Does anyone else smoke weed before hitting the gym?
Does anyone else smoke weed before hitting the gym?
weed lowers testosterone, raises estrogen, grows manboobs ...
>Consumed weed in varipus ways rather heavily for past 8 years
>No manboobs
>Making steady gains
>I have an adams apple
I dunno man maybe youre just low test
I've lifted for 10+ years and for half of them, I blaze before. I find it gives me a better mind muscle connection. All my friends don't agree with me cause they say smoking just makes them tired. I simply did it one day and liked it, so now I do it everyday. Do it if it works for you
Try smoking afterwards. It's good for relaxing post-workout, but I don't like being high in the middle of a workout. It's distracting.
I like eating something light and having a glass of iced tea before the gym. Afterwards, I'll smoke a bowl and have a big meal before taking a nap or whatever. Also, try doing cardio while high. It makes it much more manageable.
Yes sometimes
Did some coke at the gym last time. Would rec/10
Im always like, ok, 1, 2, 3, 4, damm, maybe the earth is a god, capable of give life to a lot of species, and we have some kind of connection with the universe, we are all one, we are all star dust. then 401, 402, 403
I mostly do long distance running several times a week and every few runs I smoke a bowl just before I start or right after I finish. Doesn't seem to have any impact on my performance.
Me it's so good I love it I feel stronger
weed is gay
No, its horrible. I did it once, and it was the worst workout I've ever had. My lifts were shit, I was tired, and I was miserable.
I smoke after. It doesn't really affect my workout, i just like smoking after more than before.
don't judge me user
DMT after I get home and shower
before and after, idk if my pt smells it but he doesnt say anything and my workouts are good
I did but but not to see if it would help. It gave me a better pump that's about it.
I disagree, running while high makes it absolutely terrible. Makes you feel so heavy and out of breath. Same goes for heavy lifting
Afterwards is awesome if you don't have anything to do. Hit a bowl, bulk healthy with your munchies, and enjoy yourself