OK please explain mewing to me and how pic related is possible. user posted a forum link with a bunch of before/after pictures and some people turned from incels to chads or at least got better looking
What is this ridiculous shit? Just looks like a dude shifting his jaw from an overbite. Did that myself without any kind of bullshit, just made a habit of remembering to push my jaw into a neutral position, now it looks a lot better.
James Hill
>ITT desperate manlets need validation
Logan Sanchez
You've got to get the back of the tongue up and push the whole maxilla forwards. Worked for me
why would they all be lying?
Isaiah Lee
>he doesn't mew
Asher Rivera
Is this real life
Levi Edwards
Is it normal if I accumulate salive while mewing. I always end up with mouth full of saliva
Sebastian Reyes
Mewing made his nose become upturned and brow and hairline change shape?
Logan Miller
That's literally the whole point of the thread, yes. The forum I linked has a bunch of people whose entire face is different
Swallow it maybe? How are you even mewing idk what I'm doing
Jaxson Rivera
ahahaha OP's picture is either bait or the most retarded thing I've ever seen, 2nd pic is obviously an underbite
I've been mewing for two years and my jaw angle is more prominent and sharper, and my nose changed shape it doesn't look too big for my face anymore
I honestly hope people don't mew the more people look subhuman the better I look
Easton Wilson
Teeth together Lips together Tongue in the roof of the mouth
Tip should be right behind the front teeth but not touching The back of the toungue should be touching the back of the palate, pushing upwards.
Balance the upper motion with lower jaw but clenched.
Easy mode: Close your mouth and don't mouth breathe.
Hunter Reed
I mean to say >but not clenched
Chase Lopez
Thats a different guy
Ethan Howard
He looks completely different, but he's got the same acne scars, nostrils, and chin. I think it's the same person with a more forward maxilla and different lighting
Asher Ross
Thats not even the same person. The ears are completely different
Robert Diaz
>OK please explain mewing to me
Tongue supports the maxilla during growth which forces it to grow forwards producing U shaped palate and everything else (wider face, more prominent cheekbones, more space for teeth so better occlusion, etc). NOT placing it on the palate during growth (as during mouth breathing) gets you the exact opposite results - longer, narrower face, lack of facial features (flat face), recessed chin because of longer midface your lower jaw moves backwards, etc.
Brody Ortiz
Out of everything, the ears look exactly the same. Are you joking?
Evan Green
is mewing just correct mouthposture for people who don't rest there naturally?
Christopher Lewis
this. same for me make it a habit, practice, and you will eventually end up doing it in your sleep. once you get to that stage you're basically set as far as routine goes
Isaiah Gomez
Will mewing make my chin wider? I'm okay with my jaw and the way my chin looks from the side but I hate it that it's so pointy when looking from the front.
Camden Harris
this one doesn't seem like an improvement
Oliver Evans
How long should I mew everyday?
Jack Robinson
This is probably the single best image to explain mewing.
You want your tongue flat and pushing against your pallet, especially the back portion of the tongue. You SHOULD be able to breath as you do it so if you can't then you aren't doing it right. The goal is to broaden the maxilla (Upper jaw) with your tongue.
Chase Thompson
yup. apparently prehistoric people did it by default, just as every animal does the same (obv. different between animals) original skulls don't have orthodontic problems as we have developed since agriculture got started
William Baker
all day. you have to think less about it each day
Juan Gonzalez
It's definitely an improvement.. Do you like your women with recessed jaws and weak chins?
If she had her hair the same I guarantee you would think she looks better
Brandon Bell
IMO it's a big improvement
Brayden Morales
Is mewing the new Veeky Forums meme?
Austin Reed
Wow, mewing cured his balding too.
Ian Miller
His nose looks different and he has more hair now, Mewing does wonders lads
Blake Wilson
Mewing does actually change how your nose sits, but yeah at the hairline. Truely wonderous.
Henry Gutierrez
she lost weight. meowing doesn't help unless you are a cat
Nolan Martin
ITT: Idiots who think only parts of the face change at one time
Yes, his hairline looks different. That's because pushing his maxilla forward also rotated and pushed his frontal bone up and his face higher.
