Why do you lift?
This is why I lift.
Other urls found in this thread:
To get ripped but actually...
because my sickfu wife lost the use of her legs and I want to be able to carry her anywhere and make her feel loved.
Because I always wanted to look like a greek god.
Big anciennt greece, rome and egypt mythology fan since I was a little boy.
Also it's the only thing I can do right in life and that keeps me from sinking into depression from the piece of useless crap I am
>fat loser throughout high school
>fuck ton of vidya
>awkward so no gf
>graduate a khv
>decide I need a change
>buy a weight set
>find this board
>eventually expand over to /r9k/ and /pol/
>wtf I hate women
I guess it's just habit now
first it was to waste time in a better way
then i got my first bicep and my ego jump a fucking ocean
now i do it because i want to be aesthetic as furraak
>might take up street fighting too
>Expand to /r9k/ and pol
Objectively regressing a little bit buddy. You okay?
Could be better, could be worse, mostly just bored and tired at this point
damn that ryme.
Unironically pic related. I want to take care of my family and let them really rely on me for anything. I also want a daughter who'll look up to me and think I'm the biggest man in the world
Be better looking than all the athletes and chads at my school.
For her. May she rest in peace.
Because I'm a fag that wants to find another fag that I'd feel comfortable spending life with. Also I guess because there's a 50/50 chance I have a genetic disease that'll make me gradually lose control of my limbs as I get older, and maintaining a regular exercise regimen and good health will help to stave that off and alleviate the effects.
I am sorry about the loss of your mother, user.
So on the day that the SinaLoa Cartel sends a sicario to kill me I can murder him with my bare hands and use his phone to send pictures of his corpse back to mexico
Also why i get into street fights and go shooting
To take it back.
For the upcoming American Civil War 2.0
Best ice bath music:
These days 99% of the reason why I lift is for my waifu.
Today is going to be an exception.
Today is Hatsune Miku's birthday.
I'm going to dedicate the days chest workout to her.
Happy birthday Miku.
i can't wait to burn the south again, be even more fun than last time
To be stronger for judo and for :
Because lifting and being attractive benefits your whole life
I get paid (not much) to play sport. I enjoy it. I look good
Started lifting/exercising for a girl, she left me so now I do it out of spite and anger at everything.
Everything I do in my life is intended as a big fuck you to the world.
Nah, cerebellar ataxia type-6. What actually happens is more complicated and debilitating than just losing control of my limbs, but it's a more convenient explanation, and one that's still mostly accurate based on how other family members have experienced the onset of the disease.