If pre-flood civilizations existed, when would we say their influence ended? What would have been the extent of their culture?
The Trojan war? The battle of kurukshetra? The collapse of the bronze age?
If pre-flood civilizations existed, when would we say their influence ended? What would have been the extent of their culture?
The Trojan war? The battle of kurukshetra? The collapse of the bronze age?
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Not much is known about the Antediluvian civilization, but you could go by the book of Enoch or Jasher.
>a lot more lush, vibrant and exotic
>higher oxygen density
>people lived to be hundreds of years old
>giant insects, giant lizards (dinosaurs)
>giant animals of all sorts
>giant trees
>only lakes, no oceans
The Flood was a very catastrophic event that scarred the world forever.
The major civilizations/cultures that came after the Flood are as follows:
>Babel (Babylon) aka Mesopotama/Chaldeans
>Assyria empire
>neo-Babylonian empire
>Persian empire
>Alexander's empire
>Roman empire
Table of Nations (where the different races and ethnicities come from):
A. Four Sons of Ham:
1. Mizraim (Egypt)
2. Cush (Sudan, Ethiopia)
3. Put (Lybia)
4. Canaan (Hivites, Jebusites, Arvadites, Girgashites, Amorites, Arkites, Sinites, Hittites,
Sidonians, Perizzites, Zemarites)
B. Five Sons of Shem:
1. Elam (Arabia)
2. Asshur (Assyria)
3. Lud (Lydians)
4. Aram (Aramaic, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Syria)
5. Arphaxad (From which Abraham descended)
C. Japheth's Descendants (14 Nations came out of Japheth):
The immediate descendants of Japheth were seven in number, and are represented by the nations designated Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Mesech, and Tiras; or, roughly, the Armenians, Lydians, Medes, Greeks, Tibarenians, and Moschians, the last, Tiras, remaining still obscure. The sons of Gomer (Ashkenaz, Riphath and Togarmah) were all settled in the West Asian tract; while the sons of Javan (Elisah, Tarshish, Kittim and Dodanim or Rodanim) occupied the Mediterranean coast and the adjacent islands.
Seven Sons of Japheth
1. Javan (Greece, Romans, Romance -- French, Italians, Spanish, Portuguese)
2. Magog (Scythians, Slavs, Russians, Bulgarians, Bohemians, Poles, Slovaks, Croatians)
3. Madai (Indians & Iranic: Medes, Persians, Afghans, Kurds)
4. Tubal (South of Black Sea)
5. Tiras (Thracians, Teutons, Germans, Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, Jutes)
6. Meshech (Russia)
7. Gomer (Celtic)
The Flood is an unfounded myth, that absolutely could not have been.
0/10 poor bait.
Here's your (You)
all the geological evidence says otherwise
also all ancient civilizations talked about a universal flood. the chinese even mention 8 people surviving on a boat (noah and his family).
Read the book "After The Flood" by Bill Cooper.
I've heard two theories.
1. As the Ice Age was ending, a lot of the Black Sea was dry land. This was an area of early civilization that was destroyed but its cultural memory lives on.
2. The rising seas might also be a metaphor for the sea peoples that blended with the flood myth. There is plenty of evidence that Minoans were quite wealthy, had extensive trade ties with Egypt and the Furtile Crescent, and had written language. The sea peoples overran Minos and the other early civilizations, but only in Minos did they eradicate the native culture. Atlantis could easily be the more advanced culture of Crete before its conquest remembered by surrounding civilizations. The Ionians, Doreans, and Acheans came into Greece at different times but we can be fairly sure they came in from the north. The mention of fair and red hair likely means they were originally migrants from the Caucuses and northern Black Sea, but they could have stopped for generations elsewhere.
Is this the absolute state of american science?
Is this absolute state of not an argument?
This is the history board. History belongs here.
This. Excellent reading.
But I'd take the "Saxons are the lost tribes of Israel" with a grain of salt.
Your article talks only about the Grand Canyon. It tries to explain natural phenomena that can be seen over the world as occurring due to rising sea levels, which would take you to the obvious conclusion that there was, once, a global flood.
