/plg/ - powerlifting general

Why does nobody here say wew lad anymore

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ded meme

But this place is full of unoriginality so what does it matter
In the last thread someone asked how to fix buttwink.
Plg has been around for 5 years now. That question has come up probably weekly.

wew lad


Last heavy bench before my meet 18 days out. Had to take the descent slow due to achey elbows, but they'll be fresh come meet day.

Actually surprised at the speed here with the slow mo descent. Any idea what I could hit?


Like 350-365?

Thanks broski

It looked really good, hopefully your elbows will hold up on meet day. Best of luck my man

Me too! I get lots of rest until meet day, but regardless I'll qualify for nats.

I'll be sure to post how I'm doing when I compete!

>tfw taking an extra rest day because I don't feel like dealing with DOMS

how should I feel about myself

I don't think there's anything wrong with taking an extra rest day if you're fatigued, but the best way to get rid of DOMS is to stretch and move your muscles. You'd probably feel way better after 20-30 minutes of stretching and mobility.

I'm starting a cut. Having already accepted that I'll lose some amount of strength, how much worse would it be if I did intermittent fasting on rest days? Currently resting once every 3 days (lift, lift, rest, repeat).

Also on that note am I supposed to eat the same amount of calories on off days?

Probably not bad at all desu, personal preference whether you do it or not.

>Same kcal on off days
You can do it either way, I know Jesus got some good results by eating more on lifting days though, but it's up to you.

I'm going to start the powerliftingtowin guy's program at the pnp3 stage. For anybody who has done this program, is there anything you recommend changing for either improving the big three or for aesthetics, if possible?


Does a strong and explosive squat correlate with run speed? Thinking of trying my 60m today

nvm no need to spoonfeed me


also >half squats

I'm assuming they did this just because not all the football players were able to do a full squat?

>thought I was 5'11.5

>just found out I'm 5'10.5

I might just end it

aint nuttin but a number xDDDD

t. 179cm

apparently half squats have more carryover to jumping and sprinting, something something strength is somewhat joint angle specific

it scienceing

I went and got my heart checked because I've had heart problems in the past

Doctor said that he couldn't believe it but my heart is 99.9% normal now

I can't even be happy because im a 5'10 MANLET

in /plg/ we dont care about manlets; we care about leverage-lets. pls measure your femur and if its >25% of your height you should kys

You just made me realise that my wing span leverage have severely changed!

see being a manlet is fucking lit. bet you wish you were a 5'9, 21% femur, 6'2 wingspan chad now dont you

You don't jump from parallel, no reason to squat to parallel when training specifically for jumping carryover.

I mean for the worse.
I had a 5'9 wing span and now I realise that I basically have average length arms

Also means my femurs are probably longer than i thought, making me even more average.

I hate being a Manlet sooooo much and I've only been a Manlet for an hour now

31% femurs reporting

it's like AIDS for your squat

how to measure femurs?

You have to get your doctor to do it, its very expensive. I paid £300 for mine.

1) Measure height
2a) get a box on which when you sit/squat, you are exactly at parallel
2b) sit on said box
2c) have someone measure your height now
3) femur length = height1 - height2

That's a convoluted method.

A far superior method is to sit in a chair and measure the top of your thigh to the end of your knee.

It's literally one elementary school subtraction harder than yours, and it's way more accurate. It's easy to misjudge where the hip and knee joints exactly are or to overestimate length due to thigh curvature. Both are especially easy to fuck up if you are fat and/or stupid, while my method is fool proof

Your measurements have a larger inaccuracy due to the difficult of measuring one selves height when seated.

You need that machine, just using a tape measurer is insane inaccurate, and the machine doesn't work seated.

Six Norman khans came splashing out .. Make that seven

Third one was the largest one

Who make that 8 Norman khans that came splashing out




I'm not done yet

Still have to dispose of more of this stinky pajeet...

Stink factor 5.4/10

I can sense a large pajeet that's about To come out

Oh wow make that the 12th and 13th !!!

WEEW this is working up to be a monster of a pajeet disposal session

Think there may be just one more left.. Then I can flush this stinky smelly fucking Norman khan the fuck back to India

How did you accept being 5'9?

I just discovered I am 5'10 and my world is crumbling around me. I am being plunged into darkness.

There is nothing worse than being a man below 6'0
A trans black Jewish women won't face the same prejudices as a short man does

what is the best rep and set range for deadlifts?

7 sets of 4

My method
>Place book, ruler or other flat object of reasonable length on top of head
>Hang measuring tape from bottom of item until it reaches floor, make sure it's vertical and tight
>Record measurement
>Subtract from height
>Be accurate enough thus correct because I am a mechanical engineer MSc
Your method
>Umm the hip joint is about here
>Okay let's run the tape along the thigh, what is curvature
>The knee joint is about here
>Be approximately accurate, not too terrible but definitely less than I was
>Meanwhile, degree of difficulty is exactly the same because you already need a flat object to measure your standing height and your method also requires a parallel depth chair, so you literally traded a first grade difficulty subtraction for a 5-10% loss in accuracy
>Be purposefully dense just to pass the time between sets because shitposting is all you have

My method is superior because you already know your height from a medical doctor.
Leg curvature doesn't effect it all because your femur is just as curved.

Finally, it is very obvious where the tape measurer begins and ends, you're telling the narrative from your own pea sized monkey brain and projecting your stupidity onto everyone else.

is 3x3 good for deadlifts?

yea ok

no I don't like that one



Why are you yapping about the femurs when it's clearly all about the arm length?

you may not like it

Anyone else have shit squat form with too little weight? Squatting with just the barbell up to 40kg my technique is shit. It's loose and all over the place and I have a clear buttwink
But ~50kg and beyond it improves drastically

>tfw want to run a gzcl template with more volume and days per week but they're all 4+ week cycles and you can still progress weekly so you have to do a no volume LP version instead

I wish I could do more for weekly progression it feels like nothing at the moment

I got some really bad pain in my lower back. I think its from sitting to much. Had to deload 20 kilo on my squat and still felt discomfort. Could also only deadlift 60kilo.

