Buy in before it breaches 325.
Buy in before it breaches 325
I'm all in eth right now, lets ride that bitch to heaven
all in
Not sure if ETH is going up because a lot of alts are going up. Or because the 5 months long waited time is finally here.
Eth is going to at least 330 before it dips.
Here we go boys
350 today, small consolidation, 400 by weeks end
Finally cuckerin giving me some gains
Didn't go all in but half and half
Those on exchanges, are the sell walls being eaten or pulled?
Ethereum is a true investment right now.
-Recovered from bad press quickly (Parity)
-Has set a clear floor over the past month at $300 so you can safely assume you won't lose all your money
-Insecurity around Bitcoin has stressed investors and they see the security and return potential. They can safely put their BTC gains into ETH and assume more higher returns for since its been at 300 since BTC was
Vitalik will not give you sell ETH with proffit
attraction for reterded people
BTC is taking a dump for a long while, especially with that shitty 1 mb block size. I put all my BTC in ETH yesterday and it is looking great so far. I'm not riding that BTC ship to the bottom while it corrects.
Ethereum has been at $300 since BTC was below $2,000.
We breaking $330 bros? Some big sell walls at 330-332 on my exchange
K, went all in on eth and ark
ETH is going to break 330 and continue to climb to 340
These numbers don't mean shit. The ATH is where the real resistance is.
It's going to around $350 then will for sure go back down to $300 to stagnate lol
You guys are retarded, even Vitalik has publicly said that he doesn't give a shit about the price.
all it takes is another hacker to find one of the many horrible codes in eth code for it to crash again
I closed my position until I see $325. Too much resistance here imo
Why would you hold ETH for maybe 20% gains, when you could buy Nuls and make 20x?
was there a hack into ETH recently as well? I heard that Paritys code just got hacked
Lot of scared btc holders in this thread already lol. I know, I used to be one of them. BTC is dead, they failed to fix the problem with it, don't go down with the ship. Make money with ETH while it goes up.
why is going up?
because BTC didn't do anything to fix its problems, so now people are looking elsewhere for the next currency. ETH is the best candidate.
Why not BCH?
Because that looks like Reddit Silver
BCH is fine, but I just don't ever see enough people switching to it. Ethereum transactions are even faster and cheaper.
Losing steam, goys.
Expect a climb until around 12-1 EST when wall street goes to lunch. Great opportunity to scalp.
tfw got beartrapped right in the butthole at $310.
BTC is still king. BTC has the brand name. Normies first hear of BTC and if you suggest Ethereum, they think its something mined by mythical elves in TES:Skyrim
>he doesn't know where the ethereum vein is
r we really going for $400 this time?
hahaha I love this coin
>newfags parity wallets got fucked
>600k eth lost
>no one cares
>vitalik posts goofy posts on twitter
>eth mooning
>Buy in before it breaches 325.
i sell it at 307