My first thought would be to clean the mess up not take a photo
Chase Mitchell
Henry Gutierrez
Andrew Diaz
>tfw have to wear a belt now
Chase Roberts
Jaxson Foster
>tfw another half a year of this boring routine
Evan Walker
>15 min eliptical warm up >5x15 exchanging opinions >3x10 planning vaction >1x5 discussing rumors >5x5 small talk (deload 10% if conversation becomes too heavy) >sitting around idly at gym equipment till failure
Anyone tried this routine?
Michael Scott
All my fat goes into my face, belly, thighs, and butt, while my torso is left completely skinny.
I absolutely have to get rid of this, but at least I dont have mantits.
Juan Hughes
fat fucks
Jayden Anderson
that's damaging to my self esteem I think I'll go eat a tub of ice cream to make myself feel better >b-b-but that picture of the chef fuck you, I have feelings
Wyatt Cox
I realized I'm never going to make it. I tried not to hate myself and to just look at my obesity as a health problem I can fix but I just fall out of my exercise eventually and lose all hope. Is the key to losing weight hating yourself? I sure as fuck can't hate myself more than I do right now. Someone hand me over another burger I wanna end it right now.
Kayden Walker
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
– Chinese Proverb
Matthew Moore
health is a crappy reason to lose weight if you don't even enjoy being alive
Cooper Collins
Vegetables go through you in 30 minutes leaving you hungry again. The trick is to eat 1/2 veggies, then put 1/4 potatoes and 1/4 chicken on top, so your stupid stomach thinks it's full of chicken and potatoes. There's a reason traditional dinners look like they do (including soup), and also why Americans are getting fat because they stopped eating them.
Charles Bailey
good lord I'd kill you and eat your arm (2800 calories) to have this. I'm a fucking giant beer belly stomach with normal arms and legs. I mean I feel like a grape (62 calories) shoved halfway down a pretzel stick (2 calories). It's fucking disgusting.
Post your bod. I want to see you freak boy.
Julian Morales
chicken fried steak?
Owen Rodriguez
instructions unclear
Isaac Brown
>There's a reason traditional dinners look like they do
Because in the 1950s we were told to eat a much meat and bread as vegetables?
Isaiah Young
since when do people do what they're told
Brody Wright
vegans fuck off, we're full, back to /lgbt/
Liam Rodriguez
>stomach confusion
Anthony Morales
>not mixing it up and eating tomatos on tuesdays instead of mondays to confuse your stomach
Samuel Lewis
>white fish
Dylan Jenkins
Fuck off fatass, this isn't your hugbox, go be edgy on /pol/.
Chase Perez
Confess your sins.
Logan White
Today it's my second week at gym.
I've lost 1kg so far... and it feels good man.
Low cal diet, 35min cardio and 1hr lifting, WE ARE GONNA MAKE IT!!!
Julian Gutierrez
>muh /pol/ boogeyman you probably think the holocaust was real too huh faggot
Robert Morgan
David Jackson
not starting 10 years ago
Angel Bennett
It just werks, try it.
Thomas Price
thats racist
Easton Lopez
you should reward yourself for doing so well
Hunter Edwards
gains golem get ye gone
Juan Morgan
/fat/ help me for I am about to sin.
I've been maintaining sub 1500 calories every day for 2 weeks now and today my family decided to order 4 massive pizzas and nandos. I can smell it all the way from my room, I'm so fucking hungry.
I'm trying to trick my brain by drinking tea and water or something.
Ethan Anderson
>took a break from counting calories this weekend >gained 2 lbs since thursday
Blake Myers
Don't give in
Nathaniel Morgan
crawl out of the window and come back when its safe again.
Adrian Diaz
I've gained 3lbs since yesterday despite only eating just under 800 calories- a protein shake, a protein bar and fruit with yoghurt. I don't know what I did wrong but it feels pretty bad. I was in a good mood yesterday because I hit a milestone but now I'm back where I was a few days ago.
