Itt: things money cannot buy
Itt: things money cannot buy
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A dinossaur
nice gyno bitch tits, faggot
I bet I could buy that ass for 0.05 BTC
>That gyno
Nice boobs m8
Nice cope cucks
You know you failed when you used steroids and still look like you barely ever been to the gym.
lmao, this fucking guy right here.
Money can def buy a hairless fukboi faggort
Money cures everything
That belt is pure clout
Step 1:
Get rich
Step 2:
Go to poor country and make friends with father of hot girl
Step 3:
He'll basically beg you to marry and impregnate her so you'll be in the family
Step 4:
Realize the huge cultural disconnect between you and your in laws and either flee, sink into depression, or embrace your new very weird life
What are u talking about? Money can buy me gyno
Its spoiled by his zipper being open.
Imagine coping this hard
What is it money cant buy?
15% bodyfat?
Unzipped pants?
A razor for your bodyhair?
Tell me senpai!
Trust me they can.
I used some of my crypto gains to pay a good pectoral implant. I look jacked now even if Im quite old. Probably older than all of you. I also fuck all the whores I want.
so you got a titjob?
That’s fucking ugly. I wouldn’t buy that either
ur mom cause she does it for free
Op got cucked hard by this guy
kek, why not buy roids?
>buy titjob
>still dyel with "dadbod"
>still look like shit
>still a manlet
>wow i ave pecs now
Kek nice one
You do realize that you can buy an ass with money, right?
You know cosmetic surgery is a thing right? It's fucken weird but you can buy muscles..and the slut
why wouldn't money buy a whore with a fat ass?
a transformers belt ?
Non-gyno tits?
>you can buy time to go to gym
>you can buy good food
>you can buy girls
user you need to do lower chest (declined bench
) to get rid of those saggy tits. Had the same problem myself
Lol true all I want is more. Still rather be rich and miserable than poor and happy
nice gyno op
money can't buy validation from anonymous it would seems. Nice gyno op
this guy isn't asian
he has nice tits though
My love
No seriously, you have gyno. It's fucking nasty and gross. You look like you have petite girls tits, not manly pecs.
Stop taking steroids, start lifting harder you pussy.
Am I supposed to be impressed?
You ruined it by adding step 4
Seriously, I have a home gym, and I have a better physique than you. Never used steroids, unlike you, and I'm in better shape. lmao
Consistent workouts and diet > steroid use.
fucking gross dude, get surgery
Agreed, breast reduction needed.
Coping this hard lmao
The only coping is you denying you have gyno bitch tits from steroid use. Everyone in this thread noticed the gyno, and all you can say is "cope!"
>OP implying money can't gym membership and thirsty sluts
>OP being called out on steroid tiddies
This fucking thread
Literally the oldest profession in the world. You absolutely can buy a grill.
a skinny fat pale body?
Had same kind of breasts like you after using steroids. Had to get surgery to get rid of it. Good luck user its pretty easy operation.
the only think you can't buy (yet) is genetics, and it looks like op got the short end of the genetic stick
>le everyone is a steroid user meme
C'mon dude you don't need steroids for a physique like that.
nice body bro, also, i could sink my head into this hot ass
plenty of people can buy a dyel body for 0$
Nice OP. Youre almost fully transitioned into a man. Just have to remove those boobs tho
The thing is, you can't actually "buy" 6 pack. You can take a lot fucking steroids and still not have 6 pack. Diet and cardio which ia actually hard work...
Any more of her?
that gay ass belt
Money couldn't buy him a non-faggot look.
Get some hair on this gay body, OP.
I know, but OP is such a pussy ass bitch he needs steroids to get the physique he has. Which is why he has gyno.
Good genetics.
God damn I want to suck those man titties
Give him a break. At least he's trying. Probably 75% of you basement trolls are fat fuckers...
kek, you must be a skinny bitch calling everyone steroid users. I've been lifting for 1 year naturally and i'm a lot bigger than the OP, so yeah go screw yourself, work on yourself before talking shit to others
>Transformers cloth belt
Yea nah, cunt... You're hopeless
Its not about how big the guy is, its about how gay steroids look on him.
I can buy a twink and a whore for less than 0.1 BTC per hour
I can buy the whole life of that hoe for one satoshi
Feels good
LOL! Come on this thread trying to brag, end up crying because you have a 12 year old girl's body. Nice try, faggot.
You fags really thing this faggot roid?
This is achievable with 2 months of gym + bitch tits genetics
that guy got gyno on his nipple :(. Bitch tits.
who the fuck rents Twinkies?
a lot of things necessary for mental well being
the base physiological and safety parts can be covered
but the top three categories can't be bought
whilst I would like to make money, I realise that it won't fix all aspects of my life
Post this on Veeky Forums for a rude awakening OP
more money
>tfw you thought you were the only Veeky Forums to Veeky Forums crossover
I guess it wasn't the exit board after all
Veeky Forums is the exit board, once you get rich you never have to go on Veeky Forums again
big and true
>tfw i dont have boobs like op but i do have slightly puffy nipples
tryna make it for surgery lads
well when a bunch of autistic lanklets see someone with more than 9% bodyfat and more than 15 total lbs of muscle overall in their body i guess its not surprising they call large pecs "gyno"
I mean theres certainly some fat there but its clearly mostly muscle
big if true
says the poor faggot who rents pastries.
Nothing surprising from a DYEL neet cuck board
that's just the gyno talking brah.
Don't give them attention, user.
No one has ever improved by talking down other people on the internet, as long as you do this you'll always be a jaded incel that people hate. They could've ignored this thread, yet couldn't resist the urge to reply to such a weak bait.
You are right. Style. A fucking Transformers belt? Fucking faggot
Stay anally ravaged lmao
Actually, he's a Decepticon.
you are such a fucking idiot you do know that people can get gyno from never using steroids? 1/3 teens develop it during puberty