CBT: Test only is natty edition

6'11 153lbs
What's good idiots, your natty vegan king here. Stopped benching every day for a month and my strength fucking tanked
>never fucking again
Gonna start taking glycerol to retain a bit of fullness even though I already get stupid big pumps even on keto for some reason

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you are very tall

You are one twinky fucker.

I really like your posts, and have watched them for maybe two years now. But there is an "elephant in the room". And that "elephant" is you are on H.R.T (hormone replacement therapy). I want to make it clear, I have absolutely no problem with this; in fact, at 42 you have little choice but to be( if you really want to be "athletic" ) But the problem I have with it; as some have, is, it leads to false expectation( in anyone over 35 especially). Unless someone is a genetic freak, they will not be able to get that swollen veins bulging look. Don’t get me wrong, they will look pretty good; but not like this wrestler and not like you. so, do you fan base (esp. the older guys) a favor and admit you are legally on H.R.T so you can maybe help people get to their doctors and/or an " anti-aging clinic" and get the supplements they need to stay healthy and active in to the 60's etc. where’s the harm?. I mean i know the stigma to this stuff even when prescribed legally by a doctor but maybe you can help dispel this a bit. By letting people how to do these supplements responsibly and legally either way i wish you the best with your company and your channel. I truly am not trying to bust your balls. But again, i don’t think is a fair for you to keep one of the integral parts of training over 40 a secret any longer. Your body needs Test and GH to function properly and repair itself. Sure, diet and hard workouts also integral parts of the equation also but without adequate test and GH their results with be GREATLY diminished and may even result in injury so consider coming clean i think it be good for you, and the sport and public perception. All the Best.

>crunch gym bathroom
which one do you go to?


he meant 6'1

Obvious signs of photoshop

why the fuck do you try to pretend you have a jaw?

Oh shit hi!

I'm tucking my jaw in brodie

You're such an unlikeable fag

Straight from snap my dude

You look like you fuck underage girls
All that's missing is a goatee and a silver chain


>still no other bodypics ITT

is Veeky Forums filled with /r9k/ now?

Sadly been that way for a few months now

Your legs are pathetic man.

I have to respect OP for posting his face over and over despite looking like that.

Also, body is goal body, I should honestly look as good if I decided to get serious about cutting.



Wew lad.

Back looking frail, do some pulling everyday or some shit you could fly away on those protruding shoulder blades.


also op you have bitch tits

6'2" 190lbs

Should I cut or bulk?

6'2.5 195lbs i mistakenly said 5 months training last thread its 6 months tomorrow

really want to hit 200lbs before cutting for summer but I know better than to push it quicker than it can happen...

another pic for ref

I don't know if it's your pose or what, but your traps look really overdeveloped. Do your shoulders round really forward or something? Good size though.

And clean your room you dirty fuck

Lighting on point
Lifting for about 5 years now
Comfortable with my body, but there's always room for improvement.

How about you post a normal photo so we can actually give you feedback you hipster fuck


What about your dick stats no homo

This is a blue board faggot

Been doing ppl last 2 months +/- after doing random shit for 6 months

Bulk slowly to 210 then cut to 180.

Eat more lift more. You're on your way.


Thanks for the feedback. Can I make it back to 180 if I go up to 210 slowly? I'd be single digits if I did and I want to stay natty

i want to look like a hooded cobra so i do 100kg shrugs 3x12 every day

Oh ok you're a retard and want to look like one, got it.

Are you Bryan Silva from YT?

traps are the ultimate sign of power, gotta increase your yolk, eventually gonna do the same with lats/delts then quads/glutes

7" but almost 6" circumference. Length is decent but thickness is where I get noticed

idk what blue board is, but I'm on here only like once a month. Never encountered a CTB thread at the right time since I've been following here for the last few years. Thought I'd finally post. Usually on reddit though

Planning to starting around October

So you'll just look stupid as fuck for months to years while you overdevelop single parts of your body individually? Why not build your body as a whole to look decent while getting the same end goal?

180 at 6'2" is not single digits especially as a natty. I was just 180 at 6'2" and was pretty lean but still probably about 12%. Been lifting two years btw. I'm at 195 now on my way to 210 ... though on my way back down I may stop at 185.

He already told you - he wants to look like a powerful cobra. Maybe he's snake-kin.

Oh for sure. I could cut down to 180 now and be at like 12-14% bf but if I slow bulk up to 210 for 6 months or so... it's gonna be tough. But fuck it it's a good goal to shoot for.