The only problem is that the same geological phenomena (sandstone deposits, mainly) can be explain by another, much more obvious and natural, phenomena: fuking wind. It's called eolian erosion. Look it up. Sandstone deposits that can be seen on pretty much canyons all over the world aren't there because of a flood, which would be impossible, but by wind, which is actually so natural and possible that we can see this happening in real time across the world today.
Here's an entire book on the subject, if you want to pretend to read something like you pretend to read the Bible: pubs.er.usgs.gov
How's that for an argument, brainlet?
I would say that their influence ended when the Flood happened.
sons of Japeth are Asians/Mongoloids. Europeans descend from Jacob, Esau, and other Arphaxadites.
I've been thinking hard about where Sub-Saharan Africans came from. so far my best guess is that some Cushites migrated south and west, and eventually collapsed. probably the result of what is happening today, with the lower classes outbreeding the upper classes.
Australoids are a bigger mystery, they're barely homo sapiens. iirc Dravidians share quite a bit of blood with them, and Japanese and southeast Asians a little bit as well. there's probably a clue there.
>Creationcuckoldry can't explain the existence of Americas, South Asia, East Asia, Africa.
Can explain it just fine.
Evolution is a myth, stay mad.
Hello, you just came into a Christian fundamentalist thread. Not sure what to do here ? Let me be your guide.
>First pick a side. The two options are the Christian fundamentalist team, or the "fedora atheist" team. Any in between will not contribute to the shit posting these threads are for.
>If you pick the former, make sure to link youtube videos for you evidence and any website with an obviously biased URL, such as creation.com or answersingenesis.org. Importantly, in the end, the bible is your fallback anything it claims is the absolute truth to you. If anybody questions your sources or the bible, make sure to exclaim that that is, "Not an argument" and call them a commie or satanist.
>If you picked the latter, this is arguably the easier side. You can just copy and paste information from wikipedia or other common sites and this will generate responses, especially if you claim your source is Wikipedia.
>It will help to act as a different person for each of your posts like what has already been done in this thread. That way, it appears multiple people support your position. This is known as "samefagging"
Remember, the goal is to gather as many (You)'s as you can. Good luck!
Can I pretend to be on both teams at once and reply to my from one side with my other shitposts from the other? This could be fun! ^____^
That's more advanced, I didn't want to scare people off.
>History belongs here.
Precisely, take myths to /x/.
>Evolution is a myth
I agree.
Darwinism/evolution belongs in /x/.
How can you possibly deny basic science and be unable to explain why yourself?
If the flood happened, how did any animals end up in the Americas? Noah's ark landed somewhere in the Eurasia, meaning the only remaining land animals would have been there. So how come Columbus found the Americas already fully populated by both people and animals?
lol Columbus?
Dude, just read creation.org, it explains everything! It's a totally unbiased source of information straight from the world's cutting edge LARPers and snake oil salesmen.
>peer reviewed scientific study belongs on /x/
>magic and fairy tales belong on history
American, by any chance? Possibly from a southern state?
>You literally have to argue with creationist old people on Veeky Forums now
I can't wait until you die years and years before me, OP. Kill yourself now, your children won't mind.
You are under no obligation to argue with someone. You can let them have their own opinion and carry on your way.
Creationist retard and his shitty half-cocked website BTFO
As a member of the youth, I have no reason to help aid in your health and encourage your longevity given that you're just a massive drain on every aspect of our society and want to do nothing but make us dumber and weaker as a nation. Please fucking die, you and your entire generation are an embarrassment. There are a reason it's just your generation promoting this, it's moronic and was always wrong, and nobody is willing to listen to your pathetic horseshit. Good fucking god I wish we could just genocide old people, just kill every worthless bastard over 50.
I seriously can't wait for that guy to fuck off, but I know my dad browses Veeky Forums and due to some other clues I'm worried that I'm telling my dad to fuck off and that he's dumb.
There is no such thing, retard.
He fucking deserves to get yelled at, and this is the only place where it’s socially acceptable for old dumb fucks to get schooled by young guns without the usual harumphing that comes from having a younger family member put you in your place.
