How the fuck am I supposed to lift with an 8-6 warehouse job?
I get home and im spent, just want to drink a couple beers and play a few games of dota.
fuck, being a neet was so much better
How the fuck am I supposed to lift with an 8-6 warehouse job?
I get home and im spent, just want to drink a couple beers and play a few games of dota.
fuck, being a neet was so much better
Get up at 5 am like a man.
I remember my first part time job
Ah, that's comforting to hear, OP.
Geez and here I thought I lacked perspective...
eat A LOT more
sleep a lot
only take stimulants pre workout
holy fuck you guys aren't helpful at all.
one useful reply out of 5, fuck this board
Come on friend you gotta make time to get big come on.
I work 6:30 - 5 sometimes 6 pm.
>I still put that lifting session in.
>Yeah I skip cardio most weekdays
>Still getting stronger
just imagine how soft those thighs must be...
stop crying
I work 5-3 Monday - Saturday and still manage to wake up in the morning to workout.