What mode is this?
How to achieve it??
Is he natty?????
What mode is this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Literal potato famine mode
Probably not natty, will be on some drugs but only to aid recovery not build muscle.
Other than that, be an Irish midget with a weird chest and shit, SHIT taste in tats.
Not sure what mode you're talking about. Try this...
>don't do cardio
>Go to ghetto
>get wrecked by niggers
> low body fat, eat healthy
> lift occasionally, train martial arts every day
that's it, easier said than done though.
>aid recovery
>not build muscle
I shiggy diggy
Why did he tat his name on his chest? Is it in case he forgets who he is? if so, shouldn't it be upside-down so he can look down and read it, or backwards so he can see it in a mirror? Assuming he's not completely illiterate like Mayweather, of course.
He's gotta be natty, apparently one of the guys who mayweather fought came out and said mayweather promotions was sending a guy to his house to test him like 3 times a week or something crazy
Welterweight mode
Obtained by being a potato dwarf and doing mild strength training
Prepare for a boxing match with a negro for 6 months, proceed to get the stuffing beat out of you by said negro.
>Why did he tat his name on his chest?
frequent choice of tattoo for low iq ppl
his wingspan for his height is insane
>tfw taller than goobs but shitty unaesthetic short arms
fuck my life
family name, hes irish
well, he could have gone for something different and put his father's last name there, if he knew it.
>the I barely eat and lift like a teenager
Looks like he squats a lot.
>you will never have mcgoogles jaw aesthetics
secretly mirin top tier midget aesthetics
literal retard
fighting is cardio, and also usually is accompanied by additional cardio training
but to answer OP's question; cardio and fighting, and whatever the fuck training fighters do
100m richer than you mode. It's not a bad look except for the bad tats.
>biking in Nevada
Full fucking retard.
how come he has no abs?
bitch ass white boi who lost to a real black man mode
his physique is not that impressive, what makes it look good are the tattoos
Why? Looks like a open road
Didn't he gain 20lbs in less than a year?
Biking in a literal desert.
Not everyone is a giant pussy
what a bitch
Is that picture from Gulla Gulla Island?
I'm a pussy, but I won't die for a fucking insolation. Auto limited
He is a millionaire athlete, he is being supported by a van with supplies and food.
He probably didn't even ride.
His bike has flat pedals, if he was running clipless than maybe the picture would be more legit.
Right, and you also don't leave the house when it rains because wet clothes are just icky
He looks fucking goofy with that reach. If you aren't a fighter then it does fuck all for you.
>those shoes
>those pedals
i think it's useful in MOST sports, and for playing a lot of instruments. I imagine there are other walks of life where it would come in handy as well
It has benefits and drawbacks in most sports. Also its really not helpful for playing an instrument, it can be a major hindrance for ones like guitar or bass. Most important thing is nimble fingers
Can confirm. Im at 5'8" manlet with a 5'11" wingspan and it makes learning most string instruments a pot harder helps a lot with basketball and deadliftin though
Where can i get them shorts?
what is this pathetic display of events
>shouldn't it be upside-down
fuck i dont think he thought this through
Where are his abs
Court of Manlet Jester mode
>familiar with his thinking
>family friends
>very fake news
Brawler mode.
You achieve it by doing strength training (not bench press or squats but tire flips pushing cars in neutral and other random shit), sparring/heavy bag and circuit training.
Dont focus to much on strength training its the least important.
how do i into BTFO mode?
He's got dem unlucky Sitch abs. Then proceeded to tattoo all over them.
Diversity quotas.
>Got paid millions
Yeahhhhh. How much money did YOU make the last fight you won let alone lost?
It's for when his opponents are looking up from the ground at him.
can't be that good a cardio if he gassed it in the 10th round against a 49 year old man
Easy to achieve desu. Most fighters body modes are easy to unlock for non fighters. Fighters have to do enormous amounts of cardio training to participate in their sport which hampers in the building/maintenance of muscle. So if you just lift and diet its a lot easier to get to where they are body wise, but if you want to be as fit as they are you're gonna need drugs/supps/professional training.
Wonder what he does squat for that matter
>be undefeated career boxer
>first-time boxer takes you to the tenth fucking round before you manage to take him out with a TKO
>"S-so much w-winning!"
At least the he can still take the roasties.
>be 40 year old man
>29 year old man challenges you to a boxing match stating he would win
>he loses but his fans insist that his loss was a win
lose to the king of Ireland
dude is a goddamn bobblehead no wonder mayweather won
>doesn't spar for over a month before the fight
>let's amateur boxer, ufc world champion tire himself out while taking minimal to no damage
lol m8
>first time ever competing professionally
>beaten undefeated world champion
>s...shit cardio!
The whole thing was a complete farce, and McGregor fared better than he had any right to.
I doubt that nig would have lasted even close to as long in the octagon.
Naw it's my nigga Magoogles from Max Keeble's big move
He's like 140 lbs
>be best mma fighter in world
>be so good you need to fight the best fighter in another sport
>last 10 rounds vs the best boxer in the world on less than a year of training
are you an idiot he is small af of course he's natty
Should have done EPO and blood doping. He'd have made it to round 12 and could then bitch about the retarded scorecards for rounds 2 and 3.
That photos shopped man you guys are retards if you think that's real.
>The real photo is obviously this one
>Lots of cardio in different forms (boxing, martial arts, cycling, sprints, agility training)
>Strength training on specific parts of the body that are useful in drawing power for his sport (shoulders, legs, core)
>Clean as fuck diet, lean meats, lots of veggies. McGregor's nutritionist said "If you're driving a Lamborghini, you only want to put top-rated fuel into it"
is ur mum mcgreggy?
lmao, the dude isn't an inch above 5'7"
it says 5'9 manlet
>"They're after me lucky chairms!"