How do i get Veeky Forums? I want to be chad

How do i get Veeky Forums? I want to be chad

>I want to be chad
surely you mean stacy?

>washing machine in bathroom

how depressing

Why be Chad when you're 50 steps away from that and only 1 step away from being a trap?

that's not my apartments

OP pic is not of OP but some sort of ayy lmao anorexic lanky tranny

If she's on hormones she really needs to gain some bodyfat and hope the hormones distribute it in a feminine way

you ever pull down your pants for a peeand see your period blood has seeped onto them?
that laundry is a god send.

>period blood
girls are disguisting

Why are you naked in someone else's apartment

Hey shouldn't you be posting this on /int/ as usual?

I mean they're rented

Virgin detected

post boipu$$$$$$$$$$$$$$i

Where else would it be you fucking faggot,in the hallway?

cтaнь тpaпoм, ёптa
5/5 would fondle


i want to achieve this proper Chad body

>no hair on legs
>wide hips


How tall are you?

176 im a manlet

>this post again

Holy shit if you're going to shamelessly camwhore yourself at least post an original image

in Eastern Europe its almost impossible to have it anywhere else.
Try living in a 300 sq. ft commieblock apartment with 2 other people and you'll see.

>t. alfonso "the 2 decade virgin" pennington

Hey, wait a minute, I-I want to fuck that cat

Nice legs. I want to fuck you really hard in the ass, then when I am through with you, I want to strict overhead press you and drop you on my knee so your spine breaks like Batman vs. Bane.

No homo.

How do I turn into a lanky flat-chested pseudowoman?

If lesbians can be butch dykes I should be able to do the same analogously

Fucking Kek

Son, you were born to be a woman.

>Mental illness 1 x lifetime
>Surrounded by enablers in the media and academia 1 x 1
>Live depressed with your condition until suicide x F

sad but true

By the back of that chair compared to your shin, im gonna say that youre like barely 5'4









>Try living in a 300 sq. ft commieblock apartment
No thanks comrade, I prefer the first world