
>Why do so many faggots on this board like leg day so much when chest and back day are way better.
Anyway, I don't understand what goes through these twinks heads so I was thinking we roast them
I'll start
Guys that like leg day are the type to have Piccolo as their favorite dbz characer

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How smol r u?

i do legs 3 days a week

This FUCKING IDIOT is getting FAT while eating at a 1500 calorie SURPLUS and considers himself KNOWLEDGEABLE about TRAINING.

I never train legs, I just do cardio every day. Legs are a waste of time because if you're wearing pants no one sees them, and speed is increases through running and aerobic training, not ridiculous squats

I want to like squats, but I'm in pain everyday because of them. I don't know if my hip sockets aren't made for it or what, but I can't raise my right leg without a debilitating shooting pain that runs from my hip all the way down to behind my knee ever since I started squatting. My left hip flexor is fucked too. I'm toughing it out, but to be honest I'd rather have chicken legs that work 100%. I went kayaking this past weekend and almost couldn't get into the kayak from the dock, I just couldn't stretch and crouch properly without pain.
>change up your stance
Give me a little credit. Obviously I do those things. Just got done doing some stretches right now, in fact, but they never help. Neither does foam rolling.

I do 3 full body workouts alternating dead lifts and squats and once a week I do calf raises.

Thats all I ever needed and my legs are swole.

there are several variations of leg exercises people could do.
you don't need to do traditional squat and deadlift.
they might be the most efficient at making you strong, but just saying there are tons of options depending on why someone doesn't like them

Take a break from squats if it still hurts after about a week or two go see doctor

When my left groin got bad, I took 5 weeks off.

My groin got a little better, but my right leg is the same.

I went to a doctor a couple months ago, actually. Tria sports clinic came highly recommended by some runners I know, so I had high hopes. I explained that the pain be started when I became squatting and happens when I use my right leg muscles to move my leg in an upwards twisting motion, not simply from my leg moving. I can move my right leg around with my hands with perfect comfort and have full mobility. He had me lay down and moved my leg into various positions while I relaxed everything, asking is I felt any pain. I said no. He told me to stretch and sent me in my way. Waste of a co-pay.

Try other exercises. Leg presses with a more limited range of motion are a safer alternative that will build muscle

Have you tried air squatting for reps? And have you squatted and pushed your knees outwards?

fuck you piccolo is the shit

also if you weren't such a fag you would realize that squatting releases more endorphins and test than any other lift

I did leg press for a long time before I ever tried squatting and had zero discomfort, but I read a lot here about how leg press is a meme and can't replace squatting, so I wanted to give it a go.

I read SS cover to cover and watched a lot of tutorials on squat form. I consciously push my knees out each squat. I warm up by doing bodyweight squats for reps, then just hold the button position for a while and push out my knees with my elbows, then warm up with the empty bar, then warm up with increasing weight until I hit my work set weight. It's by the book, which is why I'm so frustrated with the pain.

srsly hope this is satire.

>spotted the leg fag

anyone who experiences physical pain like that and continues exercising deserves to be crippled.
you should have quit squats way sooner, because you obviously were doing it wrong.
enjoy being in a wheelchair, you fucking idiot.

I unironically enjoy squatting.

Feels more involved than DL for me and I can move waaay more weight than bench.

i have a fan

It's not. I never train legs. My workout is the same, 6 or 5 days a week depending on how I feel. I start with 1 hour and 10 minutes of full upper body, followed by 30 minutes hard running, then abs for about 20-30 minutes, and finally 15-30 minutes on the exercycle. I occasionally swim, but I NEVER train legs.

Leg press is a meme. But when does it hurt? At the bottom of the squat?

pathetic vanityfag

>quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings are much bigger muscles than pecs, delts, and triceps
>"gee i wonder why i can move more weight"

It's not just vanity, I just don't get the point of working out legs. It doesn't make you anymore Veeky Forums, and is only good for maybe moving a couch or some shit. It's wasted time that could be spent on arms or cardio. Just my 2 centz.

I like it because by the time it's leg day my upper body is destroyed on all angles.

>claims to be Veeky Forums
>ignoring the legs which are the main source of strength
you're a vain curlbro, and you deserve to be mocked.
people mock you behind your back for being a disproportionate joke, who spends all of his time exercising, but is still inexplicably weak.

working out is technically a waste of time since any kind of guy can get a girl since that is what you are going for

is this sciatica?

Jesus, no shit, obviously I know why I can lift more with my legs than my arms, anyone with eyes can figure that one out, I still like it because it makes me feel strong.

>its not just vanity
>claims no will see legs if wearing pants
>its not vanity

imagine having a strong looking upper body but not being able to squat at least 135. To me and most everyone else, that makes a person look weak as shit despite having a huge upper body

I don't really do hard leg days. I do accessory things like light leg press for reps and leg extension with some hamstring work thrown in but I honest to god feel like my calves are worked out best on the stairmaster and bicycling has given me pretty decent sized legs.

