Why didn’t the Irish just fish? It’s more nutritious than potatoes
Why didn’t the Irish just fish? It’s more nutritious than potatoes
British administration outlawed it
They outlawed eating fish?
There was a lack of timber needed to build ocean going vessels.
You need a more serious boat than what the micks had available to reach areas where you can do commercial fishing.
possession was illegal i think. you could fish fish, you could eat it, but you couldn't possess it.
These are the people who hate the English yet worship the very religion whose head sold them out to the English, they're a nation of retards
They feared the aquatic warrior.
I like they're humor but theyre pretty rude and odd to talk to. I think the stupidity stereotype is a myth though, they just tend to be clumsy and lack common sense. Heads up in the clouds
*develops a better economy than you*
potatoes are nice though
Not when they're infected with blight
Racist tropes aside, they didn't seem to have a culture of fishing.
Compare other nations, like Norway. In Norway it's mostly mountainous, cold. Not much farmland or pasture, so fishing was a necessity for survival. A lot of Ireland's population centers seem to be more inland, not sure why. Perhaps the seas were dangerous as they were often raided by vikings? Just a guess.
As far as I know Ireland is very pastoral, in that their traditional subsistence relied on cows and sheep. Swaps/bogs are also common, and no lush forests and sources of wood like elsewhere in Europe. Following the introduction of potatoes and the industrial revolution their population grew, they placed a big bet on potatoes and lost. Nobody could have predicted the potato disease would strike, it could have happened anywhere that people rely on one crop for survival.
They were already fishing as much as they reasonable could.
When populations grow to fit resources and resources drop, if only temporarily and by a fraction, it can cause a famine.
People like to blame the Anglo, but they weren't forcing Irish peasants to breed profusely. They also didn't seem to have a problem moving to America even during the chaos of the famine.
These are bigger questions.
The potato made them lazy so when that didn't work out they just sort of let nature take it's course.
I need nutrition to go fishing
Potato niggers had very unsophisticated palates and weren't into seafood
>They also didn't seem to have a problem moving to America
Oh fucking hell don't remind me. "Irish" Americans are the most annoying people on earth. I'm not Irish but man it must be tough to deal with Americans who visit Ireland. They must feel like they're being mocked only to realize that the Irish Americans are being serious.
the irish coast is mostly cliffs and not suitable for harbours, it was probably too much effort to even have small fishing boats in most areas. Though some areas did have a seafaring culture, look at st Brendan who allegedly discovered the Americas from Europe before even the vikings. 99% chance this is a myth but also probably built on a legacy of sea voyages out to sea leading them wondering what lay beyond
I am proud 1/4 Irish and that's my heritage. I feel more Irish than American
My dad got thrown out of a pub in Northern Ireland for loudly praising the IRA and wishing they had killed more “Sasanach Scum”. One of the more embarrassing trips I’ve ever taken.
The Irish have been known as the niggers of Europe for centuries for a reason...
What possesses a man to say retarded shit like that?
Being American
>I feel more Irish than American
What you think of as "Irish" is not Irish whatsoever. It's just another thing you fat fucking pigs have corrupted to take on your own meaning.
So this is the effect of German autism
The Irish in Dublin even speak with an accent similar to American. That rhotic R. Probably watching too much American TV. We are closer than you think. The Irish accents are so Americanized they don't even sound British. They are the easiest understand despite being Anglos.
Alcohol? The Irish would know
>bragging about being an Anglo tax haven
>The Irish claim they are not Anglos
The absolute state of denial
>The Irish accents are so Americanized they don't even sound British
well they wouldn't sound British because Ireland isn't in Britain you mong
>The Irish in Dublin even speak with an accent similar to American.
Sure, to a deaf person maybe...
Come on, you know what I mean. Any natively spoken English outside of North America is basically British English. UK, North Ireland, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, NZ.
I don't mean exactly but it is the closest of the accents I mentioned above.
it is adjusted for that
also the anglo wouldn't need a tax haven if they still believed in capitalism
>The Irish in Dublin even speak with an accent similar to American. That rhotic R. Probably watching too much American TV. We are closer than you think. The Irish accents are so Americanized they don't even sound British. They are the easiest understand despite being Anglos.
Oh god please no my head hurts you must be trolling how how how can you be this dense
and you and your dad are american right? I think I would cringe so hard I would fucking disappear
What do you expect from a people who don't have a single accomplishment in the entirety of their history?
>how dare the Irish make themselves susceptible to famine by existing
The *nglo strikes again
It's a big island, they can't possibly patrol the entire coast.
>people who have been farmers for generations and live hundreds of miles from the sea are supposed to become professional ocean based fishermen overnight
This fucking thread again...
>people who have lived next to lakes and rivers for centuries are incapable of feeding their family
God must hate the irish
>praising the IRA
>in Northern Ireland
For any one who doesn't understand, this is the equivalent of walking into a bar in Manhattan and loudly talking about how great Osama bin Laden is.
A huge chunk of population of NYC resembles Osama bin Laden a fair bit.
You think a hobby fisherman can suddenly transfer to feeding his entire community through fishing?
Depends on what part of Northern Ireland you're in.
If the Irish breed to much, nature or god will correct the imbalance
A random stranger walking into a bar and loudly taking one side or the other is going to get them thrown out or worse no matter where you are.
Fishing is hard, and dangerous.
Do you even know how to sail a boat? Or fix a net? And if you're a piss poor peasant, where are you going to get a boat and nets?
Even then, most of the peasant class were tied to rented land, if they didn't work that land growing wheat for export they'd be evicted.
You know there are heavily republican parts of NI, right.
fuck off you pathetic socalist subhuman
>t.never left his house in America
This is complete bullshit without a citation lmao
So many retards ITT
Potatoes are one of the most calorie efficient crops in the world, and Ireland's population was at an all time high of around 8 million.
Back when Ireland was populated by hunter-gathers the population was in the tens of thousands.
Even if they fished their entire coastline to extinction it hardly would have fed anyone.
Sounds more like the English, who went from a world spanning empire to an enclave of brown people in less than a century. Cheers.
the irish dont actually see any of that money, it's mostly due to being a tax haven.
Fish are people too and are full of parasites. Fish are disgusting.