Idk if this belongs in fit, but it's sort of health related. I've got MS and my uncle is building me a cane from scratch. Currently he is carving several handles from wax. It's modeled after the Threaded Cane in bloodborne.
No detail work yet.
1. Do you have a disability
2. Do you have cool shit to compensate
If necessary I'll move this to Veeky Forums. Wasn't sure. Just wanna see some cool stuff.
Luke Foster
1. Brain damage and this wrecks everything in my body.
2. I like to do lower weights with more sets and this is also because I am a loner who works out where no one could hear my screams for help. In particular, I walk on my right toes because of the way my muscles froze in my coma and this makes everything involving standing to be more difficult. It makes it harder because my right leg can't bear as much weight and it also makes me less stable when moving.
Adrian Butler
If you don't mind me asking, OP, how old were you when you were diagnosed with MS? How long have you had it? When did you start losing movement or however it works? What were your symptoms at first? My roommate was diagnosed last year at a relatively young age.
Matthew Johnson
Sorry about the diagnosis, MS is some scary sad shit.
If you want to talk about MS and Veeky Forums doesn't really bite, you could try If you want to talk about cane building, perhaps If you want to talk about "bloodborne" game? There is a board for that... maybe
Hunter Carter
25. Walking issues were my first problem, though I also have visual field problems in my right eye. It has not worsened since my diagnosis. Everyone is different. I've been diagnosed for about a year.
Currently on plegridy. It's a once every two week injection with a pen under the skin. My side effects are worse than the ms itself as far as muscle weakness in my legs goes. But as long as I keep my temp down it gets better after a couple days. I've experienced a few hours of near total symptom remission which means the nerves themselves are still healthy.
Switching to ocrevus soon (new drug) and we'll see how my body responds when it doesn't have to decline every two weeks.
Adam Davis
keep your head up disability bro let us know if you need some advice on exploiting your condition to bang sluts
if anything im sure everyone would pitch in to buy some coke and hookers for you
Jose King
Thanks. It's all good man. I'm staying crazy positive and it's not like it's muscular dystrophy or something. And drugs are improving like crazy. Plus my fiance and family are super supportive, I have a job, no debt, and I'm in a much better position than most. Just so happens I have ms.
I chose Veeky Forums cause I'd like to also talk about how those with disabilities cope and keep healthy. Seems like a neglected topic.
Ill also check out /diy/ though. Usually I spend lots of time on Veeky Forums and such.
Daniel Morgan
Hah. Well I do Fuck around with people a lot. Like those who criticize me for stopping the elevator on the second floor at work... You've never seen people feel quite so bad when they make comments and then they realize. It's fun.
Isaiah Gutierrez
How about this, to relate it to Veeky Forums.
What are some good leg exercises that don't require balance?
Julian Edwards
I'm sorry to hear about that, user. My roommate was diagnosed at 19. He lost hearing in his left ear and had blurry vision for a bit but everything is normal, as far as I know. He doesn't talk about it much; he's not one to share much about his life anyways. His dad jokingly asked me the other day if I was going to transfer over to our school's neurology research lab. I don't know what drugs he's taking either, but I know he can't drink. What do the doctors have you doing to alleviate it? Best of luck.
Luke Brown
I dont personally have a disabilty other than my diabetes but ive always been amazed at the ways people can adapt. Have you seen the ben heck episode where he made a one handed controller for arcade machines? Pretty cool stuff.
Ryan Mitchell
If he can't drink he's probably been on one of the interferons for a while.
Doctors have been great but there's not a whole lot to be done. PT helps. Really I'm not in pain or anything. Just need to rest a LOT
William Johnson
that's fuckin hilarious
Eli Gonzalez
>disability tools
I have this lump on my chest due to an IV port that was put in there on Feb 2017 I sometimes show it to people who do not believe me when I tell them I have cancer. I guess I look good for a cancer patient. scans and blood work done this week have showed the tumors in my torso have all shrunk since getting chemo. I literally had the same cancer as Furious Pete which is very curable with enough chemo.
I only do 3 exercises to stay sort of fit since finishing the chemo. one legged squats to failure, push ups to failure and pull ups to failure.
Carson Howard
Wall squats, modified hip thrusts and resistance bands might work for you. I have cerebral palsy, so my balance is shit but those have never been too much of an issue
Ethan Stewart
Nothing really to add, but my Dad has MS and it's a terrible disease - my thoughts are with you.
Tyler Cooper
MS runs in my family. I'm terrified I'll get diagnosed with it later in life, but so far at 23 I'm all clear. It's an awful thing. My mom is 49 and basically a quadriplegic, but my grandpa is 75 and just recently started using a cane.
I hope whatever treatment(s) you try work out for you, man.
Cameron Ramirez
keep up the faith cancerbro
Connor Jenkins
Hey mate, sorry to hear about your diagnosis.
I'm going to be admitted to hospital next week for 2 days of tests to determine whether or not I have MS. Not really sure what to expect, kind of nervous.
2 of my cousins, one on my mother's side and one on my father's side have MS. I've been having symptoms for about 3 years now, nerve pain down my right side, especially my leg and pelvis, and facial drooping on my right side as well as eyelid drooping and asymmetrical vision problems.
They haven't really worsened in 3 years, in fact the pain has decreased quite a lot in severity and frequency, only my eye is steadily getting worse.
Hopefully it's not MS.
Xavier Rodriguez
Tell me more/background
It's incredibly inspiring that you push through and lift like a man.
I used to be end stage heroin/benzo addict, shit destroyed my body, probably not nearly as bad as you, but it makes me appreciate people with a handicap lifting without excuses... especially when the norm is perfectly able bodied lazy folk refusing to
Jaxon Cooper
1 I'm type 1 beetus 2 I have a big penis to compensate
Anthony Richardson
I didn't think MS was hereditary?
Carter Rivera
I have a bit of scoliosis so when I lift I get bruises on one side from the bar not being on the other side as much.
Daniel Brooks
My disability is that I have asthma. to compensate I do a lot of hot yoga and it really helps me from having to use my inhaler. All the same I hate doing cardio because I hate gasping for air. Usually when I exercise, I make sure I am able to always take deep breaths in and out.
Bentley Fisher
Hey MS-bro, glad to see your holding up well. I was diagnosed four years ago and have had 3 relapses. One of which left me without any fine motor skills for half a year (not being able to bind shoelaces or close the buttons of my jeans or write my bachelor's thesis). I've been relapse-free for two years now and still working out. I only just started working on my PhD which is a full-time job and I feel pretty tired all the time. Hopefully I'll get used to it...
Owen Morris
Wouldn't wax be too soft and weak for a cane handle?
Joseph Reed
>and it's not like it's muscular dystrophy or something my brother in law just found out he has that, he uncle has it too so ive seen how bad it gets, feel so sorry for the guy.
Brody Walker
Rheumatoid arthritis sufferer here, joint pain in ankles, knees, elbows, wrists and all knuckles.
still gonna make it
Connor Rodriguez
I have autism and my tool is my dick
Cooper Campbell
Why is everyone ignoring that looks like a giant black dildo?
Lincoln Collins
it's not hereditary but there are genes that can influence its development. It's obviously very complex but interestingly even though my mum has MS a normal woman has a greater chance of developing it than me!