Fuck them, and fuck OP
Without shame and ridicule people will continue to believe that they have the right to be stupid and ruin other people's lives/experiences on this planet with their stupid as well.
Honestly I think the guy is schizophrenic.
I hate it when American loonies bring their insanity onto this board.
>traditional christian beliefs are insanity
The water levels weren't the same like they are now.
All the continents were still connected for a couple centuries.
The Flood is a scientific fact. It happened around 2000 BC.
Stay buttblasted, because you desperately want the Bible to not be true.
I hereby declare that we should destroy this guy by chasing him off this board. He spams every thread and derails anyone that could possibly be related. Just keep asking him what the functional difference is between micro and macro evolution. I already stopped him from using the "mutations add no new information" fallacy. He's one lost argument away from being unable to deny he's wrong.
Overwhelm him, destroy his bad ideas, chase him off, reclaim the board.
>K-Kill him!
You can't threaten me with heaven.
Indeed, the theory of evolution is a laughable joke.
The entire old testament (and a good bit of the new testament) is just a bunch of juicy metaphors.
This was the "flood" which probably wiped a deal of urban centers out ("cleansing the earth of evil", the equivalent of flooding the fertile crescent). This leaves open the possibility of Noah landing at Mount Ararat, as is tradition.
Then why are some animals only found in one or the other?
Indeed not as laughable as the entirety of theology
Not kill you moron, but to stop you from shitting up this board by spamming garbage links and arguments.
What's the functional difference between micro and macro evolution?
creation.org, L.A. Marzulli, and the Bible are not credible scientific sources, try again.
>kangaroos migrate to australia
>water levels rise
>they are stuck in australia
gee, that was hard
>Scientific articles and facts are now considered "garbage"
The state of atheism.
It's funny you stop believing in science when it supports the Bible.
What constitutes credible?
>things that agree with my worldview are credible
>things that disagree with my worldview are not credible
That's not how it works dummy.
They ALL migrated to Australia?
user if you can't answer this simple question, you have no argument at all.
Exactly, that's why creationist LARPing and circlejerking aren't valid scientific opinion.
Talkorigins is not credible.
Trueorigins is credible.
Answer the question or go fuck yourself
He doesn't address the question I asked you, answer the question right now or every response now will be ridiculing your stupid ass until you do.
If you'd prefer, answer this question, why are you incapable of simply explaining it yourself? Is it because you're a braindead stupid piece of shit?
Literally explains how evolution is a myth.
What you are doing is literally the equivalent of "NYAH NYAH I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"
Answer his question yourself without throwing up this shield of nonsense.
Answer the fucking question. What is the functional difference between micro and macroevolution. Are you not able to answer because you have no idea how evolution works and are resorting to a guy with absolutely zero education in biology to strawman it for you, you braindead stupid fuck?
Wrong and you're stalling/avoiding.
False, answer the question you fucking moron.
You're mentally disturbed.
From your link:
>The invention of new parts or systems by mutation has never been witnessed
What do you call it when a bacteria develops resistance to an antibiotic? Is that not a new system?
Answer the question you limp dick, What is the functional difference between micro and macroevolution?
>This guy claims that there's a bigfoot in the woods! He saw it and everything!
>That guy is a known drunk and everyone in town knows he is always lying and making things up
>1. Elam (Arabia)
Elamite lived in Modern-day Iran.
>2. Cush (Sudan, Ethiopia)
>3. Put (Lybia)
Arabia or Somalia.
>3. Lud (Lydians)
>Aram (Aramaic, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Syria)
Just Syria.
If I cut off both your legs, you'll be resistant to foot disease.
That isn't a good thing retard. That's still missing information.
That's not true. There's also "FUCKING KIKE" as a side.
>comparing a bigfoot sighting to a detailed scientific article with sources and evidences
the state of atheism.
That's not at all analogous. Here user, this is the gene responsible for anti-biotic resistance in MRSA with cited sources. en.wikipedia.org
Explain how it works in your own words, and how it's equivalent to what you just said.
There was nothing scientific about your article. No references citations or experiment. Just pure conformational bias and dubious platitudes.