Obviously if any of the bones move they will all move you foolish fucks
And why would he bother lying? It's someone who was posting on a small forum months ago, why the fuck would all of these people forge before/after photos?
Tongue posture works. Some of you people don't deserve help
Carter Carter
and you can do this as an adult? I find that hardly to believe
Benjamin Lopez
And what bone did he push forward to make his hair thicker?
Jayden Kelly
Very interesting.. more on this? Any sources or other evidence?
The more we can understand the problems caused over time the more likely we can verify if this stuff is legit.
Thomas Nelson
can confirm this
mewing cured my autism too
Jordan Howard
Better cranial blood flow from bones being in proper position = better hair
Also it just looks like it grew out more
Skull sutures do not fuse. The medical industry is wrong in the US and very slow to change. Modern studies (Still not being taught in the (((medical schools)))) confirm that skull sutures can produce bone even in people 60+ years old. The skull bones also move with a slight rythm.
This is accepted medical fact taught in many schools in Europe and elsewhere. But the (((medical)) industry is full of such hubris and faux-intellectuals that they refuse to update their ideas.
Your skull never fuses and living bone is malleable.
Michael Thompson
cope surgery is all that works and even then it's obvious GENETICS is everything thats belt facepulling not Mewing
Gavin Gomez
This autism thing isn't a joke. If your skull isn't properly developed it puts pressure on your brain and fucks with your hormonal glands. Fixing the skull can cure all sorts of mental issues
William Green
>Better cranial blood flow from bones being in proper position = better hair
Bro, are you for real?
Bentley Brooks
Yeah but doing it doesn't RESTRUCTURE YOUR FUCKING FACE
You're stuck with it. Tough break kid. Make sure to feed your children shit that requires actual chewing.
Matthew Torres
Facepulling is based on the exact same premise as mewing you fool: Movement and growth of bones with applied pressure
And surgury doesn't work it makes you look fucked. Go back to lookism with you LDAR boyo
Austin Jones
Are you intimidated by new information? If I put on a lab coat and pretend I have a medical background will you suck my dick?
You're clueless
Why would constant force not restructure the face? Don't answer you're useless
James Myers
Why do the mods allow this retaded autist to spam this shitposting
Jackson Gutierrez
i'm an idiot but if i do what you're saying it's impossible to breathe through the nose because the tongue is blocking the airway
Oliver Reed
Man, you're telling people mewing will cure balding. Who the fuck is stupid enough to fall for this?
Grayson Jones
what the H*CK is facepulling in this context
Carson Butler
Perhaps you should adjust things ever so slightly until you can breathe.
Luis Rogers
so what exactly is the trick now, can someone tell me what to do?
Levi Ross
this is angle of photograph, beard shape, and poor cropping in paint. This honestly sounds like jelq'ing. Not saying either doesn't work, but, you gotta give better examples than this shit.
Kayden Kelly
Is mewing just keeping your tongue on the roof of your mouth? I always do this naturally and my facial structure is still shit
Brayden Martinez
You are just ignorant. Mewing has all supporting anatomical facts behind it! Study a&p.
John Long
I've been doing it for last 30 minutes and I feel unreal tongue pump and actually feel my cheekbones!!!! Unreal.
Will my tongue become too big?
Josiah Powell
press ur tongue harder lad
Anthony Powell
That's exactly what should be expected user. Your maxilla/skull is not properly developed so the tongue blocks the airway. Your head is probably moved forward and tilted up as well.
You have to keep at it until you get forward growth
Brody Jackson
You can do shit like this to increase bone density however the effect is very minimal. The entire "market" around this thing is very similar to how people recommend certain exercises to increase height after puberty and then back it up with "evidence." Usually what this amounts to is that the person's posture is fixed and their bone density increases which increases their height by a maximum of 2 inches given they were already deficient in both of those departments. Similarly this mewing crap is mainly a posture exercise and I'm willing to bet it has no effect on someone like myself that already keeps the tongue on the top of the mouth as a natural position. I'm sure this is fairly effective for people who are "mouth breathers" who have had poor oral posture for a long time though. Shilling this shit as some kind of magic method that doctors hate is about the same kind of fail as the jelqing meme where you minutely increase the flaccid girth of your eel at the cost of erection health.
