Tell me about gypsies.
Are they genetically linked to other people of India?
Tell me about gypsies.
Are they genetically linked to other people of India?
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>Are they genetically linked to other people of India?
No, they came from space. Duh.
They may have been originally Untouchables, but they heavily mixed with a lot of peoples throughout their history. For example, they used to be slaves for centuries in Wallachia and Moldavia, and Gypsy women were often raped by their Romanians masters and gave birth to mixed children.
Sure maybe your average Gypsy mutt in Romania isn't exactly pure but they're pretty indian looking everywhere and not like in OP's pic
There's different groups of Gypsies, there is India originating Roma and Sinti, and there is European Gipsies like Jenische or Travelers. Euro Gypos hate Sinti and Rom like nothing else.
What the fuck is that
people below the caste system in India, see Pariah for more information you uneducated fuck.
>and Gypsy women were often raped by their Romanians masters and gave birth to mixed children.
Lol, nope.
Gypsy qts are rare, and lack of hygiene doesnt help your boner.
Peasants girls and mistresses werent in short supply.
Romanian, hungarian and balkan gypsies are genetically more unmixed than western gypsies.
In Slovakia there's two distinct types of Gypsies, there's Rumungri (literally "Hungarian Gypsies") who have lived in Hungary for many centuries. They're honest to god baboon tier stupid and look like straight up Dravidian inbred shitskins but historically they were mostly tame, pretty much followed the law and tended to work as blacksmiths or tinkers.
The other group are Olaši (from Hungarian "Oláh" meaning Wallachian or Romanian), who used to be slaves in Wallachia, got freed in the 19th century and quickly flooded the rest of Eastern Europe. These look more white than Rumungri, some of them could even pass for Mediterraneans or Balkanites, but they're absolute fucking scum, literally worse than niggers and Jews put together. Most negative stereotypes that exist about Gypsies comes from them, they live by a criminal code according to which stealing and leeching welfare is more honorable than working, they absolutely loathe white people to the point of murdering them, and the few of them who are rich got their wealth from child prostitution rings and drug trade. They're extremely segregated from both whites and from Rumungri whom they view as a race of slaves (despite having a slave background themselves).
thats not a gypsie, stop romantcizing copper enthusiasts
>who used to be slaves in Wallachia, got freed in the 19th century and quickly flooded the rest of Eastern Europe.
You know, i feel sorry for you and swedes.
Western euros criticised us for being racist towards them, so they can eat a dick, but you 2 are literally blameless.
>gypsy qts are rare
lol no
>Jenische people
>Europe's traditional equivalent to white trailer trash
>Roma people
>India's curse on Europe
fucking cancer
Their music is fire, so many eastern european nations adopted their tunes
Other way around
Both ways
dude.its other way around.
gypsies are in same category as abos. low iq. ugly as fuck.inbreeding is norm.stealing and dishonesty is theres culture.
gypsy qts are fucking rare.
>Gypsy qts are rare, and lack of hygiene doesnt help your boner.
I'm not sure a Vlach boyar, was as delicate as you, not to mention his man at arms.
>Romanian, hungarian and balkan gypsies are genetically more unmixed than western gypsies.
Probably indeed. In France it's not uncommon to come across Gypsies who look fully European.
Gypsies look inbred and their average IQ is nigger-tier. Most of them are either beggars or street hookers.
Several studies of the IQ of Gypsies have found average IQs ranging from 70 to 83.[9]
The average IQs of Gypsies in different countries have been stated to be 85 in Slovenia, 83 in Slovakia, 70 in Serbia, and 60 in Romania.[7]
A 2015 meta-analysis stated an average IQ of 74.[10]
During a Slovak study in the 90s, 23 510 children in the age of 6 – 14 years in the district of Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, were given a Wechsler Scale test. A total of 510 children (2,16 %) were diagnosed as mentally retarded (with an IQ 70 or less). 0,9 % of the non-Gypsies were diagnosed as mentally retarded, as opposed to 21,5 % Gypsies. Although the Gypsy children constituted only 6 % of the testing sample, they counted for 60,7 % of the mentally retarded. [11]
Gypsies and Albanians are the worst scum in Europe: inbred, sub human tier mean IQ, violent, poor hygiene,...
90% of street hookers in western Europe are Niggers, Albanians and Gypsies. Just gas them already.
America has niggers, Europe has gipsies.
I'd rather have the darkest niggers of the Congo than gypsies, seriously.
That's Abo-tier.
