This diabetes inducing garbage is considered healthy

>This diabetes inducing garbage is considered healthy.
>People think this is what you eat to lose weight.

How do we handle the fruits problem?

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Get scurvy and die faggot.

Is there any research on fruits that suggests it increases diabetes risk?

No but there is research that it lowers diabetes risk

fruit juice is another story


Retards still think sugar causes diabetes because diabetes = "high blood sugar" therefore you ate too much sugar xxxDDD literal 19th century level of science

drink 8 cans of coke a day then. see what happens to your pancreas.

It's only 1120 calories worth of fruits , I eat that close to everyday , but again i'm not a fat retard afraid of sugar & real physical exertion .

>what is fibre
fucking retard

i cant imagine how you can eat that much fruit

Ok boy , go drink those 8 cans but add 10 gram of fiber in all of those can , no problem right ? Muh fiber poster are the retard , Sugar is not and has never been the problem , excess intake of calories , fat & lack of physical exercise is .

That would only be 1.4 kg of banana or a bit more than 2 kg of pear/ apple .

are you one of those fruitarian nuts

No I eat plenty of cooked foods & non vegan food , but it's like 95% vegan tho .

I ate a handful of cherries for the past 1.5y, and no other vegetables other than sauerkraut and some spinach and cauliflower from time to time, basically just filler.
Eating diverse or different foods, esp. fruit and vegetables, is a giant lie. America fucked up everything in the 40s, 50s and 60s. Fucking christ, the damage has been done and til the truth about becomes common knowledge, it'll be like at least 50-60 years from now..

>natural fructose vs high fructose corn syrup


It's extremely unlikely that somebody could develop type 2 diabetes from fruits alone.

Many fruits contain polyphenols that have a positive impact on insulin, blood sugar and pancreatic function

obese fucks didn't end up like that from gorging on fruit

You can get all the polyphenols from veggies without the sugar.

just eat all your carbs after your workout and you'll never get diabetus

And you can do it with fruits without ever getting diabetes fag

>diabetes inducing garbage
i refuse to believe there are people genuinely this stupid

>how do we handle the fruits problem?

cringed hard, good job

I eat an apple every day. Is this good?

Depends on the fruit. Some are bad and some are good

No. If you go near a doctor, he will keep away from you.

these are the retards giving you advice on Veeky Forums

>Sugar is not and has never been the problem
>fat is

this has been so thoroughly debunked I can't believe that you aren't a troll

top kek

Won't ever happen. Too much information without validation. For every true blue study there are 100s more made specifically for fucking buzzfeed and mcdonalds. They're winning in volume.

Essentially shitposting until it's the new truth.

To add, think about how many of us actually get it and make it, just on fit. The recidivism itself is awful enough

I kind of feel sad for people who dont eat fruit, I live in a tropical place and theres always new fruits, like 10 kinds of mangos, 5 of bananas etc zapote

Reminder to my Veeky Forums bros: fructose is still sugar to your teeth. If you don't want cavities/gum issues, limit your fruit servings to a reasonable quantity and eat it only at meal times.

Fat from excessive calories you dumb fuck, not fat from food.