Sebastian Miller
take just 1 (one) slice and enjoy the social gains
John Fisher
weight can fluctuate on a daily basis
don't beat yourself up over it
Jackson Anderson
How many times do you need to be told that such minor fluctuations are meaningless? Are you weighing yourself first thing in the morning, naked, after pissing? Even if you do it right you'll fluctuate based on salt/water content of your body, shit in your bowels, etc. After a year or more of daily weight checks you'll basicslly become blind to the random swings and only see the overall trend. Keep going fucker
Gavin Howard
You can do this user, I know that shit is hard but you can do it. If you can walk I'd go for a walk now, it helps if you have a dog to take with you to keep you company.
You could eat 2 slices and then not eat anything else after if you really want but I know personally when I start on pizza I can't stop. It and Cadburys chocolate are my main binge trigger foods.
Camden Morgan
Holy shit. How many times does this have to be repeated: WEIGHT FLUCTUATES THROUGHOUT THE DAY. This should be in the OP.
Luis Morris
Do you guys who made it find women pay more attention? I remember I used to get called handsome all the time, and all my girlfriends were in my teens, and my weight crept up so steadily over a decade I never really suspected it was maybe why I've not been flirted with properly in several years.
I mean, I'm focusing on myself at the moment, bettering myself and building my business.
But eventually it would be nice to get married and have kids, hopefully in the next decade. (I'm 29, so I'm giving myself til around 39 to get financially stable before actively dating.)
If I start getting hit on, I'm of the 'put a ring on it' morality, which will likely mean due to years of pent up frustration and desire to be in a relationship, I'll end up nuking my well laid plans.
Andrew Reyes
just eat 3 slices its no big deal, buddy!
Adrian Brown
>hit goal woo >have a drink >eat a sandwich >put some clothes on >gained 8lbs fuck
Angel Diaz
No. Completely wrong mindset bro/ette. You have to love yourself, and realise you are never going to have the life you deserve, the mental and physical stability that comes with being reasonably fit and a normal weight.
If it's so hard you are failing and giving up, you are probably doing it wrong. You do need will power and to more or less cut out unhealthy shit, but you can still snack, and eat nice food, as long as you are keeping your kcal lower than you use. And that's much easier if you are active.
Brody Howard
> having your first kid at 39
Don't. Do you want to be decrepit by the time your first grandkids are born? Imagine if you have your first at 40 and then YOUR kid waits till 40. You'll be 80 and spent. There's no way it will take you a fucking decade to get your life together enough to have a family unless you spend the first 7 years making excuses
Leo Ross
>hit goal >go to kitchen >grab a sandwich >put on a plate >grab a cup of water >pick up both with your hands >put on winter jacket >walk back to scale >weigh again >gained weight
Levi King
Make yourself an extra protein shake, maybe two, and drink til you're full. Even delicous shitty food smells gross and fatty when you feel full.
Nathaniel Ortiz
are you an idiot?
Angel Gray
are you?
Owen Cox
>realise you are never going to have the life you deserve you dont deserve anything
>but you can still snack no
Jacob Hughes
It is your job to pay attention to women and let them decide if they like you or not. Just put yourself out there. If no one responds to your attempts in a positive manner, you just need to work on yourself more. Remember, no one worth having will give fatty a chance.
Cameron Howard
So, how much weight do you guys have to lose to get to your goal weight? 122lbs here.
Ryder Flores
depends on the topic
Ian Cox
It's more a case of having the 'fun' years I missed out on in my twenties due to ill health and spending my disposble income on myself. Starting a family will rapidly eat up any and all extra money, even if it will be a joy, but I'm not ready to give up my freedom when I have only really just been given it.
As for my kids, I should have plenty of energy into my 50s and even 60s if I stay fit. I won't make it to grandkids. I enjoy smoking my cigars too much. And if I do, swell, I'll just make it clear that grandpa gets tired easily and wants to watch his stories.
I'd still appreciate an answer to how chicks actually respond when you are Veeky Forums.
>The only really shitty thing about having kids late is the grief for the kids. I'm not even thity til next year, and around two-thirds of my family have died from age or illness. My mum is nearing sixty and ill and my dad is in his mid-fifties witha drinking problmen and a heart condition. It fucking hurts to watch, and I'm already a year older than my mum was when she gave birth to me.
