>it's another "all coins moon except the ones i'm holding" episode
I'm never getting rich.
It's another "all coins moon except the ones i'm holding" episode
You'll make it one day bud.
I've been here for months. Never going to make it.
What coins are you in?
Sold most of my BTC for LTC some weeks ago at 6k and have been sitting on it since. Made 10% yesterday which is nice, but everything else went up 30%-50%.
I could have bought NULS, ARK, NEO, OMG even fucking LINK. But instead I held LTC and got nothing for it. I still believe that it will hit $100 by the end of the year, and I was expecting it to pump alongside all the other shitcoins, but it didn't, so instead of riding the small LTC pump and then the massive shitcoin pump I only got the former. Every single time. Maybe I should just hold more shitcoins.
I'm only up 20% after 5 months. Maybe I should kill myself or something.
You think that's bad? I sold vtc and groestlcoin at a loss to buy cfd and that auto bot trading coin yesterday before finding out that segwit wouldn't happen. Could had been at 10k dollars right now instead I'm down to fucking 4k or some shit.
Problem is that those coins have already mooned and there isnt much room to grow atleast in the short term. Your coins are like index funds of crypto.
That has happened to me too, and is the reason why I'm holding safe coins. I lost so much money by being greedy.
I can never make gains off shitcoins. Whenever I buy some they always never pump and slowly bleed. I don't have the balls maybe.
I personally use this conservative semi-aggressive portfolio:
It's performing okayish, the first 5 are top tier coins if you did any research.
Tier 2:
Ethereum, Waves, Lisk, QTM and Ark. (LINK?)
I would stay clear of the rest, they may be profitable but you will mostly be trying to time the market. In other words: Tier 3 shitcoins
you have to be ok with holding for months. patience and emotional control win this game.
research well and only pick coins with good tech, team, etc. buy and wait. never sell for loss and never buy meme coins
pFFFFFF wtf dude, yeah you're not gonna make it if you're in those coins you'll be making tiny gains. Why are you not looking at ICO coins right now?
Thanks, that sounds good. I don't know when to buy NEO/OMG/XMR though. They're surely going to dip, but what if they bleed further again? I just never know when to buy in.
It's difficult to hold a bleeding coin for months despite its fundamentals.
I believe that Litecoin can still substantially grow in the short term.
just have some BTC, It's that easy
>It's difficult to hold a bleeding coin for months despite its fundamentals.
no shit. you're not called weak hands for nothing.
I've lost money this way and missed out on several moon missions. The people that held NEO/OMG etc. this past month haven't made 30% gains; they just recovered all their loses, and not even fully. Hodling is a meme.
Okay litecoin with grow to $100 in the short term? If you invested in ICOs in a day or two you'll be over 100% already, stop looking at those larget market cap coins man, you'll be making too little gains.
read my first post. if you research and pick top quality projects, you will literally always make money. if you chase meme shitcoins, then, yeah holding them is stupid
>missed out on several moon missions
Be honest with yourself. Would you bought the top on all of them.
I don't even know how ICOs work. And I doubt it's that easy.
Have you seen the monthly OMG/NEO/ARK charts? These coins still haven't recovered. Only an idiot would continue to hold them, I speak from experience. Selling them for BTC or LTC would make much more sense and then buying them back at a later date, and by doing that I would have made money from both pumps, instead of bleeding for a month and then making up only some of my losses.
Maybe in June but not anymore.
>thinks OMG/NEO/ARK are good projects
also, reread my posts. you cannot lose money this way. the only way you can lose money is buy chasing pumps. patience and emotional stability win this game.
>I doubt it's taht easy
But it is, I recently just started and double my investment onjj these icos
LTC is mooning now
its not going to go up 50% in a day like some absolute dogshit coin that solves the oracle problem
its also not going to fall 40% the next day
As a complete outsider...
Why do people even buy alt coins? Why are they even a thing? Do people really believe in dozens of different minor currencies that just poof up each with a slightly different philosophy? Is it some weird pump and dump conspiracy? I know I sound like an idiot but that's probably because I am.
Yes, I should do more research. I still want to make short term profits off coins like NEO. I'm pretty poor (less than $1k) so I should take more risks if I'm ever going to go beyond $10k.
ICOs seem very scammy. Maybe that's just fud.
Not really mooning, but 5% is nice in a secure coin like LTC. It just feels so undervalued.
High risk high reward. You can get lucky and turn 1k into 20k in a week, or you can be a loser like me and miss the boat or even worse turn 1k into 200.
Look at request mod powr nebilo and many other icos, they skyrocketed. If you're not taking advantage of this then it would be a stupid move. If you want to make money that is. Coins that have large marketcap like NEO OMG etc. you're going to be making slow gains. Anyways I'm out, thats all I'm going to say for now.
that is true. i understand what you mean. you need to get a few big gainers early to build your stack. i would suggest going in on 1 or 2 coins at most. diversifying may increase your chance of hitting a moon, but with such small amounts it won't matter. good luck in your choices.
How do I get successful friends who would give enough of a damn about me to give solid advice and talk money on the reg?
read biographies by successful people
That term gets thrown around too loosely on here lately. What happened to actual +10000% moon missions? Did crypto die?