Anyone else ever wonder whether Veeky Forums benefits their life or not?

Anyone else ever wonder whether Veeky Forums benefits their life or not?

By this point ive spent thousands upon thousands of hours here and to be quite honest I have absolutely nothing to show for it.

i get memes from here and post them on Twitter for social media validation by my peers

What else would you have done?

Talk about some sports game with the "boys" and knocked up some whore that would have left you after 5 years anyway?

Normieville isn't all it's cracked up to be, at least for 99% of people it isn't.

For me, unless I'm a multi-millionaire, or billionaire, I see no point in even being a normie. All or nothing here.

Learned skills, made money, started a business, maybe adventured or backpacked or some shit.

Veeky Forums got me Veeky Forums and got me into crypto so that's pretty good. The only thing I regret is ever visiting /pol/. I unironically believe in a grand Jewish conspiracy and there is no going back. It's a miserable state of mind.

Other boards like /tv/, /g/ and /sp/ didn't do much one way or the other.

Simply I feel doing anything else would have been more productive.

You do realize that /pol/ is satire, right?

You have the noob-red-pill.

The red-pill is that there's nobody at the wheel.



At this point it is the only thing that keeps me sane and happy

The memes keep me going

Currently work in the IT field
Don't really get respected since I'm new at the company
Work feels like literal hell
I also get to work from home and don't have to be in the office often
When I do show up people want to talk and see how I'm doing
I'm miserable inside, I want to go to work and enjoy myself but with my job I don't need some office and I can do this at home,,,,,


What do you do exactly?

It benefits my life. I learned to work my legs by coming to Veeky Forums. There are funny threads here and gopd pictures of hot girls. All of these things benefit my life.

I could see if someone took this place too seriously or spent all their time arguing with people that it could be a detriment to your life.

>I'm not entry level....

>What do you do exactly?

The things I do and what I work on remotely is something most won't understand since its "tech lingo"

If it weren't for Veeky Forums I never would have found the motivation to start living healthier. Also /g/ got me running mostly free software which has actually drastically increased my knowledge of computers in general. /pol/ can be psychologically damaging if you don't know how to filter bullshit in your head lol

Veeky Forums improved my life because it got me to lift and made me learn about socializing and countries around the world

I'm /g/ and Veeky Forums as fuck, try me.

You sound very depressed and cynical. Nice little strawman fantasies you've made up there to make yourself feel better.

Hes from r9k

I actually find (on places like Veeky Forums and /diy/) that Veeky Forums is actually more rational and offers better advice than most places on the web in the most concentrated and efficent way possible. Sure, you have to sift through shit and trolls, but that's the case anywhere.

I find this as well. And Veeky Forums is like 50% of the reason I started working out and getting fit to begin with, so I'd call that worthwhile.

I don't see anything wrong with coming here with a purpose in mind. Like if you want to ask a q or something. Hell, I'd probably still be twitting around with some stupid unstructured body building split if I'd never found fit. But like other media, spending too much time on it is unhealthy.

It's a tool, nothing more, nothing less. Some people are content to use a hammer as a dildo and have nothing to show but cumstains and an anal fissure or two, other folks take that hammer and learn how to do shit with it like build a house.

It benefits me slightly.

I started lifting, trying to go out more, in part because Veeky Forums pushed me. I also have somewhere to post to take off some of that "loser feeling" If I'm not doing anything on Friday night

Outside of digital entertainment and keeping fit, I don't have friends so the majority of downtime is spent here.