I see tons of references and citations.
You're just a biased fedora who refuses to click on any creation science website, because you know it'll have evidence that conflicts with your darwinian presuppositions.
>Grand Canyon
>not a effect of planetary scarring
1) Evolution doesn't say things always get more features. They just tend towards better odds for reproduction. If it's better to not have an appendage than it is to have it, eventually that species will lose the appendage. Evolution is not a straight line with bacteria at the bottom and us at the top.
2) Bacteria don't lose anything to become resistant to antibiotics. They gain new proteins and enzymes that those antibiotics can't interfere with. A common one is a newer cell membrane that doesn't allow the antibiotic to permeate across.
>latest citation on article is 1992. NINETEEN NINETY TWO
>front page of website literally advertising nonsense about alien invasion
>creationist """""scientists""""" are credible, unbiased sources
Wew lad, you're right these guys are totally not the equivalent of the town drunk
user you just don't fucking understand what a deletion mutation is. Just because you're getting rid of part of a codon does not mean that A. it's not a new gene, and B. that it's the only type of mutation (it's not)
I wouldn't trust any """scientist""" that claims we came from a rock after an accidental cosmic fart.
Evolution is hilarious. They even believe dinosaurs turned into birds. You can't make this shit up.
>he believes a book written ~6000 years ago by mud people
Haha, I know, right? They don't even believe that a wizard took some mud and stuck it together to create the first man, and then put that man to sleep and stole one of his ribs to create the first woman. They probably don't even believe that two human beings are responsible for propagating the entire human species! Laughing out loud right now!
>They even believe dinosaurs turned into birds
>1 - The Truth About Dinosaurs - Does The Bible Mention Dinosaurs?
>2 - The Truth About Dinosaurs - Did Man Co-Exist With Dinosaurs?
>3 - The Truth About Dinosaurs - Did A Flood Destroy The Dinosaurs?
>4 - The Truth About Dinosaurs - Did Dinosaurs Get On and Off The Ark?
>5 - The Truth About Dinosaurs - Are Dragons Really Dinosaurs?
>6 - The Truth About Dinosaurs - Do Dinosaurs Still Live Today?
>7 - The Truth About Dinosaurs - Do We Have Conclusive Evidence of Dinosaurs?
dinosaurs lived with man, too much overwhelming proof.
dinosaurs are essentially giant lizards.
fun fact: lizards never stop growing. they're only limited by the amount of oxygen intake, and before the flood there was lots more oxygen so lizards grew to be huge, as well as dragonflies and other insects.
feels good knowing the bible is literally true and accurate, it makes me really happy
What is the functional difference between micro and macroevolution? Answer the fucking question you stupid piece of shit.
>nothing exploded
>it rained on rocks
>rocks turned into a soup
>fish grew legs and crawled out of soup
>fish turned into a rat, which turned into a monkey
>monkey turned into your grandpa
Evolution is the most retarded and laughable religion in the world.
Thank God it's just a fantasy and not real.
he already gave you the answer multiple times in the previous thread, you dolt
and you still have no provided any evidence for evolution, so the ball is in your court.
the burden of proof is on the one making the claim. you're claiming evolution is real, so prove it.
>produced by baptist church
>get a life media
>dinosaurs lived with humans
>this post
>this fucking post
I am going to cry from fucking laughter. At least try to be subtle with your trolling
Not an argument.
He did not, answer the fucking question or point to the post he made that answered it.
Concession accepted.
Where is Atlantis in all of this? Mage the Ascension told me there was an a pre-flood Atlantis.
>nothing exploded
Farsical meme propagated by dumbass creationists that aren't intelligent to understand what a singularity is
>gross oversimplication (for a simple mind) of the evolutionary process
Here, you forgot this image but I'll include it for you. It's the idiots guide to understanding science.
Their influence ended the moment the Flood happened?
Why would the antediluvian civilization have any effect on the Trojan war or battle Kurukshetra?
All the ancient pagan legends, pantheons and myths as well as the stories of Atlantis and Lemuria are based on stories of the pre-flood world. The Greek Titans are basically just the Biblical Nephilim.