Lifting for looks

Serious question. Which routine should I follow, if I just want the general masses akka normies to consider me "ripped", or "fit"? No roids. I'm just tired by this Stronglift / Starting Strength memes, I don't care about actually being able to squat 4pl8, or "making it", I just want to look good without my shirt on. There, I said it.

So what do, become curlbro? Are there any proven routines for this?

Pic kinda related

Other urls found in this thread:

Starting Strength

yeah, no. I want the exact opposite of t-rex mode. I was doing Stronglifts 5x5 for 4 months, my quads and calves were huge, but upper body looked like shit.

do starting strength and then add isolated triceps, biceps, abs/obliques, shoulders, etc after the heavy compound. Not that difficult

If you want to be like pic related you'd better start with lip curls for maximum dick sucking potential honey.

>but upper body looked like shit
so you know the problem and even how to solve it
why ask?

>Using this much COPE to deal with the fact that that guy can get 1000x times more pussy than you from model tier girls no less

your picture is mostly very low bodyfat. he has almost no muscle and would look quite skelly with a t-shirt on.

so there's no "proven routine". just do a PPL, do it consistently, put on 5-10 kg of muscle, cut down and you're done

that guy isn't even """model""" ottermode brad pitt in fight club big, he would like an extra 10-15 lbs later. unless he's tall like 6'4, girls aren't actually into him. this guy is smaller than runners and bruce lee, way too small and trying to pull off the whole "yeah guys i'm just lean and healthy girls suck my dick :)" mode isn't working.

any upper body work (calisthenics or weights, doesn't matter for this body), abs and cardio 2-3x/week and low bodyfat.

What you posted is a cardio bunny twink

The most "lifting" he does is pushups guaranteed

can confirm, the skinny-lean method only works when you are really tall. if you are 5'8 or below you'll just look like a middle school boy.

been there done that. not recommended.

what the fuck do you mean? just do exercises that work the musclegroups u wanna have bigger faggot

No loser in this thread is actually answering you, here's what you should do.

Have two upper body days. A should be horizontal push/pull focused, B should be vertical push/pull focused. Choose exercises that you like. Dummbells >>> Barbells tho. Do sets of 3x6-8 for main exercises and 3x8-12 for acessories.Include biceps and triceps in every workout. Include lateral raises, do them with light weight for 6x12 for each arm. Slow and controlled and do them incline. Do face pulls. Do abs every workout. I personally do planks with weight and I increase after I can do 1 minute with that weight. Also, do neck curls or extensions every workout.

Do this like: ABXABXX

Legs once a week if you feel like. Your squat should be around 100 kg though. No need to increase it over that as it's useless and your legs will be big (for normal people and not Veeky Forums autists) if you can squat 100 kg for 5x5. Do that once a week, on satuday or sunday.

This is the best program if you wanna just look good and it works 100%. Been doing it for 2 months and got twice as much mires as I got while I did muh SS.

>been doing it for 2 months
nice bait faggot

8 months of SS and 6 months of various shit PPL splits before. And none gave me the results of this current split which is basically upper body 4 times a week and legs if I care. So fuck off faggot.

Additionally, add in lots of cardio. And go on a cut to get those abs. Normies only care about abs

> planks with weight
For some reason i've never heard of this. How much weight are you adding? What was your growth like? Are you using a plate like the one second google fu I did?

MPS suggests lifting every ~24hrs. Hypertrophy training is ~60-80%, ~4x6-12.

What are your Stronglifts lifts?

At least build a decent level of strength.

Try a bodybuilding routine like:

Most of fit move on after 1/2/3/4 but I moved on with a 95lbs OHP, 1plate bench, 2 plate squat and 2.5 plate DL.

Had anterior pelvic tilt or skinny gut that's why I started doing abs. They were weak as fuck and I was hyperextending on OHP because of this.

I started doing with 5 kgs. First day I do 3 sets for 40 secs. If it goes ok, I do 3 sets for 50 seconds with the same weight. If it goes ok, 3 sets of 60 seconds with the same weight. Then increase. Right now I'm at 17.5 kg for 40 seconds and my abs are visible. I have 8 pack and my core is stronger than ever. But your form should be excellent on planks. Most people do them so bad that it hurts watching.


dyel. i'll pass.

if you want a body like the pic calisthenics an get you there. Might need to bench to get those pectoralis minor to really inflate but aside from that this is not by any means a difficult physique to get through bodyweight stuff. You'd probably have bigger delts and lats.

Youre looking for ottermode faggot.
So just do basic lifts and some accessories while on a slow bulk then cut, repeat until desired result.


I look good shirtless, i do Stronglift program with some added exercises like dips and pullups.

Only thing is that my chest and back are so huge my arms look like dyel hands in comparison.

I want to try that endurance thing before I do rock climbing. Does that high rep stuff improve your muscles capacity to store or use their glycogen?

Fuck why is he welsh...


You dont need to bulk to be ottermode, if you are obese/skinny fat then cut, if you are thin/skinny just lift

Ottermode is weak and for beta males

aside from the preachy nonsense he's right. You don't need to do the bulk cut thing with ottermode. If anything you need to stay away from it because ottermode goes to novivisbleabs mode in about 5-8 lbs. So you're going to have to eat very close to your maintenance while you're otter to keep it looking good anyways.

The biggest part of achieving the look in your pic is eating habits.

Lose weight while lifting. do a hard fucking cut (500-700 kcals) while maintaining around 2.5/2/1.5/1, although if you're slightly below/above those numbers you're fine.

Do accessory work such as
>pull ups or curls 2/3x8
>weighted dips / tri extensions 2/3x8
>ab wheel 2/3xf or hanging leg raises 2/3xf

You dont actually need to stop doing a strength routine to achieve the body (or close to it) that you posted.

in fact, if you stripped most 1 year lifters of all of thier fat they'd look pretty close to that. Its just that most lifters dont have the discipline to get that lean within thier first year and most people dont have the discipline to get that lean period.

Greyskull maybe? I do the fit one which adds some assistance for you. It's similar to SS, but just more upper