Told my psychiatrist about Veeky Forums and the effects it has on me and she thinks it's a bad influence and I should...

>Told my psychiatrist about Veeky Forums and the effects it has on me and she thinks it's a bad influence and I should stop coming here

>Started telling her about the "Chads" and "alphas/betas" and she tripled by dosage of lithium

Other urls found in this thread:



You did this to yourself

Why? They're there to help me

>They're there to help me

>>Started telling her about the "Chads" and "alphas/betas" and she tripled by dosage of lithium

oh my fucking god this made me laugh so hard holy shit i havent laughed that hard in a week or two

Why would you go to a (((psychiatrist))) user? You're gonna make it.

>le /pol/ meme
>The medical professionals are simply Jews@!!! Here read my unsourced infograpgics about how the Holocaust never happened!

Uhuh, well you keep going to your magic feel-good doctors who pump you full of questionable drugs with still unknown effects and tell me how it works out for you, meanwhile I will handle my problems on my own like a man.

You should tell her about manlets, wristlets, framelets, facelets, jawlets, abslets.

Oh, and don't forget the manlet pit.

>the Holocaust never happened
uhm yes it did. haven't you heard of the holocoaster? what horror

you forgot brainlets like OP

What the fuck are you talking about retard

Do you honestly think the medical field is a scam? Did you even go to (((college)))?

Oy vey you just reminded me of Auschwitz where 7 gorillion died

i feel so bad for laughing at this

dont be anti semetic dude

Well you broke rules 1 and 2 thats really the only thing you should be feeling down about.

Tell us how your conversation went, what specifically did you say abiut chads ect?

The medical field? Who said anything about the medical field? Do you think psychiatry is a settled science like medicine? You really are a brainlet. It's bordering on a pseud lmao.

I thought they made other Jews throw the bodies into the furnace, not done elaborate automated system.

it's okay to laugh as long as you remember the 8 gorillion goy.

>Psychiatry is the medical specialty devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, study, and treatment of mental disorders. These include various abnormalities related to mood, behaviour, cognition, and perceptions.

Are medical specialties not considered a part of medicine now?

did you know that blood (90% water) is an accelerant and that human bodies burn like wood?

i dont get how this one is funny

Education required

Doctor of Medicine(MD)

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine(DO)

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery(MBBS/MBChB)

Shrinks basically get paid to hand out antidepressants, which are incredibly sketchy at best. It isn't known what the long term effects of most modern SSRI's are and there's no evidence they're any more effective than exercise for improving mood. You take your brain-rotting good-goy pills and I'll work on my shit like a man.

Did you explain what a manlet is to her?

it's funny when you realize that these are official statements made under oath at the post-war anti-nazi war crime trials.

here's another. some nazis hanged for participating in the kiketoss games

>mfw normies can't toss a person 10m (30+ feet)

It really discredits anything you say when you use /pol/ memes.

in order the become a psychiatrist, its 6 years of pure medschool and after that its minimum 3 years residency and you can add extra years by specializing in fields like if you want to become a psychiatrist specialized in kids, its gonna be 6+3+2 years.
cognitive theraphy and talking are just as important as the prescribed meds that can help fasten or begin the process.

normally i wouldnt care about /pol/tards but ignorant underaged autists like you spewing nonsense thinking they know better than people who spend a decade studying should be gassed.

>my hair turned grey that morning

this is obviously not serious dude

>taking drugs to treat depression
Enjoy your fucked mental health in 10 years

Yes you're right, completely ignore the fact that big pharma is owned primarily by Jews and run entirely for profit rather than consumer-good. Good goy, here have some more dangerous pills.

as a doctoranon this is hard on me but i agree with this idiot
psychiatrists are pro scammers and dont know what they are doing most of the times, just hammer you the right amount for you to not be a nuisance to the rest of the world, nothing more

if u actually take antidepressants ur a dumb kunt, sort yourself out.

