ARK being promoted on reddit to normfags. Does it mean it will moon when they take the bait?
ARK being promoted on reddit to normfags. Does it mean it will moon when they take the bait?
The youtube interview yesterday revealed to the world the stuttering potheads that run this scam.
The current 75% BTC price tank has been offset for the moment in dollar terms, but this is mere child's play compared to the unabated FEAR that is impending upon all Arkies. The continuous Arkie arsehole twitch is only just beginning.
Once this interview gets more than 1k views, Ark is going to plummet through the fucking floor. The world doesn't take potheads with male pattern baldness and an inability to use a razor blade seriously. The same goes for Santa Claus peedo lookalikes. All that's needed is for word to get out, and trust me, it will. The world WILL see this interview and Ark for the scam that it is.
Face it, you got pushed out of an affordable home by the international banking cartel, you were undercut by a pajeet for your job, and your last remaining hope for either of those is going to vanish courtesy of a bunch of stuttering potheads. Ark is not going to just tank to the floor, it's going to tank THROUGH the fucking floor. This is going to the largest panic history.
The $1.50 resistance is going to be fucking murdered when the BTC price tank follows through into dollars. Deluded Arkie wagecucking engineering nerds, who sold the family christmas to load up on ARK, are going to define unchartered medical territory: continuous arsehole twitching combined with follow through with the consistency of a 20 year old bleeding radiator.
The arsehole twitching will eventually subside once ARK has been removed from all exchanges, and all self respect has been lost. But from that day forward, deluded Arkies will spend every morning of their remaining wagecucking lives frothing at the mouth and spilling milk everywhere while crying into their cornflakes, before embarking on their hour and a half commute to their wagecucking station.
I warned you, Arkies. There's still time to get out, sell NOW.
Remember: DON'T be deluded, DON'T be an Arkie.
Lol is this really going to be posted in every thread?
Mobile wallets are almost done.
I liked this meme, until it was ruined by that video reading of it. That whole shit was fucking cringy
>man is smiling the entire time, doesnt get the tone of the text at all
>he laughs at his own joke at the end to top the cringe
Whoever fucking made that video reading has some really reddit-tier shit humor.
Another problem with ARKies, is that they are the definition of beating a dead horse of a meme into ground. Because when you really think about it, what are the only memes ARK has?
>the pasta
>Iris Heart pasta (of course arkies are too much of a newfag to know where the series the girl comes from ofc)
two whole memes. And what do they do with it?
This is why you fail arkies. You will never come close to the meme magic LINK has.
This pasta sure is tasty.
Supporters of ARK made that video
>proceeds to imply anime knowledge means anything regarding profits
I can't believe anyone would be so du-
Oh.. you're a "LINKIE"
>Supporters of ARK made that video
No fucking shit. The video was still supposed to be funny. And it wasnt. Did you actually find that funny? Having some random guy in a suite reading a pasta while smiling the whole time and laughing at himself at the end? Am i missing something? Is the black man supposed to be funny because he comes off as some african politician giving a speech? Because even then, it doesnt make sense because hes smiling the entire time.
>anime knowledge proceeds profits
I never once said anime knowledge has anything to do with profits. Im just saying, all these ARKies the entire time when seeing that girl were like
>whose the girl?
>SAUCE on Ark girl please!
Arkies are fucking stupid. and youre proving my point
>>Iris Heart
So that's her name. Nice, now I can go search for the doujins.
go ahead. And in recent news, Kill la Kill was a good anime you should watch.
Its just embarrassing that anyone here does not know what hyperdimension neptunia is.
>you should watch
But....but.... I love nep nep
bought some ARK last night and im looking to pledge them to a delegate. should i use the Veeky Forums delegate or is there a better one?
>should i use the Veeky Forums delegate
no, 'cus then my profits will decrease
>is there a better one?
Dude, why are you so upset about this video? Shit dude, just close the tab.
Why can't arkies and linkies get along? We're all getting lambos, I'm holding both for two
linkies are the second most annyoing thing on this board, right after /pol/tards.
There are a handful of very good delegates. Check out r/arkdelegates or the Ark delegate forum
This is why the ARK is a great coin, the community spent their own money to make a light hearted video.
