>civil war for 25 years
>100k people die
why haven't i ever heard of this?
>civil war for 25 years
>100k people die
why haven't i ever heard of this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>india peace keeping
kek, great work guys
Have you heard the tale of the Rohingya?
Its not a story that the Buddhists would tell you.
The ROI's specialties:
1. Pretending to be developed country
2. Invading tiny countries in the name of "liberation"
3. Beating Pakistan
that's a different country, goblino
South Asia in general is somewhat ignored. there were major sectarian riots in India in the 1980s after the holiest building in Sikhism was bombed by the Indian military (there were armed Sikh separatists inside) and the Prime Minister of India was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards and replaced by her son, who was obviously not going to let things slide
to be honest rohingya are shit tier people
I wish we could have more of a discussion on the Sri Lankan Civil War OP but apparently shit posting and being raided by /pol/ is more interesting to these fools than real actual history. I tried a similar thread a few weeks ago and it didn't really last long. We got some good discussions in but not a whole lot.
This is Sri Lanka not Burma, and the Buddhists absolutely will tell you that they and ONLY they are man enough to stand up to Pisslam.
>why haven't i ever heard of this?
the people were sri lankan
Cry some more.
>why haven't i ever heard of this?
Because you don't keep up with the news and world affairs?
Even normies know about the Tamil Tigers.
You're more ignorant than a normie.
Let that sink in.
to be honest burmese are lower than shit tier people
Fuck off. If you have nothing to add that's meaningful to the discussion of the Sri Lankan Civil War, don't bother. You waste of space.
>Muslim "refugees" genocide native buddhist
>Muslim "refugees" try to secede from the state and join Pakistan
>Muslim "refugees" wage jihad on Buddhists
>Buddhists fight back
the more I think about it, despite the things that they do and all the shit they've done to non Muslims, the Muslims seem to get a free pass to do what ever the fuck they want. Why is this? And its good to see some people fighting them back for once
Because they tell everyone they are teh religion of peace, and because there are so many muslim states they can effectively control the UN.
I remember a slew of terror attacks in Europe committed by Muslims and leaders and activists were saying to not act and that acting would mean that the terrorists would win. Can you believe that shit? And people went along with it! Its absolute insanity!
What can you guys tell me about the Tamil tigers? I know that they were terrorists but what was their end goal to set up a totalitarian northern socialist state in Sri Lanka? I mean reading up what I know about the Tamil tigers they seem to be willing to sacrifice civilians and use them for propaganda and for human shields if it means achieving their political goals.
>Muslim "refugees" genocide native buddhist
I'll take "things that literally didn't happen even in the burmese government's imagination"
>burmese settlers are native
>actual natives are "refugees"
No, they said not to blame all muslims for teh crimes of a few, and not to equate the crimes with teh religion. Which is bullshit, the crimes are absolutely informed by the religion, but its not like you claimed, that they said we shouldn't do anything. Europe has incredibly tight security now, because of these koranimals.
>muslims are native to Burma!
>I've never heard of it, so it didn't happen!
Typical lying Muslim apologists.
We don't really get the whole story over here in the US, theres never any middle ground too, its either "Europe is getting overrun by Terrorists! Blood flowing in the streets!" or "Everything is just perfectly fine and everyone is getting along perfectly so we should take in more muslims too now!"
Even if they aren't native, there used to be a Muslim majority in Arakan for centuries and you don't get to fucking genocide them just because they dared to fight back against your oppressive military regime.
Im interested, could you send me evidence of this Buddhist Burmese genocide
more native than you, B*rmey
You know, I'm all for people standing up against oppressive military regimes but I really can't bring myself to feel sorry for Muslims at all
Things are fucked, Europe is doomed. Its not blood in the streets yet, but it will be soon enough.
Well I wouldn't say Europe is out for the count, sure the current society may be fucked but I have a feeling Europeans aren't going the way of the dodo any time soon. I find it difficult to believe that there won't be a nation or a group of people who will fight back
When I was born, my country was 98% white, Now, its 70%, and falling. Europe is FUCKED.
>Well I wouldn't say Europe is out for the count, sure the current society may be fucked but I have a feeling Europeans aren't going the way of the dodo any time soon. I find it difficult to believe that there won't be a nation or a group of people who will fight back
mfw you talk about Europe as if literally half of the continent wasn't still 100% white
>When I was born, my country was 98% white, Now, its 70%, and falling. Europe is FUCKED.
Such a country doesn't exist. Nice try, amerimutt.
There HAS to be someone who will take Europe back, I'm banking on one of the Western European countries, crazy bastards are actually standing up to the EU's migrant policies
name an african country that didnt have a civil war in the last 30 years
I can't wait to be freed from my Afghan plumber's tyrannic oppression. #takebackeurope
Yeah, no. Western Europe will be brown and possibly Muslim majority in teh future, "Europe" will mean Eastern Europe.
It's just because it's the 3rd world so nobody gives a shit. Compare this to The Troubles in Northern Ireland which was a complete meme conflict with barely anybody dying but the media still hyped it up like it was the Holocaust.
t. Abdullah al-Poo
>they do the jobs we wont!
Good goy.
I doubt even Eastern Europe would be comfortable with having that many Muslims so close to them and they've never been ones to just sit still either
>Muslim "refugees" try to secede from the state and join Pakistan
Do you mean Bangladesh, maplet?
to be honest humans are shit tier sentient beings
Eastern Europe doesn't like Muslims, but they can't do anything to stop the West islamizing. They're kind of just stuck watching it happen, knowing it will be a disaster for them down the road but what can they do?
>Eastern Europe
You guys probably don't realize this but most of Eastern Europe is gonna get royally fucked too. Russia has more muslims than England and France and their numbers are only growing. Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Bulgaria have a massive gypsy population that is outbreeding the natives by an alarming rate, and the Baltics are basically dead when it comes to fertility rate.
East Pakistan, as it was when they first tried to join it, Mr. wiseass know-nothing.
alarmist nonsense
Russia's muslims are Tartars and Turks, not Arabs. It makes a huge difference. And while Russia has a lot of Muslims, they know how to keep them under control, and other Slavic countries just don't let them in, period.
Good goy.
Fuck, why aren't you Europeans having any fucking kids? Here in the US Whites finally started having more kids than anyone else for the first time in years and is expected to increase
Exactly. If everything stays literally the same for the next billion years or so, Eastern Europe will be brown by that time.
every species goes through the same teething stage as us before they start genetically modifying themselves to be more intelligent
>Tartars and Turks, not Arabs
Actually they're mostly Caucasians.
>It makes a huge difference.
Yeah it does, Caucasians make Arabs look like humans in comparison.
>next billion years
Try the next hundred.
just ignore and report them instead of replying
If Russia doesn't want Muslims literally all they have to do is give back their land and fuck off.
Genociding them would be a far better option but they seem to be too pussy to do that.
>a potentially interesting thread about sri lanka devolving into shitposting about islam (which didn't have anything to do with the tamil conflict)
Good work guys.
In the Caucasus they'll just retreat into the mountains like they always do and receive aid from Muslim countries
Russians could infect their sheep with some deadly pathogen so they'd all die after fucking them.
Was it Emperor Tiger Star's latest video?
That's how I found out this happened...
Come on, user. There are a lot more important problems than Sri Lanka to worry about.
Well, we have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless, and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people.
Wtf even total normalfags know about this
The absolute state...
>muslims are native to anywhere outside saudi arabia
>be native to a place
>convert to islam
>suddenly not native to place