>this is obviously not serious dude
these are official testimony. people were executed for these stories.

here is the biggest tell of all: it is illegal in kikeland and a lot of eurocuck nations to even question any of these stories about the holocaust. the truth fears no investigation. why is it illegal to even ask questions for "the most well-documented event in history?" this should be activating your almonds

I'm a med doctor and psychiatrists are sharlatans. Seriously it's the most questionable medical field out there.

they probably didnt mean their hair literally turned grey

no one would believe that

What area and where do you practice?

Lol. It's undergrad and 2-3 years grad school at any shit program you mongaloid

Shrinks are the black sheep of the medical prof

I'll let it slide that you called me an idiot then agreed with me. Psychiatry is an industry built to suck big pharmas cock and distribute pills for profit.

>no one would believe that
and yet holocoaster and gasoline blood

where does the metaphor begin and end?

why is it illegal to even ask questions in much of the world?

>I'll let it slide that you called me an idiot
sorry i did that by reflex, didnt really mean it

You're beginning to take the redpill. There are many more aspects of the (((holocaust))) that are as ridiculous(and more so) as these, one """"survivor"""" claimed there was a cage with a bear and an eagle in it at auschwitz that jews were thrown into, and another one claimed there was a masturbation machine that jacked you off till you died. Official testimoney.

>crazed fatties succesfully derailed a legit mental health thread with their political shitposting

>talking to the mindjew
Do you even want to make it, OP?

no. i thing you confuse psychologists, therapists (bsc, cant prescribe anything) and psychiatrist (decade medschool, specialized doctor who can prescribe pills)

at least where i live its the case

>Official testimoney.
still, though, the biggest tell that the holocaust is a lie is the fact that it is illegal to question it.

>don't you believe all the evidence, goy?
>what eviden--

Do you actually think antidepressants are good for you or the blanket answer to mental problems in general?

no i'm not lol

i dont have an opinion on politics and dont care about them

>i dont have an opinion on politics and dont care about them
i remember being like this. wait until you get punched in the face by apefirmative action and then you'll start to see the light

i have opinions on blacks but thats about it

i live in a shitty area so i have to see their bullshit all day

Psychiatrists are shady as fuck bud. Mine threw me on antipsychotics for pretty much no reason.

Is it that hard to believe that people go insane while being starved, tortured and fearing death every day for months or even years? With real killings happening and people dying or disappearing around you all the time.

Of course these statements are untrue because some aren't even possible and others aren't logical.

Just because there are some lying jews doesn't mean the holocaust isn't real. And don't get me wrong I would have much preferred if Hitler won.

To me actually, the biggest evidence that its fake is that Hitler had absolutely no reason to divert manpower and all the coal supposedly used to burn bodies when he was in the middle of a war, why would he have them incinerated rather than just shot and buried in mass graves if he really just wanted them dead? Why round them up into camps at all? It's much more likely they were interned like the Japanese-Americans in WW2 and died of typhus/starvation due to allies bombing Germany's supply routes. That and the fact that even modern furnaces can't burn the amount of bodies claimed to have been burned during the holocaust.

>tfw Veeky Forums is making me racist and antisemitic
I never asked for this. I just wanted to be a good goy.

just leave, reality will brainwash back to your former self pretty fast

why is it illegal to ask questions about "the most documented event in history?"

Its not illegal to ask questions.

These people wrote fucking books that went on to become best-sellers, user. They weren't insane, they were trying to profit from a lie, like Jews always fucking do.

I feel you, user. My mother sent me off to a shrink when I was 14 (I wasn't depressed, but she was convinced I was) and the guy tried to tell me I was a schizophrenic 30 minutes into our first session and recommended me anti-psychotics as well, I refused to go back or see them ever again, 10 years later I'm still mentally sound, who'd of thunk?

Yes it is, questioning the holocaust in Europe carries a prison sentence, go look it up.

it's illegal in almost all of europe and in israel, goy

This encompasses all /pol/ users.
>Ugly kid who couldn't get laid
>Tiny penis
>fatty with beard
>Manages a restaurant
>Pasty as fuck
>No personal stories worth repeating even in the most boring of circumstances
>Has been literally cucked by a drug user or dealer
>C average in college
>Is Eddie Murphy
Pick two

>there are people on Veeky Forums who still believe that uncle Adolf was the bad guy.

