Face Thread

Low body fat, gum chewing, lots of water, good haircut, buff neck.

What else can cause face gains?

Post transformations

(Photo is Mike O'Hearn)


>gum chewing

Also I need this. I'm skinny fat and cant gain muscle. Not sure what to do. Got fat around my neck too.

OP from the Chad thread here. Who else is perfect facial aesthetics?
Thinking about going into modeling what do you autistic betafag NEETs think?

wtf is mewing? like making cat sounds?

you look like you're holding in a turd after mexican food

your skull is tiny and your sucking in your cheeks, next

no gum chewing is a meme

That retarded cap. Just wow.

>No pics
Incels confirmed

Why do I look like a chad in profile angle pics but look like a total moonface in straight foward face pics?

You look like someone penetrates you for the first time.

>Can't criticize perfect facial aesthetics so resorts to ridiculing a normal hat

You're probably pretty familiar with that look aren't you faggot?

Why is the picture so blurry

Zoomed in for face thread

sucking in ur cheeks like a fag. lmao

>Everyone with defined cheeks is sucking in
Apparently Mike O'Hearn in the OP is sucking his in as well?

>gets called out for balding
>puts on a snap back immediately after


KEK finally some good bantz thx m8!
Minoxidil in the mail so we're gonna see if that works.

>what else
Non stop anxiety - induced jaw clenching. When I chew you can see the muscle above my temples flex. Comes with its own problems though.

>sucking in cheeks
>face asymmetrical
>eyebrows asymmetrical
>weird jew nose
>tiny head
>brown eyes

Not me

This is probably one of the best looking men I've ever seen.

All natty too

he claims natty too

Sick bait bruv

I thought so. It's god damn marvelous.
Yeah, I think he is.

if that's you im mirin no homo would succ

What are the two words in that post?

>Mike O'Hearn

this nigga will pin M/W/F and will tell u he's natty on Tuesday ffs

suck in those cheeks like you suck dick faggot. Its so sad when you can spot a skinny cunt just by the photo. Neck urself you worthless fuck

ahh these are the responses that give me incentive to keep casting my bait. Thank you KEK