What did they do with retards throughout the ages?
What did they do with retards throughout the ages?
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Just a few generations ago doctors in the UK would often smother them, off the books. Sweden was practicing state mandated eugenics up to the 70s. Before that, I can only imagine things were worse. They certainly were for malformed Spartan kids, who got left out for the wolves without even the sweet release of euthanasia.
Well, they didn't do anything with Charles II
What the fuck is their problem?
Usually killed them.
Who else thinks the state should train them as entertainers or jesters and call the program Downs2Clowns?
Well, if they count autists as retards, they should probably start with you, user,
ur mum started with me u fuckin loser
kek get rekt dweeb
I'm down 4 some clowns
Girl = Jews
Retard = Hitler
Others = Allies
Sub-Saharan Africa was pretty much left to its own devices until the scramble.
>immediately continues to clap after the fact
looks like she pierced her eye with that candle, that's fucked up.
i wonder if they hate him
What a disgusting creature.
What? Are you sure?
They made them the king of spain
Why is it legal to let a retard be born? Seriously, they are not happy and make everyone around them miserable
Probably had them do boring household chores, watch sheep, forage, really basic shit. Basically everyone had to work back then, even the blind or crippled, so I can't see retards as being any different.
Probably as manual labor during the middle ages as farm hands.
Anyone else legitimately fearful of retards? When they go full rage mode they can overpower multiple men. Plus their mush brains means no morality so they could kill and feel nothing.
Bleeding heart liberal types require a moral highground.
Not afraid of them. I show them love and respect and they appreciate it even more than the average person since it's so rare for them to get it from a stranger.
Anything could set them off man. I've seen tards go from happy, giggling to rampage over nothing. Takes multiple full grown dudes to wrestle them down. Like watching nigs on pcp get taken down on COPS.
Yep, seems like this all ended sometime around the 80s when retards just became cellar dwellars tossing shit about. Before that you suited those fuckers up in overalls and made em work the fields until they were too tired to try to jerk off on someone or smear turds on things.
Seriously though, it seems the tards are just being used as another drag on society that has to be attended to, much like faggots and trannies. I think they just passed a law in Ohio were it is illegal to abort a DownTard. And now being pushed as beautiful and superior. Pic Related.
>muh liberuls
It's almost always conservatives who insist their retard spawn is a gift from god or some shit. Liberals just abort them
Nah the lack of value for human life is one of those things that crosses political lines.
Progressive movements throughout Europe are the ones advocating for nigh eugenistic programs to get completely rid of Down's, you absolute retard.
Traditional values conservatives are the ones opposed to it on the basis that abortion is immoral and that everyone child deserves a chance at life.
dat double chin
i gAzEd @ dA BeAuTY of hEr dOUblEd cHiN. wAt a bEUaTifUl sOcIEtY wE hAve bUIlt.
based tard btfo'ing roasties
This may be an Old Yeller type situation. Once they go around harming the future bread winners, it's time to drape a piece of bologna over the barrel of the shotgun.
They sent them to monasteries.
Toppest Kek
They were still people just like anyone else, and their lives would still be sacred. Everyone is equal under God.
Made me giggle
Have you ever been to a Retard throwaway home; Smell of Hot Shit pops you right in the face as soon as you walk through the door. It is stifling and suffocating; you are breathing Shit. There is Shit, Piss, and Puke smeared everywhere and the Retarded Cries and Moans of a thousand deformed monsters is deafening. Sacred my ass.
Give them simple jobs.
A lot of people had some kind of genetic abnormality back then, folk were fairly inbred.
This post i call an enlightened post. An emerald shitpost, sir.
Man, i'd love a fffm pov video
Retards are too retarded to feel sadness so they are always happy actually.
Is Retard Porn even a thing?
Some brave user needs to check into that give a quick rundown.
Imagine Charlie doing that to Marie Louise at their wedding party
Serious answer coming through.
I remember hearing a professor of history (I mean a real professor -- he was tenured and wrote books) say that they have records of parish churches in the medieval era setting aside money to support "the village idiots." Meaning, the retarded people.
I have just seen some shit, bruh
Because there is more to life than pain and pleasure.
Also this Like niggers they are highly amusing in their antics and introduce a bit of much needed chaos. Pure order would result in a culture of lethargy, it is what toppled the Soviet Union. We (superior intelligent patricians) let them live for much the same reason we suffer psychopaths and neurotic normies to live.
>much the same reason we suffer psychopaths and neurotic normies to live.
and douchebag, pseudo-intellectual 15 year olds
la atrocidad
T-4 was unironically one of the very few good things Nazis did.
At least half of them didn't reach adulthood. Those that did had to stumble along as best they could.
>tfw just turned 16
High five anons!!!!!!
Holy Moly. What is going on here?
I had no idea.
Do Tards need to be trached to have sex?
does keeping retards around help at making (the goverment) more money
every retard has to go to school because its law right so you see where im going with this right
My sides.
This made me tear up man.
A friend of mine has a retard brother and he would come crying home from school all the time because he liked some girl but the girl was an ass to him along with all the kids.
I was friendly to him and made conversation with him as if he were a regular human being.
One day he got real sick and was in the hospital and he asked everday about me to see if I was gonna see him. I went to see him and he had the biggest grin on his face when he saw me walk in.
After that he would literally never leave me alone to the point where it got annoying, but I understood I was the only one that treated him with dignity and it made me just so sad.
Stop being disabled
There’s Irish folktales that give instructions on how to recognize and get rid of fairy children.
The idea was that fairies would kidnap your child and replace it with their own so that you would raise it.
They were recognized by their physical and mental deformities. The descriptions match modern signs and symptoms of retardation, autism, Down syndrome etc.
If you simply abandoned these fairy children they would find their way back into the home. The only way to get rid of them was to heat a shovel over the hearth and then use it to cast the child out of your home.
TLDR; Irish people upon realizing their kid was retarded would hurl children out of their house on red hot shovels because they thought they were fairies.
There's no such thing as a retard because IQ is a racist social construct.
Is there such a thing as an attractive retard? Surely they can't all be malformed lumpy downies?
Another method they used was to push a red hot firepoker up the anus
Being fair this one is reasonably good looking.
kill them, they weighed society down
I think we still should abort/euthanise them but not because of the support they need
I would bet my life on that if we gave each retard above average intelligence for one day they would realise they would rather die than live as retards
I know I would
yeah just try to be nice to them they're not going anywhere
Is your OCD acting up again?
Get banned
he seems pretty normal
This is the best way, to treat them just like you treat everybody else.
>and they appreciate it
No they dont, they cant even fathom the idea of appreciating anything.