I miss him
I miss him
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I know 95% of you guys are just shitposting about Nicky, but I genuinely unironically am sad about his fate. I’m glad to see his reputation in Russia is being restored, thanks in large part to the Orthodox Church.
The Communists did not miss, well, maybe a couple of rounds went wide.
Remember, the only good Imperialist is a dead one.
>communists are anti-imperialist
>spend the next 70 years engaging in blatantly imperialistic foreign affairs
he's a tragic character. not a good ruler, but not a tyrant. he seriously preferred a quiet life in the country to ruling his country - at the worst time to 'drop out' of his role. then he and his whole family get killed in a cruel, cynically-strategic decision
Imperialism refers to dividing humans into "Royalty' (term includes Imperial Families) and commoners, with Royalty inheriting the right to pass and enforce laws, and commoners inheriting the obligation to be ruled.
You are probably thinking of Expansionism.
The colonial empires of the late 19th and early 20th centuries did not by and large possess this characteristic, and neither did/does the US (which I wouldn’t call imperialistic but many do).
Well, yes they did, to varying extent. The Empires/Kingdoms of Germany, Russia, Austrio-Hungary, China, Japan, Greece, Italy, etc,. & on & on were run by inherited government, some absolute dictators and some with a degree of democracy. the U.S. is not Imperialist but could be called imperialist. I would not as I consider it a sloppy use of words. The word Empire is too close to Imperial.
so when anglos got rid of the mughals and maharajas they were fighting imperialism
He deserved worse tbqh
The world's first selfie?
No, because they simply substituted one Imperialist system for another. To be anti-Imperialist you have to be opposed to all Imperialism. And in truth, to be anti-Imperialist is to be rational. Imperialism is actually a mental illness closely related to Militarism. The two share several diagnostic symptoms. Enough Thorazine will cure Imperialism.
who is shit posting?
>Imperialism refers to dividing humans into "Royalty' (term includes Imperial Families) and commoners
No it doesn't you brainlet.
Here's my contribution
I want to convert to Orthodoxy, marry her, have many children with her and name them Peter, Nicholas, Alexander, Catherine and Elizabeth.
>its not bad when we do it!
Are you sure you do not see the relationship between words like Empire, Empress, Empire, Imperial and the word Imperialism? while inheritance is not the only factor in determining who runs the government and how laws are passed and enforced, it is always a factor in an Imperialist country. term includes Royalty (kings, queens, lords, dukes, etc.).
For your own sake I hope this is bait.
>Monaco is an imperialist country
t. brainlet
No, no bait. Many people prefer the term Monarchism for this type of government to Imperialism, but again, this ignores the obvious relationship between the words posted above.
I realize I am lumping Monarchism with Imperialism, which died in the wool Monarchists and Imperialists do not approve of, but fuck them.
Better to use an upper case I than lower, unless you make a distinction between Imperialism and imperialism.
Should have been killed several times over
France was imperialist without being aristocratic or monarchial
USA too. Philippines, Cuba etc.
If Nicholas was killed by anyone who wasn’t a communist would Veeky Forums care about him and his family at all?
Shalom tovarish Bronstein, enjoying the ice axe?
desu I would, it's not because they were killed by communists but because they were good people and they died horribly. That's all.
>abloo abloo my incompetent retard monarch who resisted constitutional reform as best he could because muh divine right and killed millions in dumb wars got killed fucking jews ree they deserved to be pogromed why are jews so fucking subversive
>I've been found out!
>being this butthurt
lmao, you nation wreckers are the gift that keeps on giving.
>words are similar therefore directly related
>calling anyone a nation wrecker when defending Nicholas II
Why do we allow brainlet commies to voice their opinion, again?
Is that Enoch Powell in a bathtub? Also Nicky was a great ruler, he just made some mistakes like getting trolled by Willy into fighting the Japanese and starting a war with Willy after that over some Balkan mess.
How do we solve the Latvian problem?
He was weak and listen too much to his wife, but he's not really to blame. It's more his father who didn't educated him and prepared him to be a ruler.
If Rasputin would never come to the Romanov entourage and if Nicholas II would listen to his ministers and not to his wife, instead putting her in charge, nothing of that would've happen...
But he was surely a good father and a good family head.
helicopter machine broke
>great ruler
>gets tricked into disastrous war by a German autist
At best Nicholas was a good person in a shitty situation that ended up being able to employ a few more impressive figures like Witte and Stolypin. As a ruler he was subpar, clinging to autocracy while being unsuited for it.
You raise some pretty good points. I think we can also agree on the fact that he's always looking Veeky Forumsshionable and will probably always look better than 95% of this board.
Also, yes, that is Enoch Powell in a bathtub.