It feels like my hamstrings and glutes have said good night and are not firing properly from sitting to much so they are tight and inactive and i got a little bit of lordosis which i never have.

Am i right in thinking this is because of glutes and hams are tight and not firing properly? I never had any problems or pain doing squats, deadlifts, etc and it only came last week. My whole back is tight af from hips, lower back to lats and neck. It has to be from sitting. Doing ss in my 8 month i think

Thoughts? Advice?

Start stretching retard

Google DR Stuart McGill lower back stabilisation guide and do it for a few months

You'll be good

Don't listen to
It's pointless, temporary pain relief, assuming you have the mobility of an average male

the average male has shit mobility

Thanks sean

down in battle like an hero ;n;

Thank you.

Its strange, i'd say my mobility has always been better then the average man, i always been like that. Its just lately my back is seriously fucking tight. I don't even know how or why that happened.


dont b sad. hes in hevan with his princesa now :)

The entire point of GZCL is to make your own program.

Yeah but wouldn't it kind of fuck up the LP part more easily if there's too much?

Well if you're progressing weekly you're not meant to add more volume.

Does a pdf of 531 forever exist anywhere on the internet?

does anyone know a high frequency squat program

Isn't it a case of minimum volume to progress vs more volume for more growth?


In the case of linear progression, and even weekly peaking like TM, you accumulate fatigue fairly quickly as you increase weight, and eventually you probably won't be able to progress due to fatigue, which is why you deload; to attempt that PR which you failed slightly more fresh than before. For this reason it's not a fantastic idea to add more volume to a linear progression program when you're already progressing. That being said, if you're finding it easy to recover, maybe increasing volume will allow you to progress a bit faster, therefore allowing you to sustain linear progress for longer. It comes down to your call, really.

he died?

>havent made progress on squat in 5 months
im gonna start c6w this friday but i dont think i can take it anymore longer lads i cant even squat 4 plates yet

i could dl 5 plates before i could even squat 3 just fuck my shit up why does squatting feel so unnatural i dont get it

This is me but literally all of my lifts except bench

Are you ?

>don't like passport picture

my arms arent that long my hamstrings are just huge

my ape-index is something like 1.062

yes he joined the military and he was a casualty. jokes aside he was a big part of PLG and hell be remembered

First rich piana, now Paul.

Damn life is so fragile...

Are you me, still at 160kg squat since February. At least my bench went up by like 40kgs.

>Are you me, still at 160kg squat since February. At least my bench went up by like 40kgs.
are you kidding thats literally me

my bench e1rm is ~130kg now

Literally who

lmoa it's 135kg for me, are you also 5'6 74kg?

God damn, what's it like down there man?

Just said cheers nigga to the mail man, who was black, and I don't know why

Is my mail gonna start getting lost in the post now

I'll take things that didn't happen for 1000 alex.

It did happen though

What would I gain from lying about this in a POWERLIFTING thread???

pretty chill. Aiming at 2x bw bench at the end of this year.

no im actually 5'9

what are you doing for your squat now

idk, ask sean

It's hard to believe you're that autistic

> BW Multipliers
> Mattering
I bet you weigh like 70kg

Nothing specific I'm trying to fix it right now, after I've finally discovered what was causing my back pains. So I'm mostly keeping the weight at around 60-75% lots of paused and slow reps focusing on my technique.

He already posted his weight you dummy.


I'm a a white dude with dreadlocks
I'm sure he understands nigga

i read about fatigue management from the powerliftingtowin website.

he says there's two main ways to go about it:
- load drop.
first you work up to a set at a certain RPE (8, 9). Then remove the % of fatigue that you want to reach, from that weight. And keep lifting that weight until you reach the same RPE as first set.

- repeat.
you "find" a weight that can maintain a constant RPE. when that RPE becomes higher, then the difference of % from the RPE chart is the fatigue % reached.

In order to apply fatigue to VD in TM and try starting at a 6% fatigue, then repeats would seem to me more appropriate.
Am i on the right track?

In order to choose the starting weight for the repeat sets, as i am not yet confident with RPE, is it ok to check the RPE % chart and get a weight from there? Also the % has to be from the 1RM or from the ID 5RM?


what's the best cardio for keeping your gainz?


If I go into basic as fat as possible will I catabolize my fat before muscle first?

I don't wanna lose years of gains from 3 months of cardio and sleep deprecation

>then repeats would seem to me more appropriate.
>Am i on the right track?
the issue is that you would need to start with a low weight that you might not be able to accurately measure the RPE of it

this is why a load drop is usually done based of a top set of rpe 8 or 9, those are more accurate

you can try though. I did repeats last week for VD myself and i was pretty fatigued on ID lmao grinded my usual 3rm for a single. Gonna do load drops next time

>I did repeats last week for VD myself and i was pretty fatigued on ID
how much fatigue% was that?

>a top set of rpe 8 or 9
what % should that be?
and should it be a % off an e1RM or off the prev week's ID 5rm?


it was supposed to be 7% but I am pretty sure I misjudged the initial set, which I thought was about rpe 6,5. Probally was much lower since I did repeats until rpe 9

>what % should that be?
the whole thing about autoregulation is that % based doesnt work because your real max fluctuates from day to day. Rpe 8 or 9 will be at a different weight everytime. You could just estimate in what range it could be and test it and see for yourself

you'll lose all your gains either way, fortunately myonuclear domain is a thing

just run an LP when you get out of basic