Liam Morris
Check the thread linked, look at that same person from the front and tell me that their whole face isn't changed Your tongue is the right size, all of your organs grow to their genetic potential. Your skull must grow to accommodate them
I can hear cracking around my sutures when I mew hard
Nicholas Smith
For example if you looked like one of the last two you probably could benefit from this. But you literally need to have no chin or something, most people aren't like that. You are never going to get a scott eastwood jawline by doing this shit, if you already have normal jaw posture this will almost certainly do nothing. Obviously theres no study of this exercise in adults but I am confident it is decently effective for the deficient. But you will never remodel your fucking face with this like the hardcore shills think
Ayden Brooks
A good majority of these are face pulling, nothing to do with mewing.
Asher Martinez
How soon can I expect results? I know its fairly slow. Also, does the tongue slide when mewing?
Levi Morgan
>This only fixed the problem if you have a problem if you don't have a problem you don't need to fix the problem
Thanks tips
Jeremiah Lee
If you think thats so simple no one needed to say it you haven't been reading the thread
Nathan Diaz
>constant force
Lmao you're such a fucking retard. Constant force of what? Your muscles? You're not exerting enough force just resting your fucking jaw in a natural position numbnuts.
Why doesn't lifting restructure your entire body?
Jeremiah Richardson
Where does the tongue go on this diagram?
Alexander Fisher
>Why doesn't lifting restructure your entire body?
but it does?
Sebastian Diaz
After having the opportunity to "wear" my new face out in public a few times, I'd like to report on internal changes, which I have perceived. By that, I mean to illustrate how my perception of the outside world has shifted, and how others seem to be treating me a little differently than they did before.
To begin with, my intellect feels sharper. This does not mean that I grasp abstract ideas in any increased capacity, and has nothing to do with Intelligence Quotient; instead, it means that the information coming into my retina seems to be processed in a more keen, observant manner. My eyes feel a bit more relaxed, as well, and as a result, my gaze feels more equipped to perceive accurately.
At the grocery store today, I felt my gaze being light, and more approachable, than before. Please forgive my simplistic language, as I am not adept at describing my internal world of feeling and perception.
Others look at me in a different capacity now. In the past, I have been seen by the majority as somebody who is missing some cognitive function, albeit someone with a kind heart. I know this because I am observant, despite the illusion that I am an airhead, and because others have previously commented to that effect. Those who are close to me know that I have a temper in certain circumstances, but by and large I am considered to be a gentle soul by other people, if only one whom is frequently lacking lucidity.
John Morris
I cannot read the thoughts of others accurately, but based on my observation of the expressions, and actions, of others whom I have recently met, I conclude that life is helping me out now, in ways which it wouldn't in the past. Since I live in a consumerism-based culture, this has predominantly taken the form of being given deals when I make purchases; however, of much greater importance, I feel there are instances where others are able to peer at my spirit, wherein I have caught their true attention for but an instant before the connection is lost. In some instances, rather than being greeted with fake, consumerism-based enthusiasm, I can detect a subtle curiosity in the voices of some people whom I have met, as if they detect that I am on the path of truth, light, and progress. This has very rarely occurred in the past, when others would praise me, or want to avoid me, in the same manner as they would treat a disabled person, instead of perceiving my true identity... In the past, only a rare young child would be able to perceive my spirit.
In other words, while I feel that my spirit is somewhat evolved in its capacity to observe the truth, my body has always presented an absent stare, and has clouded my perception. I am eager to find out if the two will synchronize someday, so that I am able to display my spirit's current place in evolution to the external world...
For unselfish reasons, I feel that we all ought to have such an opportunity, in order to act as a beacon of light for others, and to present a positive example for the rest of humanity.
There is something very meaningful here, which goes far beyond cosmetic appearance...