You do get some solid leg gainz if you run a lot, and this also improves your cardio which actually makes you Veeky Forums. It really boils down to how you define strength, as well. In terms of picking things up from a standing position, legs are absolutely crucial. But in terms of impulse strength, or pull strength, they take a back seat, or none at all. I think the value of working out is both to look better than other people, AND to become as strong and as Veeky Forums as you can be, and I just feel time spent on cardio or arms has a greater impact than on legs.

the anti-legday fags are a fucking cancer to what Veeky Forums stands for.

>he thinks running makes his legs strong
next time you go to the gym, just give squats a try, and you'll see how pathetically weak you are.
because I know your vanity is the most important thing to you, make sure no one is there to watch you, because they won't respect you afterwards.

running up hills can give you decent leg gains, but I still think you're way better off throwing some squats in at least once a week even if you're running consistently


there is a reason why long distance runners don't go into football or rugby.

i have seen dyels squatting more than some of the buff dudes in my gym. I give more respect to the dyel

Not him user but the vain one seems to be you. Your obsession with strength borders on excessive vanity. At least he is doing cardio for the proven health benefits. What does pushing 405 in squat do? I squat twice a week but I don't discriminate or hate on those that don't. We are in the gym for different reasons. No problem with that. Maybe you can lift more than him and that's important to you, but perhaps running and health is more important to him

>But in terms of impulse strength, or pull strength, they take a back seat, or none at all.
dude you're an idiot.
you have no idea how weak you are.

not the user you responded to but that other user's first post was about how no one is going to see your legs but then he backpedaled about not being vain. So, its just trolling at this point

Please give a trigger warning next time you try and deflate my confidence like that, and kindly check your leg privilege. I'm still learning, and relatively new to lifting, but I've made good progress by focusing on upper body, core, and cardio. I don't want to fall off the gainz train by starting legs now. I don't want to end up like thos SS GOMAD guys who look like overweight T-rexs who never leave their basements.

Oh sorry didn't see that post.

My fault user

I never disrespected running or cardio.
they're vital.
but the man is obviously neglecting half of his body (the most important half for strength) and he needs to be made aware of that.
>promoting strength is vanity
kek. okay. I guess if you want to just completely redefine words to whatever you want them to be. I'm just trying to set the man on the path to true Veeky Forumsness and well-rounded strength and health. Not the disproportionate freakshow path he is currently headed down, in which he only weight trains his upper body.

if no one tells him he's wrong, he's gonna look like a fucking meme monster eventually. and that would be a waste, for someone that actually has the dedication to continuously go to the gym.

no problem dude. just don't ignore half your body or you'll regret it. I know it's hard but weight-training on your legs will produce really noticeable results, which you'll be proud of, if you do it right.

I'll be honest. I'm as DYEL as they come and I look down on people who just do dumbbells and upper body every day and get out. A really good aesthetic body is a strong body. A strong body has big strong muscles. The biggest muscles in your body are your legs and core.

We live in a world where people want to take shortcuts and they think "wow chicks will dig me when they see these big arms and 6 pack abs" but they don't realize that its just a very superficial understanding of what is attractive. They focus on those muscles and don't really get much in the way of girls, because even though girls say they like nice abs, they also subconsciously examine the rest of the package, and when they see your dyel legs, or invisible lats, they sense something is off. And they back off, but not necessarily explain (or able to explain) why.

The way we comprehend and describe beauty are very different things. Talented artists spend their lives trying to capture and transform beauty. The layman may see these beautiful things and appreciate it, but not necessarily understand why.

Don't get fooled into taking shortcuts. You'll still look like shit

top post.

Box squats I promise you. Just make sure your foot position is wide and outside of shoulder width and don't buckle with you knees. This should remove all pain mate.

I FUCKING HATE SQUATS. I still do them though.

I've been trying to incorporate more leg exercises lately, but in all honesty my legs muscles are naturally pretty fucking big. They're not necessarily strong, but my calves are seriously the size of cantaloupes from when I used to do long boarding years ago.
I haven't boarded in years, but the muscle mass in my calves just retained itself. I need to make my left calf bigger though. My right calf (pushing leg) is way bigger that it. Kind of weird/interesting.

Alternatively it could be that he lacks hip mobility.

Also, it could be that some of his leg muscles are actually underdeveloped, so he squats akwardly where other muscle groups try to compensate. Doing single legged bodyweight box squats ( a progression for pistol squats) might fix this problem.

What stretches do you do? honestly you should post a picture of your posture and squats so we can see what you're actually doing

the fuck is wrong with piccolo

he is the best dbz character

>Why do so many faggots on this board like leg day so much
Because they're contrarian faggots and it makes them feel special. It's easy to have the biggest squat in a gym where 3 people squat.