Adam Walker
same here
Michael Torres
Ok fellow fatties.
6'0" 288lb sedentary down from 370 over 3 years
I've been on phentermine for a month. I started taking it for energy but it makes your hunger cottony and easy to ignore. The problem is I added up what I ate yesterday and it was 1563 calories. I probably hit 1600-2000 on average without counting. Fully a third of my calories every day is sugar soda, but that shouldn't matter because its accounted for in the calories, right?
So in a month I've lost about 12 pounds doing this. I'm wtfing slightly. Worse I feel as fat as ever. My energy is up (from nil to sedentary, I have a lot of physical problems) but I go through a whole day without crashing. I weighed this morning for the first time (didn't weigh when I started) and I'm horribly discouraged. The twelve pounds is a guess. I haven't been tracking anything, I haven't been weighing, but it's not like I'm eating a 2200 calorie chocolate cake accidentally every day either. In fact I usually wind up at 1pm realizing I've only had 3oz of milk the whole day and eat because I feel faint, not because I'm hungry.
So what the fuck? I mean 288 is great, it's not 300, it's not 370 but I feel like something is really fucked up that I'm not at least feeling better. I don't know that I have a question. I've typed this out four times and deleted it. I seriously debated stopping the phentermine this morning but took it after all.
Brayden Baker
>you dont deserve anything
Fuck off. This isn't philosophy. If you don't value yourself, no one else will.
Yes. There is nothing wrong with a diet soda and a protein shake, or pork scratchings, or cloud-bread. You still eat on a diet.
Brandon Anderson
>230g bag >"497kcal per 100g" >"53kcal per serving (20 servings)" so is it 1,060 or 1,143?
Nicholas Scott
>mfp won't let you enter the food for the day because you undereat
fucking filling food eeeer
Adrian Wilson
axe murder your fucking bastard family if you have to, but don't wreck your shit. you can make it.
Asher Butler
wadder wait
good job on your milestone. you still got there, don't ignore that just because the scale decided to be a bitch and your period is starting.
Oliver Mitchell
I'm just going to eyeball it, swap to a different diet (keto seems exessive long term) and work on building. I'm permanantly off tasty snackfoods and deserts though. I'm going to go full recovering alcohollic on that shit.
Justin Ramirez
>want a husband and a family since being little >get a good education >get a good job >be an overall nice and likeable person >gain weight steadily over the last 5 years >men treat me like the lowest shit because of being overweight >see how mean and disrespectful they are towards me. see how spineless and pathetic they are towards pretty, slim grills. >lose all respect for anyone with a dick >come across IF, drop all silly cardio, start lifting, lose 10kg in a couple of weeks, back on track >develop hatred for men that I can't get rid of anymore since I've seen shit no slim grill has seen >tfw never going to have that one thing you always wanted and worked so hard for.
so now what
Andrew Moore
>urge to binge >fight it off >it comes back >drink water >brush my teeth >eat raw coffee >meditate >hide food >have a cry >handcuff myself to the sink >the urge goes >go to sleep exhausted
>wake up >urge to binge
I can't do this for the rest of my life is this really the only way?
Gabriel Davis
>If you don't value yourself, no one else will. who says i don't? how are those mutually exclusive? I dont delude myself into thinking im entitled to anything because of my circumstances, anything I have I earned myself.
as for snacking, you dont reward a food addiction with food.
Alexander Perez
get over yourself probably
Mason Howard
bro just eat it already, you have no self-control and you know it
Ethan Sanders
what do you mean?
Brayden Cooper
>feeling nearly weightless while doing pull ups now
Jaxon Hernandez
I ate 2 bags of peach sausages on my fast day. why do i break diet on the shittiest worst possible food?
Leo Phillips
zero gravity gym on ISS really paying off
Isaac Barnes
>be an overall nice and likeable person
yeah sure
Chase Nguyen
What keeps you motivated/drives you to keep going, /fat/?
