that problem once .

Sounds good
Sugar is performance-enhancing, +10%


durian is insulin resistance personified
that amount of cardio gives you that 'superpower', when in reality you need huge amounts of glucose to get the same energy as any normal person

ie: he is a diabetic as boogie2988, only cardiotrained

literally has video were he show us his blood glucose level after drinking straight up sugar water , he is perfectly fine , a low fat diet with lots of cardio and carbs is literally insulin sensitivity personified .

>Can handle high amount of sugar without reaching high blood glucose
>Is insulin resistant

You can only pick one

i think we are not on the same note
i am talking about his literally non-existant muscle tissue

the insulin sensitivity he has does not come from the anabolic effect of growing, but from the effect of constant muscle wasting

t. recovering cardiofag addict

no, not at all
i am talking type II
go find type II marathoners
it is pretty common

>Can handle high amount of sugar without reaching high blood glucose
>Is insulin resistant

Durianrider has literally attached a 24-hour blood glucose monitor to his body in the past and put up the results in video
Also various blood tests
>Still thinking sugar causes diabetes
Hello 19th century voodoo science

People don't understand that sugar won't cause any beetus related harm if you don't Thicken your blood like a retard and saturate your muscle with fat .

The fuck are you talking about? His muscle mass is totally normal, he just has low bf% so he looks skinny
Yeah I'm sure you don't need muscles to cycle a couple a hours a day, but you need them to be a sedentary clown, that's why all the office workers are so jacked

First, Holy Shit good luck. Second, Holy Shit post updates.

I just did a quick search, and the first couple pubmeds say diabetes prevalence among marathoners is 0.4-0.7% top kek

same meme again
he never gets high blood sugar levels because he is wasting muscle 24/7
to go even further, i am sure he is hypoglycemic
you just have to watch 2 mins of any of his videos to tell the guy is a borderline psycopath addicted to sugar

downing a pound of sugar for breakfast and not getting fat is not a feat: it is insulin resistance. and desu, his brain is already getting affected

>His muscle mass is totally normal
he look like an austwich survivor

I'm pretty sure he is a ketard talking out of his ass , only those clowns are dumb enough to bash cardio and carbs .

Holy fuck you don't know anything about glucose metabolism do you ?

>Has all time normal blood glucose level
>Is Hypoglycemic

If he had any insulin resistance problem he wouldn't be able AT ALL to keep up with all the cardio he do , muscle wasting happens because of a low blood sugar level is telling your body to start de novo glucogenesis , but he never has low blood sugar level because he he is insulin sensitive as fuck and his body regulate sugar perfectly .

and he also admitted taking steroids
durian rider is a joke

>Holy fuck you don't know anything about glucose metabolism do you ?
that is funny as fuck
>has all time normal blood glucose level
after eating a pound of sugar
it is like you can't understand the other side of the coin in terms of having the 'powerlevel' of eating pounds of sugar
he is not getting any of that sugar to replenish his glycogen levels, because he is a skeleton
it is the recipe for type II diabetes

>but he burns everything with his cardio
my ass

do you think cardio mainly burns glucose?
last time we had this discussion, durian rider himself was trolling here, so i won't waste any more time, lads
take care

Cardio mainly burn glycogen unless you train in low HR zone ,
He has video where you can see HIS FASTING blood glucose you double doofus .
And offcourse he burns everything with his cardio , do you know how many kcals holding 350 watt + for hours burn ? FUCKING THOUSANDS , that's like 250g of sugar .

>He has video where you can see HIS FASTING blood glucose you double doofus .
do you know you can make that test show whatever you want in a matter of two days?
>oxygen for energy
as I said, he is muscle wasting and in famine
then he shows his sugar antics, and fatsos get amazed
that is his business

go check any competitive food eater, like Matt Stonie to understand anything of what i am saying

>Cardio only use oxygen for energy

what the fuck nigger really , you can't be this retarded , the only point of oxygen is to cleave the covalent bonds and release the energy .

>do you know you can make that test show whatever you want in a matter of two days?
you don't even understand my point

"Initially during increased exertion, muscle glycogen is broken down to produce glucose, which undergoes glycolysis producing pyruvate which then reacts with oxygen (Krebs cycle, Chemiosmosis) to produce carbon dioxide and water and releases energy"

>reacts with oxygen (Krebs cycle, Chemiosmosis) to produce carbon dioxide and water and releases energy
Literally what I said fucking nigger .

>t. recovering cardiofag addict
Post strava you fucking fat piece of shit

There's nothing DR can do to convince you anyway, since he "could" also be simply injecting insulin off-camera. DR has cycled with world-class professional cyclists, I guess you are unaware that a half pound sugar only provides 900 calories which is a normal meal size for most people

>then he shows his sugar antics, and fatsos get amazed
Sugar is widely consumed by top-level athletes in most sports, if only for the fact that eating
4000+ calories of cooked carbohydrates can play a couple tricks on your digestive tract, also takes too long to digest, makes you feel bloated. And you can't really sit down and eat your giant ass pasta lunch while trying to win a race

Fuel demands during exercise are so high that refined sugar is the only thing that can be absorbed quick enough

If you eat enough carbs you will burn 100% carbohydrate just lying in bed, apparently this is news to some people

I am lost, and I don't understand what you guys are trying to convince me here
I think the insulin resistance concept is out of you understanding, other than the boogie2988 type
not sure if you are defending durianfag because he can down all that sugar... or is it that you can't accept he is muscle wasting, and even took steroids to avoid it
then someone just called me fat, and I am out of words
I think the whole exercise/cardio/sugar consumption is still a mystery here
keto and carbophobics are bad, but thinking downing pounds of refined sugar is healthy is equally stupid, and not understanding metabolic conditioning and its drawbacks is even worse
when you start finding recipes/routines to get into an insulin resistance state, is when you realize it is not an illness, but just a metabolic state all this youtubefags are cashing on
just train those healthy carbs, and don't waste your time with people like durian