Tfw biggest squat and deadlift in a gym where everyone squats and deadlifts :)

>tfw biggest ass and legs in a room full of homosexual men

I'd post a picture, but it could go either way based on your sexual preferences. Anyway, that's like having the biggest bench in a normie gym. Only 5 guys are going to care, the women won't, and anyone benching more than 50lbs less that you either doesn't care, resents you due to jealousy, or thinks you're roiding to defend their ego.

this also when you train them hard you can hardly walk for a day pretty fukn useless for life unless you're an office cuck

these exteme contrast pics are retarded and fail to convey the message
1. his legs are half the size of most untrained dyels let alone some pleb who leg presses once a week
2. his upper body looks better than 99% of the people on this board will achieve
3. legs grow bigger, faster and easier than upper body so what go leg press once a week and do some calf raises problem solved
skip leg day all you want you'll never wind up like this guy and if you somehow do just lol easily fixable within a month or two.

Thank you for your helpful comment.

Mostly during the eccentric portion of the movement, which only causes discomfort in my hip flexor. My right leg never feels pain during the squat, ironically.

I don't think so. Sciatica originated in the lower back and proceeds down the glutes and back of the leg. The pain in my right leg originates on the outside of my leg at the hip joint, runs down the side of my thigh, and ends in the back of my knee.

I haven't tried box squats, but my foot position is just outside of shoulder width with toes angled out at around 30°. I've found that a narrower foot position relieves discomfort in my hip flexor on the way down, but tends to produce butt wink. The pain in my right side, though, still occurs regardless.

I've wondered if my hip abductors are underdeveloped since I did leg press for so long prior to starting squats, which could be the issue with my right leg. I do a variety of quad, hamstring, and glute stretches, like pic related for example. I'll try and grab a picture at the gym in a bit.

The favorite DBZ character of Veeky Forums is Vegeta, Prince of All Manlets

Yes, and you look like absolute shit, we've all seen your picture Dominican.

There are two things you are doing: impressing people with your physique and with your athleticism.

So let's break down impressive athleticism from a narrativistic sense. What is impressive about the archetypical athlete, The Hero? Fighting, climbing, lifting/carrying, enduring, and evading/agility. I think. Fighting and climbing are their own skill based hobbies that take a shit load of time each, evading/agility is honestly best trained by team sports, so what are we left with that you can physically train? Lifting/carrying and enduring. So cardio is very important, and so are long, heavy holds. And so is training your legs, because lifting/carrying is a big part of being impressively strong.


>I'm still learning, and relatively new to lifting
Then dont go around giving advice on programming and acting condescending, you monumental faggot
You saying you dont train legs AT ALL because you dont want to become like those SS trex guys is exactly the same as girls that say they dont lift because they dont want to become the hulk. It's retarded.
Actually read about programming and the human body instead of vomiting up a couple concepts you parrot from this site

Here you go.

Your problem is that you have certain issues with muscle mobility but you are not addressing them with stretching.

You SHOULD have a daily stretching routine, focused on your weak points.
Your hip flexors may be tight like they are in most people but they are not your biggest problem here.

The pain on the side of your leg is due to a tight IT band, the pigeon pose, foam rolling and other stretches will solve that.

The pain that shoots up down your leg is sciatica, caused by tight glutes and piriformis, basically the hip extensors.
You need to stretch those, pic related is a good exercise (focus on pulling onthe knee to get the leg to the opposite side), look up others.

also the pigeon stretch is a good one that stretches both muscles, if you dont have much time

Post a vid of your squat you could be going too deep and relaxing at the bottom

This guy is a charlatan ignore him. Post a vid of your squat.

lol wut

hahaha kekked irl

>google pigeon squat
oh shit I do this all the time, learnt it when I used to do rowing, we just call it the booty stretch
God-tier glute stretch (inb4 peppered angus)

It's not sciatica. The description of sciatica pain doesn't match what I'm experiencing. My leg has no discomfort at all unless I move it in a specific way. If you stand up straight and then try to raise your right heel into your left hand, that's what causes the pain. The IT band/hip abductors are definitely the issue, since they're responsible for external rotation of the leg.

I already do pigeon I barely break parallel, so I doubt that's it. But, I took a video for you, user. I'll upload it later when I get home and convert it to webm.

It's funny, the places where it's hardest to add mass are also the ones the retain mass best.

Do you also work out with a hoodie with the hood up while cultivating a stoic, silent-type public image?

the IT band and piriformis muscle are connected, both anatomically and functionally.
meaning when someone has a problem with one, they probably have a problem with the other as well.
do what you prefer m8, what you described is literally a advanced stage of sciatica/ piriformis syndrome, I had literally your exact same problems and solved them

Leg press is a perfectly valid exercise. Pic related did leg presses and Smith machine but no barbell squats and did okay.