Yuan-ti are the most OP monster race for sure

clearly my body is somewhat developed so its not like im ignoring the rest of my body but my traps respond really well to training so i figure go with it - i like big traps and i want to look like a cobra

If you're cool with it then go for it man. Just saying it looks pretty ridiculous. What do you look like in clothes not flexing?

big traps make your shoulders look narrower 2bh. listen to the other guy and build your body as a whole without overdeveloping a single bodypart at a time

You have a shitty grasp of picture angles

You half Asian?

weren't you in another thread claiming natty?

2 years. Thinking of cutting 5-7 kgsq


Who said I wasn't natty?

its bulking season m9.

Look like an offseason athlete. After a cut you'll slay faggot pussy

Looking good, brother. What are your lifts at right now?

>CBT test only is natty edition

What did he mean by this

Thanks man

In kg
Dead 210
Squat 135
Bench 125
Press 77.5

testosterone is natural
ergo if you only inject test then you're technically natty, frauds are people who use illegal chemicals instead of natural test

Haha holy fuck that's what I though you meant. Hahahaha.

>pins exogenous testosterone "natty"
>implying test isn't illegal in most countries
>implying it isn't banned in any natural sports league

Are you playing stupid or are you just delusional?

That's not me, and I don't pin test either you mong. It's a joke, and so are you if you think I look like I roid.

It's made from yams, and yams are natty. Therefore taking test makes you natty

no. he meant 5'11

is this a new pasta?

dude you have a nice otter mode though, but you are pretty small. lean and shit. but.. prettyyyy small.. nothing against it. mirin hard. but preeeeeeetty small. like with a shirt on u look dyel as fuck.




It's a comment on athlean x's channel that he discussed live on the jootube

Isn't everyone able to wing and retract their scapula?

>Fuck you gumby

Been lifting for 3 years
5'11 210 around 10% bf

Finally getting closer to my goal body

He's flaring his traps, that's why he looks like he has downie nipples

you said, earlier many times kek

Is... is this bait?

Has to be. At 5'11, 210, and 10% bf you'd have to be jacked. This pic is nowhere near that.


Nice back. Now get some juicy glutes

>10% bf
typical doughy whiteboy

Whats the point of being this lean if you have almost no muscle?

Need advice on what to do. Keep working on building chest or start an aggressive cut?

6'0 85kg/187lbs

My waist is still around 32" (has been for years) but it sucks being this heavy.

>sucks being this heavy.
>aggressive cut?

Are you this delusional?
You are a skelly with some loose skin..

I weigh around 190lbs though. That isn't skinny at all.


I got negative ass, it won't grow just gets stronger


>those baby lats and twig arms
Bro you need a reality check

2 years and 1 month in
88kg 180cm
i dont really squat hard (max is 4 plates) i am focusing on pulling power

Only a dumbshit would out angle his own tiny back with his giant head

6ft, 195lbs. Just started my cut a couple days ago, gonna see how lean I can get before Lost Lands

>tfw arms refuse to grow no matter what

Joocy brah

I'd say lean bulk now. Don't pay too much attention to what the scale says, just go by how you look in the mirror. If you wanna be lean tho then go for it, but you might not like the results

Keep going man, you'll make it.

What angle? Your shoulder blades are sticking out clear as day in your Op. It's obvious you don't train any posterior chain just sadly tiny in general m8.

if people weren't retarded and knew how to train and eat, people would look good as a natty
Well done user, are you natty? 88kg is pretty nice

yeah natty
desu i dont eat that well, training six days/week will make you lean no matter what you eat

Doesnt matter what the scale says. Your bf aint high for "agressive cut"when your abs are showing

6ft 155lbs
Losing weight, but idc. Haven't even been doing calisthenics, I've just been running and swimming with( and on my own) the triathlon team at my uni. This shit is hard senpai, but we are all ottermode twinks so I am ok with it. I don't have a pull-up bar here either, do I'm probably just gonna do a few push-ups every day for bone density and planks for abs. What mode am I, Veeky Forums?

Twink mode you're smaller than 5"7 manlets.

Bro, you weigh less than me and I'm 5'7. I cannot fathom how skinny you must look in person

hot body desu

got more shots?

Anyone who kifts can post a pic of themselves in that "twisted at the waist towards the camera" pose, it gives the illusion of a smaller waist and a larger shoulder width. Post a pic from straight ahead while your relaxed

u ryke big body? i 150 pound now,!!! i big like white devur!!!!!

This is the best I can get you in my current living quarters