How bad is getting a stationary bike compared to running

how bad is getting a stationary bike compared to running

i live in a shit area full of bad people and refuse to go outside

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Well it's better than not running, which you obviously can't do if you refuse to go outside. So yeah, get one.

so it's not as great as running then? i've been biking mostly for a half hour every day an doing about 10 miles, is that bad for a beginner?

Bikes for cardio are terrible, get a treadmill.

If you don't feel safe running then get a stationary bike. Both are cardio, it's negligible and probably not worth whatever you're worried will happen to you if your neighborhood is as bad as you think

it's a giant section 8 housing district just for more information

i will just bike, thanks

If you are trying to lose weight, I would just get a set of dumbbells. There are a lot of routines and different programs that would work way more efficiently than a stationary bike, OR even running alone.

I have lost weight with Waterbury complex, there are other routines like these for different weights and even bodyweight if you google it.

i just want to be healthy

i'm not fat really besides a bit of fat near my stomach, I weigh like 180 and I'm 6'2

Even in that case, I would go with the weights. You could do a muscle building routine with heavier weights and complex with lighter weights.

I have two 10 lb dumbbells, that's probably not good enough right?

If you haven't done any lifting or generally are in bad shape, you won't be able to do two sets of waterbury with those. But for curls and squat, yeah, you need to get heavier weights, but in the mean time, I suggest that you check out that t-nation link I posted, at least try the waterbury and see how you like that.

when you say sets do you mean the entire 7 min workout or what

Reverse Lunges 6 reps on each leg
Romanian Deadlift 12 reps
Good Morning 12 reps
Front Squat 6 reps
Military Press 6 reps
Bentover Row 6 reps
Floor Press 12 reps

This is one set, you repeat this set for 1-4 times. After which you increase weight.

In terms of losing weight

Diet>Cardio>lifting weights

A stationary bike is just as good as running depending on how fast and long you peddle. Weightlifting will never match pure cardio for weightloss, but it comes with the benefit of also gaining muscle.

The other guy is wrong in saying a dumbbell routine is as good as biking

I'd think a stationary bike would be much better than a treadmill. Easier on the joints, almost no difference between the stationary exercise and actual biking (whereas treadmills are very different from real running), more adjustable resistance, probably more core/arm involvement if you stand.

>cardio>lifting weights
Lolno the muscle mass from weightlifting ups your metabolic rate even when you're not working out and you use calories to build those muscles

you should have made a joke about his peddle typo and call him a lie peddler since he said cardio is better than lifting

Bet you think each kg of muscle mass burns 100 calories a day, don't you?

Stationary bikes are the best form of cardio in my opinion.

I would get an elliptical so you're not just working your legs. It's pretty dope for hiit when you alternate between the half and max resistance, pushing the full range of motion on max.

A spin bike might be a better option.

I got a simple one with adjustable resistance and i fucking hate it.

Get a Wattbike