Jace Gomez
mike mew provided a lot of compelling (for me) evidence in one of his talks on yt (about an h long)
Aaron Clark
The guy grew facial hair and trimmed back his beard line and hair line. He is also tilting his chin up and looks like hes prob sticking it out a bit. Honestly guys idk how any of you didnt see basic grooming shit to make you look better if you weren't born with decent genetics
Jeremiah Butler
Ok COME ON NOW this is getting out of hand. If anything mewing is a fucking SYMPTOM of autism.
Oliver Hernandez
>start mewing >cure autism >stop mewing because no longer autistic >autism comes back >start mewing again
Guy in the picture is just pushing his lower jaw forward and has shaved the "jawline" into his beard.
Henry Ward
Trying to do it. I can't get the back of my tlunge to touch the roof of my mouth at all, but pressing my tongue up has opened my sinuses, which is really cool.
Carson Thomas
>bro just stop breathing until your skull re-shapes itself lmao what the fuck
Gabriel Scott
the fuck are mewing exercises? Do you just mew like a cat or something?
James Collins
do you retards not see its a different person?
nose is completely different, ears shaped differently, brow is different
there is no magic exercise facelets
Dominic Mitchell
Yeah, u stand in front of the mirror and go "meow, meow, meow" for approx. 5 mins, then follow it up with repeated hushed chants of "Grow, grow, grow". Worked for me. I went from Patton Oswald to Dolph Lundgren in a few months.
Jason Cox
What are exactly Dr. Mike Mew's techniques though? Just lips together, teeth together and tongue touching the roof of your mouth? That's all? Any other techniques?
Logan Wood
Samuel Young
Mewing only really works well in adulthood for consistent mouthbreathers, as in those who mouth breath 100% of the time.
Correcting this will produce minor improvements in the face in adults, in children the effect is dramatic but this thread is dealing with adults specifically.
I have a naturally 'small' jaw, as in I don't have a long/strong jawline, but my wisdom teeth grew out fine and I have no issues, is he implying that people who don't look like models have some sort of deformity? Not everyone is born with model-tier genetics, there's a difference to be noted there.
Connor Powell
Most people get mewing wrong. Your tongue isn't supposed to be pushed to the top of your mouth, it's supposed to be vacuumed/sucked. Clench your teeth, close your lips, and swallow as hard as you can. Notice how at the last second of the swallow the tongue is sucked up to the palate without you pushing it there? That's meant to be the resting position. Mewing is largely overblown by desperate chinlets who were mouthbreathers during their young years (like 6-15 young) who think they can change it now. Adults see very VERY little facial change through mewing alone.
I am currently seeing a doctor who is pretty much doing the same thing to my palate but with an expander. I have a decide on the roof of my mouth pushing my teeth outwards and creating a wider arch. My TMJ is getting better by the day, and because my tongue has more space, it's not cramming into my airway and breathing is much easier. It also cured my sleep apnea.
Mewing is good for health reasons. Doing it to change how your face looks is a futile attempt.
Joshua Walker
Oliver Rivera
Will my nose will look like a Jew nose if i start mewing ?
Colton Ortiz
Does your face look any different because of the expander?
I mean, it HAS to. The palate is just the bottom of the maxilla. If your palate gets wider, so does your maxilla - which also causes it to move forward
Jason Lewis
So, how to do this?
Luke Ward
Not my face, only my smile. When I used to smile, I would have empty spaces on the sides of my teeth because my palate was narrow. Now that my palate is bigger and my teeth are tilted slightly outward (It's approximated that a healthy occlusion should have your incisors at roughly a 100-110 degree angle from the plane formed by the surface when your molars bite), my smile is much wider and brighter. But as for overall bone structure changes, pretty much unnoticeable.
Colton Reed
my girl mentioned I look taller and I lost fat around the cheeks (that is actually muscles you're not supposed to use as an adult)
the muscles on my jaw have significantly developed too
Isaiah Young
Worked for me, used to have no jawline at all even when I was skinny, now my bodyfat is much higher (around 18-20, I'm at the end of my bulk) and actually have a jawline.