Sup goys. I essentially only post on /k/, but I'm wondering. Are weighted pull-ups and weighted dips worth anything...

Sup goys. I essentially only post on /k/, but I'm wondering. Are weighted pull-ups and weighted dips worth anything? Or just memes? Do they present any kind of risk that would lead one to choose alternative exercises?

They're both good upper body excercises, but both can fuck up your shoulders if you're not careful
Just keep good form and you'll be good

they are only good once regular dips become too easy,

Well, that would be obvious if you knew me. I'm 5'7 and 152 lbs -- muscle and age-related weight gain. But around age 25 I was 130-135 lbs. Obviously many people don't have this problem but I need the resistance and I'm very comfortable training with an extra amount of weight on me. It could represent any kind of gear which is useful from the aspect of /practical/ strength

BoOnce you get used to bodyweight exercises you'll have to choose harder variants (for example one-arm pullups) or add more weight, so yes your suggestion is ok.

Plenty of bodyweight athletes do that.

Go back to your real board, stupid

>Go back to your real board, stupid

If you're >implying what I think you're implying, you're wrong

So are guns cool? Just wondering.

They're pretty rad

you alt right shit

How hard is it to make your own ammo? Is there a kit or something I can buy?

What gun should I get if I want one that shows off my functional strength?

Chin ups are generally more useful than pull ups. With weighted dips, make sure you go down until your humerus is parallel to the floor at the very least. Farther won't hurt if you've got the flexibility and keep your descent controlled. Above all else, keep your elbows "in," and don't let them flare out away from your ribs or you're liable to impinge your shoulders

Get one of those giant Uruk hai crossbows from lotr. Those fuckers are swole as fuck because they eat hobbits and shit

>you alt right shit

Chill out, my guy

Oh, I was hoping for a bullet using gun.

>Chin ups are generally more useful than pull ups
That really depends what you want. The only chinups I ever do are closegrip to work the bis and gorilla crunches. Close grip pullups target the forearm more but wide grip pullups are the way to go for a hectic back. Should be doing them all in my opinion

Bullets are for manlets. You need a fucking huge crossbow my dude, like a ballista or something and bonus points if you can craft your own bolts

It is very easy and you can buy a kit. It is expensive, and depending on caliber savings can be very minimal.

It takes a long time to reload a large quantity of ammunition, and if you mess up just one time, the penalty might be a maimed hand, loss of an eye, etc.

There's a reason most shooters don't roll their own.

>your tripfags are knowledgeable and post helpful content

Thanks, f/a/m

Damn, I was hoping it would be easy and cheap like brewing beer.

>There's a reason most shooters don't roll their own.

OP here, I've never done it but apparently the basic kits aren't that complicated. Still, the cost savings for most people are minimal, unless you're shooting so much you benefit from economies of scale.

Honestly, I like to browse /k/-related content (not particularly guns) but I actually rarely go shooting. Lifting, on the other hand, costs me $35/mo and it's a pretty sweet gym.

To put that in perspective, that's maybe the minimal cost of a single range trip, taking into consideration that I basically only shoot the most common (least expensive) rounds