They’re from Egypt
>but they heavily mixed with a lot of peoples throughout their history.
that's fake and gay, Gypsies are inbreed as fuck
Wtf I love gypsies now
but that's a model, these r gypsies
Go back to /v/ sonny, you have school tomorrow
Fucking gypsies, I swear. In Chile, as far as we know, no academic publications exist that indicate the date or from what country the first gitanos began to arrive to Chile. The scarce information we have been able to find come from various newspaper articles. They all coincide in indicating Serbia as the place from where the majority of the first gitano families came from. Russia and Romania are also mentioned as countries from where the first gitanos immigrated from.
Please stop being retarded, there is nothing antithetical between inbreeding and race-mixing. For example, the Maghreb has a very high level of inbreeding, and yet its people are heavily mixed. Same with Gypsies.
I'm actually jelly of their culture, the one that says that they shall not work (or work on scrap with their vans) and leech from gov's werfare as much as possible, that leaves them to be free, to be free is their most high valued value. They sing they steal, they go stabing some people, they even go to jail for it, but they are free and live a full life, way fuller than you and me. They are freedom lovers.
I made a thread asking about gypsies on Veeky Forums once and everyone was in agreement, that gypsies were worse than American blacks.
I lived in one of the blackest neighborhoods(liberty city) in the least white city in America (Miami). How bad are gypsies that they would trade them with blacks? Someone went as far to say that gypsies make blacks look like sophisticated aristocrats.
Dios mio, el Ogro de las Balcanas
Well you're in luck, thanks to Mutti Merkel now Europe has both!
Go be white trash on a trailer park, you'll find those same "values".
Tell me a story about your experience with them
It's kind of insane, given how long they have been in Europe, that they have made no effort to integrate. They still maintain their own languages, they don't mix with whites, they sometimes claim to be christians or muslims or w/e but in fact they still maintain their own religion, too. They're a true case study in cultural stability, kind of like the Jews I guess.
The reason Gypsies are worse than blacks is because they are slightly more intelligent and so can do more effective scams / cons / robberies, and because they are incredibly loyal to one another. Blacks are forever killing one another and betraying one another, not so with Gypsies.
I live in Astoria Queens, gypsy beggars set up shop by a train station to just beg all day. They showed up in January 2016 out of nowhere, ostensibly they somehow ended up in nyc following the refugee wave of fall 2015. They literally just set themselves up outside of the train station and just beg unapologetically. Mostly women and they do it in organized shifts. It's pretty amazing when you think about how shameless it is.
Yes. They often have a small child with them for maximum pity points, they make a surprisingly large amount just thru the begging, even setting aside the robberies and abductions.
When did gypsies stop looking like and start looking like Because I've never seen an attractive gypsy in my entire life.
>this picture
is this how Americans think gypsies look like?
they've never looked like OP's pic
Protip: That's a model, she's not a gypsy.
all you idiots need to understand the difference between gypsies/travellers and Roma people. Roma's are the shitskins who do the crime, the other gypsies can be any other ethnicity and do the crime
>they got to keep that child
So disgusting, that poor child and her real mother.
similar but not the same, the original flavour vs the imitation
Well, you may never get your dream of living as a Gypsy, but look on the bright side: You don't have to live as a Gypsy.
in my balance, living as a gypsy is worth it, next reincarnation maybe
>roma gyppos
>most of them are actual criminals and drunks
>complain that people see them as criminals and drunks
>we dindu nuffin
>work with gyppos from other countries to create more crime
>contribute practically nothing to society
I would take 2 russian/slavic mobsters for each gyppo any day of the week, atleast they are professionals these days
maybe even 3 if it got rid of all of them
Baltics and russia also has gypsies that look exactly like ones from balkans. Some tabors are quite rich tho..
Gypsies never looked like Nordic white girls, user
That's nothing. Where I come from they intentionally mutilate their children and then send them begging to score extra pity cash for being disabled.
Depends on the Gypsy type, Irish travelers or Jenische are genetically Europeans, Sinti and Roma are not.
Irish travelers are unironically worse than Cigani in every way. At least with a gypsy you have 50/50 chance of either getting mugged or being treated like their boss. With travelers, you'll always get some angry cunts missing all their teeth and arming their retarded kids with needles
There's stories in Romania that they used to steal white children because they were too inbred to have children with themselves anymore.
I have a couple of gypsy friends, one of them is whiter than me thanks to mixture.
Also one of my cousins if married to one, they are all great guys.
Now, everyone else are fucking demons, killers, stealers, cowards, if you ever fight one, you hae 2 options, surrender and let him and maybe 3 or 4 os his cousins kick your ass, and then pray they wont come back for you with his whole family OR kill him and run from the city, anyways his whole family will come back for you (but only if they outnumber you 1 to 4)