ITT: We fix Europe
ITT: We fix Europe
Remove Anglos
Remove krauts
Remove snowniggers
Remove gyppos
Remove walloons
Remove Catalans
Remove beurs
Remove terrone
Remove north Italians
Remove Albanians
Remove kosovars
Remove Bretons
Remove Galicians
I fixed Europe
this looks like those fake maps that were made up to make Europe look like the Sykes-Picot agreement
t. Pierre Gonzalez Spatuzza
t. removed subhuman
Give the French free reign and let them forcefully assimilate everyone else, it’s one of their best skills.
is cuckoldry a skill now?
I see, both a subhuman and intellectually challenged, must be an amerimutt
Whiter than you, Ahmed
t. gypsy from muntenia
Right, american “white”
Where Arabs and North Africans are considered white
"assimilation" is cuckoldry
>he doesn’t know about the French government’s concentrated efforts to remove most vestiges of regional identity
>he doesn’t know about the French government purposefully driving regional dialects and Occitan languages to near extinction
>he doesn’t know about the French forcing Catholicism, heavily, into their heretics
No other nation has so successfully assimilated every subculture it has into one cohesive culture
Kek, why the fuck have you divided north Italy?
t. very obsessed polack
It was always better divided. Italian unified nationality is a meme and creates incredible incompetence in the fields of military and economy.
>Italian unified nationality
This applies to every European country. They should all be split into dozens, every single one of them.
>austria and switzerland still exist
like pic related
Tell me about all the wondrous things France or Germany did split. Or Spain. Or the Balkans. Italians can’t coexist productively with Italians from further parts of the country for some reason.
If there's a "macro region" that makes sense to exist is the North of Italy and yet its the only one getting divided in that map
>everyone I don't like is a pole
so it's the autistic Czech then?
the only correct answer: do it Africa style
Holy shit, is this the HRE
Ireland looks pretty comfy desu
Ireland is Europe's Madagascar.
>France occupying not only Alsace-Lorraine but also the Rhineland only to fulfill the meme natural border
no, that's disgusting
>les frontières naturelles
>un même
Go fuck yourself. The Rhine has been the frontier of France since Gallic times, and has been the aim of all French political leaders since the empire of Charlemagne was divided. Our French brothers in Rhénanie have been forcefully assimilated into g*rmanic culture, but they are waiting for us to free them. In the short time they were reunited with us under the République and the Empire, they were already starting to come out if the g*rmanic cave and bask back in the French light.
t. Francois Jovanovic
>this is your brain on Parisian unitarism
No wonder Bismarck realized you people just needed to get obliterated
fuck off
>loses decisively to Germans and needs to get bailed out by Anglos twice
Stop stealing more lands, disgusting vl*ch
Fixed it
Well, it'd certainly be interesting.
Literal retards.
These are good
Post yours.
>tfw no alternate history novel set in the 50's with no WW2 but rather a 1984 eternal war in europe between culture groups as America and the Japanese empire get rich off the war and Split the rest of the world between them.
For what purpose?
9/10 map best I've seen in a long time. Only gripes are southern Bulgaria splitting Greece and no Slovakia but otherwise excellent.
>Republic of London
>Doesn't even own majority of London
>thread with edgy maps and ebin empires
Spot the bulgarian
Who do you should own Albania then?
From the looks of it, the French are the ones being assimilated right now
fuk u mom this isnt a phase
also I forgot what some of the borders were
>Remove Galicians
though there wouldnt be any galician here, eh? you fucker
What did we fucking do? Why does everybody that knows us hates us?
Join Serbia and Montenegro and it's perfect
Just make the entire Europe Germanic again :)
>give Franco-Swiss cantons to the French
>give the Walloons an independent nation
What gives, bruh?
>>independent corsica
just make it a part of italy or some shit.
>m-muh Elsaß-Lothringen!!
Fuck off, Burger, Alsace is French.
Shit map, Siciily, Corsica, and Sardinia are too unified, un-realistic.
Explain Greece
You're a contrarian retard
why must they give a separate administrative division to every fucking village
Walloonia is enough of a national identity to be independent. Being mountainous French is not
Best map so far.
Let's just wipe the slate clean and start over again
Britain, Spain, Poland, Lithuania and Georgia all as one country?
What makes you think this could work
just same color
>Lothian Celtic
Pan-linguistic group movements are usually so fucking retarded
Talking weirdly, and eating fries, mussels, and good beer is not the basis of a national identity.
Why do you have Slovakia become part of Poland, if it is actually much closer to the Czech republic?
There are white arabs and white north africans, fucking retard.
I have a soft spot for Weimar Germany. Prussian exclave is aesthetic as hell. Also map painting is suprisingly comfy.
Bruh, user gave Slovakia back to Hungary.
So, I definitely took some important stuff from some people, but I feel I compensated most of them fairly.
Italy deserves Corsica and Istria. Slovenia is an abomination. Greece deserves the Ionian coast. Germany is never big enough. Who needs a Ukraine? Etc.
Western Anatolia and Constantinople have always been Greek
>T*rk genocide
This this this
That's probably a better idea, I just wanted to spite France
I'm willing to forgive the other nonsense to live in this reality
Italy unifing with Latvia and Estonia is ballsy not gonna lie
fuck you for making me add fancy text for 30 minutes, also i have 10 variations of this from months ago already
We're onto you Gali C.I.A.
something grew in the desert
Just disown the English, as many have been trying to do for several millenia. Also, possibly the French, but they have a chance for recompense.
t. catalonian
>t. Mencius Moldbug
Why have Byzantium and Greece? Why give "Greece" Constantinople?
Also, Wallonia should be French.
I'm assuming this is an alternate history, because "Greece" would be majority Turkish, but then why give Poland ethnic German areas?
Other than that, 10/10
>"Greece" would be majority Turkish
roach infestations do not affect population figures, only number of people needed to remove
Why do people always blob continental powers but split up the UK?
God tier, desu
>scottish lowlands
>pan celtic
Lorraine has been Fr*nchified but Alsace is rightful german land