You are just sperging out dude, relax, go jack off to /h/, I'm sure you've probably got a few tabs open.
that video was the equivalent of watching troll science becoming a reddit meme. Or rick roll becoming mainstream.
LINK is all spam and memes don't make a coin have value, unless its dogecoin.
>community spent their money on a crappy video
Uh. Maybe the poor ARKies did. I had 80 k ARK and did not spend one dime nor ever indicated i wanted such a crappy video ruining such a great meme.
And seriously. You ARKies had that pasta since August. Thats all its been for you arkies: 2 whole subpar memes.
LINK has been out for less than 2 months and has more memes, and actual funny memes.
thanks ill look those up. i got myself a little over 5000 of them last night
>newfag doesn't know who tyrone is
>right after /pol/tards
You do realize that at least half of this board is /pol/ expats right?
fucking reddit has invaded us for real now. Tyrone videos have been going around for YEARS. Apparently that video cost nearly $200 which I thought was crazy considering I hired Tyrone about 2 years ago for 10 bucks.
>copy and paste chainlink and pink wojacks together
Look guise I'm a top memer nao!
>Link is all spam and memes
Uh, what banks have namedropped ark and are you partnered with SWIFT?
So the little memes you've built your identity around got out of your hugbox and now you aren't special? You get how sad that is, right?
Yes, it shows. It's not a coincidence that at least half of this board doesn't understand fundamental market mechanics.
>dev owns 90% of circulating coins
>will still inflate to 3x current supply
>fees are proposed revenue
>assuming it even catches on, fee revenue will be dismal at best
>also operating under the narrative that it is the only and first entity tackling oracles
Even if it does catch on, the tokens will be basically worthless even after the devs are done dumping on you.
/pol/ saved some anons from (((Bancor))), but generally speaking most people are pretty stupid about money and Veeky Forums has been that way long before /pol/ started looking at crypto.
>got out of your hugbox and now you aren't special?
What the fuck do you even mean by this? Are you saying that im mad because twitter and reddit dont use biz memes? If anything, im happy that theyre are more biz exclusive memes only on Veeky Forums.
First. this isnt true. Check twitter for for the meme replies to sergey and smart contract.
2nd, your point makes no sense. Imagine if pepe was only a Veeky Forums meme, and no one on reddit nor the normies knew what pepe was. I'd be jumping in joy that pepe wasnt so cancerous.
3rd. ARK memes are even LESS popular than LINK's. From what im gathering, ARK has to fucking pay a guy to make a video reading of their meme. That already shows how forced and shitty the meme was if you had to pay someone to do it for you. LMAO
Arkies are so fucking stupid.
I don't think a board that gets emotionally threatened at the mere sight of Ethereum's creator should get very condescending around here desu
>dev owns 90% of circulating coins
Thats because rori plans on selling this to all the major banks when the project is developed enough. How are you this fucking stupid. Do you think the banks would be more willing to buy it off binance whales than the developers themselves? Oh wait, youre an ARKie, and youll never have any professional partners, so i gues syou cant relate.
Also, if you think the tokens are worthless, just watch the devcon3 vid you dumbass.
>ARK has to fucking pay a guy to make a video
The devs had nothing to do with the video newfag.
>Thats because rori plans on selling this to all the major banks when the project is developed enough
Source? Even if it is outlined somewhere that this is the actual plan, it literally doesn't mean the tokens will be worth anything at all or that they will follow through. Also assumes that banks are in line to buy this.
>he keeps going
Like I care about meme quality
90% of LINK buyers are fucking Veeky Forumstards.
How's that working out for you?
Do you know what ICO price ARK was? Let me know once LINK gets those kind of gains brah
I never said once it was the developers paying to make the video
>From what im gathering, ARK has to fucking pay a guy to make a video reading of their meme.
ARK. as in you ARKies. and your cancerous ARK discord. You guys are bunch of cringe inducing redditers.
nice projecting. I was invested in ark in june. how about you?
Rumors from the slack. You can believe me or not. But ripple did the same thing, and if you think rori and sergey dont have it planned out, youre just retarded.