Do the Jordan Peterson Self Authoring suite.

Cheaper and far more effective than anything some woman will tell you or prescribe you.

T. Neverliterallybeenpunchedinface


/pol/ and Veeky Forums are natural allies you divide and conquer shill. Pic very related.

asking questions in a way that makes them more like claims than questions is a subtle thing yet not everyone in the world is a below 80iq so they will notice

>revealing your power level to a psychiatrist

>though guy on the internet

Do you actually live in Europe or know anything about these laws? Sounds like you're talking out your ass. I'll give you an example. if you were a Professor and you were to make a public statement that went like this "From my research it seems clearly to me that 6 million Jews didn't die during the holocaust, rather some 5.5 million did" you would face legal action by the state. The "Holocaust" refers explicitly to the death of 6,000,000+ Jews, you aren't allowed to question the number or any other aspect of it.

I tried therapy, all she did was listen to the things I would repeat each week with no change, offer small advice that I forgot the day afterwards and tell me stories of her other patient that was mentally cured after it 'clicked' one day for him. It just felt like a waste of time.

There's an obvious answer here. Jews are robots.

You were lucky, it is often detrimental to your health.

Yea unlike Veeky Forums's useful psychiatric advice

sorry i speedread "asking questions" instead of "questioning"
yeah holocaust denial is forbidden by law. but i guess it depends on the place. fascism apologist are also illegal here (italy) but you can buy benito gadgets and wine with hitler pics on it pretty easily

He's right though, be subtler about it to redpill more effectively

>user's mom died giving birth to him

yeah the difference is an user on Veeky Forums holds no authority, you can choose to ignore any advice you read here, it's not so simple with a "doctor" who recommends you pills, especially if you aren't aware of their dangers (they aren't obligated to tell you about them, and most often don't)

>it's both an anti-psychiatry thread and a /pol/ bullshit thread
>the shrinks are wrong! I didn't need meds!
>the jooz idz a gonsberazee

really makes you think

>falling for the Jewish meme psychology


To be fair, Hitler is not known for making sound tactical decisions during WW2

You have to go back


You're right that I could be more subtle, but I'm tired of it, I just want to speak the truth whenever I get the opportunity. Listening to blue pill conditioned people defend Jews because their brainwashing tells them its the right thing to do wears you down, but I don't blame them. I was the same once.

Kek you're an ignorant idiot

Couldn't they just jump out?

? It's official testimony, it was said 100% seriously.

Which decisions, specifically? Hitler was quite a sound strategist, everyone makes mistakes, but overall he was very good. There's been a long smear campaign to suggest he full-retarded his troops into Russia during the winter, but it's simply not true.

Using "goy", "kike" etc etc just makes the person you're talking to look underaged or insane

T. Eddie Murphy

Yeah, it's like this guy doesn't understand there's truth behind most jokes, that's how the successful ones catch on.

Kill yourself my man

Okay, well you keep playing semantics with feely--good words and we will speak plainly. Even if we said Jews and never kikes your blue pill conditioning would kick in all the same, what difference does it make?

I never post there, thanks.

Leuchter report. Stick to the basics, look at Auschwitz' layout.

The pills my doctor prescribed me just made mood swings worse and I ate half a pill bottle out of anger/cryout. It gave me sweats and tremors the entire night then ended up in the mental ward after my mom found the empty bottle.

im better now and don't deal with depression anymore but it sucked and therapy/pills definitely didn't help

you're not alone, user. These people want to pump you full of pills or have you committed, they aren't your friends like their image currently portrays, to all anons reading if you are thinking about therapy consider it carefully, that's all I ask.

Everyone in this thread consider CBT or another therapy that has documented efficacy. Also, see a therapist who can't prescribe meds before you go see a psychiatrist whose whole thing is slapping you with medication rather than doing talk therapy. Also, looking at right wing infographics on a Kazakh microbiology RSS feed is bad for you.

t. MSW candidate

i want therapy but only for benzos lol

to take or to sell? if its to sell then that's degenerate but you do you, if its to take then fuck that shit, benzos will ruin your life dude. trust me.