>be me, 18 y/o muslim (inb4 ree)
>have lunch at 2 p.m. and don't eat anything afterwards besides water like i almost always do
>next day is arafa (fasting day before eid) - i wake up late for fajr (morning prayer) so i skipped suhoor (basically the small meal we have right before fasting day starts)
>now i can't eat anything until sunset
Will this activate starvation mode? I heard that if you starve yourself and then eat your body will immidietly store the food as fat so how do I prevent that?
Be me, 18 y/o muslim (inb4 ree)
are you fat or skinny?
are you arab?
the "starvation mode" as you call it only happens through prolonged starvation and it's basically just your metabolism slowing down to take in more nutrients. you'll be fine. a lot of islamic cuisines are rich in meat. dig in, habibi.
162 cm 50 KG so somewhere between average and skinny
Yes I'm arab
Fuck you, you people don't understand how domestic imperialism works, you hicks are going to ruin a good thing you didn't even know was a good thing
>eat before fasting
>fast for 7 days, but eat every night.
it's like your religion was written by women.
Does starvation mode matter when you've got a suicide bombing next week OP?
You'll be fine, m8, just go hard at sunset
>be christian
>don't eat meat for an entire day in for every week during lent
How excruciating
That's only Catholicism tho.
>domestic imperialism
shooo shooo
>domestic imperialism
t. just finished day one in critical theory at his trendy diverse university now thinks hes a brilliant analytic linguist dialectic revolutionary of the proletariat and niggers
you won't build muscle but you won't lose it. 3 days without food you'll be using your fat stores.
t. Med school
stfu shitskin
Tyrion Qurannister?
Syrian Lannister
I'm not short. I'm a girl
Only form of Christianity that will last will be strict catholics faggot, the rest are heathens. Christianity wouldn't even exist today for the rest of these fags to ruin it if it wasn't for CATHOLICISM.
Just end yourself.
just stop being muslim
That's short for women.
No it's average
Are you done yet? Do you feel happy with yourself telling people you don't know to kill themselves just because they disaree with your beleifs? Please reevaluate your life. :)
>Browses Cambodian crocheting forum
>thinks eating is the worst of his offenses to allah
average Veeky Forums girl's height = 6'1
average Veeky Forums men's height = 6'7
Quit whining, quit your pedophile death cult, and listen to the wise Dr. Jason Fung.
>starvation mood is a myth
>muhammad is a useless pedo
>fasting is good for you
post pic plz my dream is to sleep with a muslim girl
Stop beheading people for adultery, and maybe people will hate you less.
Those prime twink aesthetics. On a scale from Rich Piana to pic related, how gay are you?
Literally shorter than average.
So you're short?
It's femlet status. Oooo when will they learn. Women's optimal height is 5'6-5'9. Anything shorter than that and they're femlets.
Dumb religiontards. Your gods are fantasies.
>expecting any understanding at all from uncultured yanks
I resent you using the word hick asshole.
I for one am not white and I fucking hate Muslim subhumans. I demand recognition as well. Thank you.
>You belong to a hateful backward ideology incompatible with civilized nations
Kind of like the racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic alt-right?
Fuck off back to your containment board
>becoming a muslim unironically
Not even Muslim but they are the answer to feminism, nu males and immume to the anti Semitism card
I rarely comment.
But fuck you, I hate you.
>le everyone who hates Muslims is le alt-right
Dumb bitch. I'm not even an American, white, or involved in their politics. I'm a Pakistani Atheist. Every race and culture who has had contact with Muslims hates them.
How the fuck are you going to call out the alt-right when your own Arab 'brothers in faith' build their nations WITH LITERAL SLAVE LABOR. The fucking steal passports from Pakistani, Indian, and Filipino laborers and pay them starvation wages.
I love how you assholes try to call out everyone else, but I have NEVER heard a muslim or Arab speak out against the slaver, abuse, and racism in their own countries. Oh, but it's a beautiful culture right?
yeah islam kills your gains
>be 9 year old girl
>get forced to marry prophet of Islam
>get repeatedly raped and forced to clean the cumstrains out of his clothing
Choke on a muhameds pedophile dick you inbred muslim shit.
Maybe you should just eat something you disgusting fucking raghead. You need to keep you energy up to rape some girls and blow up a bus.
you should nevereat meat on friday faggot
I bet you so ugly that the burqa is an improvement.
>comparing marriage custom s of Arabs over a thousand years ago to times today.
Fuck off, Veeky Forums is a Christian board.
I had no idea Veeky Forumsizens were such a hateful bunch.
>trying to rationalize irrational behavior
Just fucking eat like you regularly do you imbecile.
The quran is supposed to be literally the word of god (not like the bible) and Muhammad's life is said to be the perfect example to follow, the flawless man. This excuse about "marriage customs from 1000 years ago" contradicts this fact.
Checkmate muslims
You're acting like child brides aren't a huge thing in the Muslim world today.
Quaran is just a book writing to keep Arabian tribesmen from burying their daughters alive. Muhammad was a man, and as a man he was flawed . He is respected in the region because he united the Arabian tribes.
Let them do what they want to do in their country.
>let's insert religion into this shit
You asked for it.
You don't really argue with a Muslim. Their book gives them whatever it is that they think they need from a spiritual point of view, even though it's rather horrible all around. You can only deal with them physically.
>Muhammad was a man, and as a man he was flawed
If you really are a muslim you know you are blaspheming right now.
" Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad SAW) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes in (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much.
Quran (Surah Al-Ahzab, Verse 21)"
Problem with verses like these is that the terms are inherently ambiguous. What does it mean to be a "good example"? Does it mean perfect? Does it mean absence of "major" flaws? Does it mean good but only in some restricted religious sense? Does it mean "pedophilia, cousin marriage and ultra polygamy and political marriages are good"?
They can always weasel out of it because there's no precise meaning to any of it, which is why it's so robust. You just have to squeeze a little and it slips away.
That's one of the reason why arguing borders on the pointless. What's the point of arguing with terms the meaning of which will change under your feet to suit the circumstances?
Where? In fucking yemen or somalia? I'm from jordan and the youngest girl I've ever heard of getting married was 17 and everyone thought she was too young to settle down.
>be me, 18 y/o muslim
> What does it mean to be a "good example"?
You already know you dumb cunt.
>1.to be desired or approved of.
2.having the required qualities; of a high standard.
Having a fake tan doesn't make you non-white, if you're a nigger, go to a zoo, you'll find someone to talk to there.
Bitch I agree with you I want them all to be deported back to where they "belong" but I'm just saying that the meaning of their book isn't precise. Even the definition you give doesn't solve the issue. It doesn't imply in what respect the pedophile had to be "good" or approved of. It doesn't say if he was perfect. The verse doesn't say in what context it applies. (Is it a "historical" verse or a verse of universal prescription?)
Islam is retarded in part because it's not precise. It's retarded for other reasons but that's a pretty big one.
As if your cousin Abdul would allow his wife on the internet.
It's pretty fucking clear. "Good example" = "do what this guy does".