What are the prime years for men? Do we have a wall to hit?
What are the prime years for men? Do we have a wall to hit?
25 - 45
35-40 if you put work into it.
just try to be the best you can be at any age...
you're wondering when to cash your chips and find a wife after banging a bunch of hoes?
the correct answer is 28-42 (+-3 years) but you may never be in your prime if you don't learn how women and money work you will always suck
how do women and money work
just gotta realize that some women are worth your time in the long run and some in the short term, never give a woman too much value until shes earned it, as for money compounding interest and the amount of money you NET yearly is more important then how much debt you and loans you can take on and how much your wage is ie medical doctors etc usually get cucked this way when they are promised riches
This society is built around pleasing and pampering white men in every way possible while the queers, women and minorities suffer.
Silver fox mode. You've amassed enough wealth and experience yet are not so old as to be repulsive.
Any older and you're going to need serious $$$ to compensate.
Physical prime is 28-30, after that your "prime" relies on having money
>prime is 28-30
Excuse me, sir, are you high? A male's testosterone drops after 25.
test levels peak at 18-20
no one is talking about physical prime or testosterone we are talking about being the most attractive to the opposite sex, 18-20 you don't have enough knowledge or experience to be very effective
My goal by the time I grow grey hair (granted if I don't go bald) is that I want to be aesthetic and rich and be seen by college girls as a sugar daddy.
You will not magically become a silver fox as you age.
Attractive young men become attractive old men.
If you are ugly and beta now you will remain ugly and beta as you age
>no one is talking about physical prime
>Physical prime is
You quoted the wrong Anons.
Physically? 25. Sexually? 45
i'd say 28-50 (assuming you're not fat). i didn't really mellow out and get focused until i was 27-28 and i think a lot of guys are like that.
50+ if you stay healthy and fit
idk about what everyone else in this thread is saying but i say 30+. im 27 right now and i think im gonna really hit my stride when i reach that age.
lol a mans physical prime isnt for a two year window
the only reason i wanna grow up is just to retire lol, fuck girls, fuck being handome fuck every fucking normie thing you faggots wishes, you all will remain a cuckold if ever dare to get a girl
i laugh at you
Men in complete opposite to women, just get more and more powerful as time goes on, but that's only if they quit ejaculating altogether. Sex weakens men, but it empowers women. Don't say I didn't tell you so.
The wall is 50 and up as you become kink material
Cant say phisically, but at least age-wise it carries the stigma of being old enough to be a grandfather and whatnot
> test starts dropping after 25
Who the fuck cares? It drops very slowly and there's a lot more to being a man than how many hormones your nuts pump out. As long as you have the bare minimum necessary to make some gains that's enough. The rest is on you.
>test drops after 25
What school did you go to? Test doesn't drop at a significant rate till late 30s to early 40s. Even then it's all a matter of person to person
If you have a place to live, and flexible standards -- you can always have a girlfriend