Can someone develop lactose intolerance at 26?

Milk has always been my favorite lifting beverage, mostly because of white supremacy but also because of cheap extra calories/preteens. It seems like I've been noticing some extra watery shits when I drink milk or eat ice cream. Not even rippetoe amounts of milk just a glass. This doesnt happen when I have kefir or yogurt or cheese though.
Anyone have experience with this bullshit? Are my gains going to leave me?

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What's your lactose intake look like?

I used to drink about a quarter gallon a day. Now I have been having a glass in the morning for breakfast. I eat cheese almost daily and yogurt/kefir almost daily

Happened to me. Drink milk cheese I get crazy heart palpitations. It's called candida/fungal/bad bacteria overgrowth. Is your tongue white? You're fucked m8

It's possible, you could also be becoming allergic to milk and dairy in general.

Go buy some lactase drops and put some in your milk and see if anything changes. You'll know for sure then.

I looked up candida tongue, no way my tongue is that white. It just gets the normal white shit when you brush in the morning. What did you do for your candida?

Nah the pics on google are exaggerations. If your tongue is white at all your immune system is compromised and candida funglizes and becomes apart of your tongue. I haven't done it but you have to eliminate all sugar fruits dairy and processed foods. Like I said your fucked unless you can do that. Candida linked with lots of shit and grows throughout your entire body. Also if you have candida you have parasites. I think parasite comes first and makes it a breeding ground for candida. Anyway I'm 2 years deep into research. I did not eat sugar and only ate vegetables(not carrots) chicken and eggs for 3 days and my tongue got noticeably redder. I just can't quit coffee and sugar xD

Let's play spot the untermensch

The "candidiasis" spots are cottage cheese like consistency. Dude honestly candida looks like alternative medicine bullshit. 99% of people have some white shit on their tongues that you brush in the morning or your mouth smells like asshole.

Don't be fooled by the webmd goy. But you'll learn eventually. Most people when they turn 40 it's progressed so far when they drink orange juice they produce lots of flem and coughing. But there are lots of side effects. And alternative medicine is the only real medicine. Antibiotics fuck up your entire ecosystem inside your intestines. Literally fucking your life up. Name a drug that doesn't just mask symptoms and long term use ultimately makes you much worse off.

I'm not them, but I have this issue with my tongue and my immune system is shit. Do you have any sources you can point me towards?

HOLY SHIT OJ MAKES YOUR SPIT THICK! I MUST HAVE A DISEASE. Can you point me to any snake oi- I mean natural medicines that I can but at an overprices goycery store?

Don't listen to candida-man, Tongue being white is bacteria, tongue being like splotchy and shitty looking as a job for your doctor.

I gotcha. Should I just scrape that shit and brush it, then? That's what I've started doing and it helps but not great yet.

Yeah brush before bed and in the morning. I had bad breath forever because i didnt realize it was my tongue that smelled like shit.

Yeah basically google. No sugar no fruits no milk only certain nuts no coffee basically paleo diet. There is candida crusher youtber. From my years of research if j were to kill it I would do a vegetable broth fast for a few days. And then parasite cleanse/fasts. Then once your healthy after these while maintaining your proper anti candida diet you add in the anti fungal and anti candida parasite foods. The research is evolving but many top people think parasite cleanse is best to do first. But you can also do immune boosting diet and other things to help your cause. Every case is different and the scary part is the fungus and parasites were made to evolve and survive so they will literally transform and become resistant to anti fungals so you have to switch them every week. Kefir has been really big for me and I've felt better than ever but some candida diets say don't drink kefir for the first couple months as bacteria can feeed off it. So start with immune boosting diet and parasite cleanses and then kill the candida. I'm starting my diet again tomorrow I have four days of little work. I'm certain you have candida because your shit is watery. Do the candida spit test in a cup google it. Also when you take garlic or coconut oil you'll notice candida die off in your shits. God speed m8. I've been procrastinating for the late year and it's only getting worse I can feel tingling in my brain eventually the parasites candida do reach the brain.

And yeah to the non believers yes it's bacteria in your tongue. Which is a direct indicator to poor immune system and your fucking bacteria is supposed to be in your intestine not your mouth so it traveled all the way to your mouth. You think this is a joke but most diseases doctors have no clue what are caused by are caused by candida. Fribromalya ibs chrons etc. but be a good goy and when you get cancer make sure you take chemo because that cures cancer xDDDD

T. Retard

Yes you can develop it, I developed intolerances to fructose, fructans, sorbitol, oligos

Yes, much more likely if black

Adult onset lactose intolerance is very common if you're not white

My grandma became lactose intolerant in her early 70's, so I'm guessing yes