Yes indeed, except in his youth, he wasn't that good looking.
It's George V
Holy fuck, they look so alike.
The greatest tragedy of humanity was the deaths of the Romanov family.
This is the objective truth, think about it ever since they died it's been nothing but misery for the world.
They are the only true martyrs of our modern world.
>The greatest tragedy of humanity was the deaths of the Romanov family.
is that who i think it is?
being literally this retarded
>being a commie
Be ready lads
>4000 pictures
Friendly reminder that even Chairman fucking MAO spared the life of the former emperor of his country
When Mao seems like the more moral alternative you've fucked up somewhere
Maybe because he's not jew ?
But he wasn't the last Russian emperor. Michael II was. :^)
Aren't the Hunanese the Jews of China?
>I’m glad to see his reputation in Russia is being restored, thanks in large part to the Orthodox Church.
Orthodox church just showing more and more why bolsheviks btfo'd her in the first place.
>Remember, the only good Imperialist is a dead one
Oh fuck off, you piece of shit. There is nothing bad with imperialism as a feature, but you need to be a special kind of inbred to consider the infantile idiot Nicky a competent runner of the empire.
>Nicky was a great ruler
Gorbachov or Yeltsin tier, only with a fucking ego, dumbass hysterical protokraut wife and either sycopaths or corrupt bastards around him.
"Nicky was good" motion started by fucking first-wave emigration from USSR, and only couple decades after he died.
Defending an incompetent imbecile of a Tzar.
the fuck did Nicholas do to you
Nicky was the proto-soyboy
one of the stories in his diary was about how he had a pinecone fight with some japanese soyboy on a royal visit.... in his 20s i think
idk there's a lot of other stories.. basically he got complexed to shit by his viking father into being a little bitch. ya maybe in the context of being a privileged shit he "didn't deserve it" but in the context of an impoverished as fuck land fighting a gigantic war, being such a weak little shit kind of calls for it
Fun fact at one celebration I forgot the name of (coronation? christmas? something) where nicky was the star, fucking over a thousand peasants died in a mass stampede. Russia was a shitty mess and the glamourization of the tzar was a bad joke
What about the French Revolution?
not the million Russian deaths caused DIRECTLY by his decision to get drawn into a World War? kys, you mawkish brainlet.
> he doesn't understand that there was no mobilization but full mobilization for the Russian Empire
> he doesn't know that Germany decided to pressure Austria-Hungary to pressure Serbia with a list of ridiculous demands because Germany wanted to accelerate a war they saw as inevitable
> he thinks any monarch at any point in history placed in Nickys shoes would ignore everything his advisors are saying and just let the Central Powers roll over Slavic allies
You sure can spout trendy lingo like a 13 year old girl, but you don't know shit about history.
> "kys kys kys!"
Who is that woman?
>go on /leftypol/
>they all make fun of the Romanov's deaths
Communists aren't human.
>I miss him
A better term would be expansionist.
A poor use of the word 'Imperial'. A country calling itself an Empire, as in the Empire of Russia, has to be considered Imperialist. Being an Empire is what it makes it Imperialist, not its foreign policy.
Another example would be the Empire of India when King George V of the Kingdom of England was its Emperor. The Empire of India was not using military force or other means to extends its power and influence through colonization, and yet was still an Imperialist country.
Kinda hard to do when you're choking on tumors, but he had so much more time to do so.
>mfw I read this shit for the millionth time
he was unironically the worst czar in Russian history.
why is one small ass country that most people in the world couldn't spot on a map worth the millions of deaths Nicholai caused by becoming involved?
Especially since the Kingdom of Servia murdered the I-G Ferdinand.
I'm pretty sure all the shitposting about him comes from actual sympathy for his situation.
Well, of course. He was the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. A biased source. Man murdered a lot of Communists.
I don't
Natalia Poklonskaya aka Momy for some people
>he was unironically the worst czar in Russian history.
>don't know about Peter III
>don't know about Paul I
>being retarted ?
Ivan the Terrible and Alexander II
The French Third Republic is pretty much a textbook example of imperialism with their expansion in Africa and Asia.
Both great czars desu
>Imperialist, a foreign policy decision
>Monarchy, a structure of government
Just admit you're wrong and pick up a dictionary.
The fucker had a bunch of peacefully protesting orthodox priests shot. He got what was coming for him, too bad about his family tho.
Fucking communists have no morals at all. Everyone involved is burning in hell.
Pretty sure everyone with a camera has thought to take a picture of themselves
If you asked anyone who lived through the first half of the 20th century and you asked what the saddest thing they've experienced was 9 out of 10 will say the death of the Romanov family.
Fuck communism.