Jordan Bailey
can't remember
Parker Hall
>get up >get naked >piss >weigh in >same as yesterday >feel massive shit rumbling >sit on toilet >fill bowl with giant log >must be a four pounder >feel absolutely cleaned out >weigh in >it's 2lb more
Julian Ross
Sergeant wants me down to 170 so i don't have to be worried when i go back to MEPS to ship out. 181 now and it's like a flip of a coin every day if i'll get my orders.
Jacob Perez
i dont want to lose to you retards on /fat/
Levi Lewis
I gained 21 pounds over a 2 week vacation
Aiden Carter
well the other way is giving in and becoming more of a fat fuck
Nicholas Adams
yeah maybe you should try eating a normal healthy diet instead of binging and handcuffs
Samuel Young
Kevin Bennett
>21st century woman the post drop the job, ditch your shitty mentality and show men how much worth you'd have as Queen of his castle. you are a depreciating asset and if you don't show some value now then i hope you enjoy a multitude of cats in your life. >bait
Julian Young
you fucking disgusting pig push yourself away from the trough and pretend to care ffs
John Green
>Fully a third of my calories every day is sugar soda, but that shouldn't matter because its accounted for in the calories, right? Better drink diet one.
Justin Butler
what horrible things did men do to you?
go on tell us
Cooper Lopez
>normal healthy diet broad terms specify please
Gavin Cox
>anything I have I earned myself.
Eh, think we might be talking past each other, as that's really what I was getting at. To even try to 'earn' yourself anything, even if it's a better body, you need to start from a place of genuine desire to be better and some small spark of self esteem.
If you don't, and go into it out of despair or someone pressuring you, you'll generally cave in the second you see/smell something tasty and next thing you know it's months later, you'll have a reality check whilst elbow deep in an extra-size bag of cheetos, and bigger than even before.
No, but even addicts in prison get given something to help curb the addiction. Going full cold turkey, rather than finding healthy and genuinely tasty alternatives, will doom a diet for some people before they even start.
I'm a key example. I went from 'not really being on a diet' and just cutting out bread and other carbs but would still eat a McDonalds if I passed it. Then, I went to okay, I'll cut out as much sugar and carbs as I can, but as much healthy stuff as I can. Now I'm on two protein shakes a day leading up to a healthy meat-veg/salad meal, with a few diet sodas and strong black tea for caff.
Each change has been caused by seeing and feelings the gains. I was amazed to go from not even managing two push ups or sit ups to being able to do ten each and not feeling like passing out afterwards. I got too enthusiastic yesterday and did something like thirty five situps and twenty squats and can barely walk, so rest day today, and being less silly in future. Smaller sets on a regime i think.
Parker Sullivan
>boo hoo, I was treated worse than attractive & thin people because I let myself become a fatass Fuck off roastie, there's no way this isn't bait
James Hughes
some people like me some people don't. what I mean is I don't hang around someone I don't like just to abuse the person for my own pleasure or for my ego trip. Men do it all the time towards women they don't value. I'd suggest at least to have some respect for other people and to leave them alone but I guess I'm the one with a prooblem now.
Christopher Wood
been dieting and losing weight slowly. doing the whole TDEE, eating within my daily limit, lifting and cardio. need to be 175 officially but i'm more motivated now to keep getting slimmer
Wyatt Harris
the fuck is a peach sausage
Kevin Green
>tfw changing and the guy in the mirror is starting to have definition on his gut
from 320 to 240, only 40 more to go boys, we are all going to make it.
Julian Thompson
See, it work the other way around if you are a chubby fucker like me with a dick. Women don't pay attention to you at all, you might as well be invisible unless they want something, and I've actually had a fugly fucker who was a known cheater picked over me.
I don't particularly like women all that much anymore on a personal level, after starting out adulthood as a hopeless romantic. I just have to hope that once I'm Veeky Forums I can get over the bitterness and find someone I genuninely like rather than just passive-aggressive sleeping around and then getting a mail order bride.
Gabriel Anderson
I wanted kids. Not cats. I know that some people don't see a difference but there is one. >drop the job I guess I get what you mean but I can't really afford to do that.