Ark came out in March. So thats 5 months ahead. Even if ARK isn't worth more in 5 months, were still going to end up on top once banks start buying the shit out of it. All it took for ripple to go from 200 mil market cap to 13 billion was a bunch of asian banks buying out the coin.
>token is worthless
Again. Watch the devcon3 vid. ALso, if youre going after LINK for worthless tokens, then youre going to have to go after ETH too.
they won't buy until it's near ATH
why do link holders ALWAYS feel the need to come into ARK threads and shit them up?
holy shit you have dozens of threads to go to, you could pick a random thread on Veeky Forums and there's a 20% chance it'd be related to Link and yet you choose to come in here because you're THAT autistic
Why are ARKies so intimidated by LINKies coming into their threads? Are they afraid some people might jump ship?
A lot of LINKies are former or current ARKies.
least theres a ship to jump off of now at profit. how you lookin with that 23 cents? still down from purchase price?
>>inb4 'bought the bottom"
When it comes to LINK, anything below 50 cents is a steal. I should know, i came into ARK when it was 60 cents.
>I was completely wrong about the video so let me back peddle because I have no idea what I'm talking about or the community involved in it
>ripple is a good example to follow
>confusing annoyance with intimidation
There are 10 or more threads in the catalog covering ChainLink. There are only 2 for Ark and on of them is for some shitty ERC20 token.
Veeky Forums is collectively sick of you faggots, that is the issue. The only relief we get is knowing you faggots are going to 0, because you won't stop bothering every fucking one.
>i was completely wrong about the video
except i never said once it was the ARK developers? If you dumb arkies think i dont know its your cancerous discord behind the cringy video, then you guys truly are delusional.
>Lets not follow one of the top 5 marketcap coins
HAHAHAHAHA. What coin does ARK idolize then? Sia?
oh yeah because I'm sure Bernout libtards and socialists like yourself are so financially literate and fully embrace the free market benefits of crpyto.
Ripple is literally banking kikes, shouldn't be surprising that bootlicking faggots flock to LINK either.
We seeing 100k and beyond very soon; just like clockwork
>Ripple is not good because of muh /pol/ memes
LMAO. Oh yeah, 200 mil market cap to 13 billion in 2 months is such a lost. I guess who ever got into ripple early was royally fucked am i right?
I bet you hate stratis too because its runned by a black guy, am i right pol?
Dont be a racist. Dont be an ARKie
why would I be intimidated by annoying shitposting?
just curiouos. is this kasumibf? how did you find biz?
>he doesn't know tyrone
how new are you?
Incorrect, I'm holding Stratis.
Ripple tokens won't even be used even if they are successful. I can't believe people in crypto actually support the current banking cartel zeitgeist.
Also ignoring I'm sorry you lost money, but pestering everyone on Veeky Forums isn't going to make you wealthy.
ARK holders bout to get HOZED
>how did you find biz?
I've been on Veeky Forums since day 1
Just got up to 621 ARK. How am I doing fellow ARKies?
alright. at least you have above 50 IQ intelligence
>cant grasp the concept of buying early
obviously, buying Ripple now is a bad bet. But if you actually got into ripple in february, youre in lamboland. Buying Ripple in february and selling in may is the equivalent of buying LINK now and selling a year from now.
>the tokens are worthless
except that it saves way more money in transactions? Did you even read the tech behind ripple?
>so butthurt about being ignored, he has to quote his own post
Link is taking over. The ARKies lose.
biz isnt sick of LINK. biz is LINK
why didnt you say in the beginning youre a linke would have saved me reading time
pretty good pal. i just bought a few thousand myself last night. i just need to find a good spot to stake them. have you chosen a delegate yet?
LINK clearly isn't taking over. It's a desperate downward spiral to find buyers. Now if you would have bought some before the news yesterday (and I mean without the past few days) you could have made a nice profit. Considering average buy ins to this though, well over 3/4ths of people are still upside down in their investment and will be even after a 3-5x.
dude just stop replying to him, they thrive on attention
biz_classic is /ourdelegate/ Id love to get to 3900 ARK to reap 1 ARK a day, but thats probably a bit down the way. Gotta earn some more BTC first.
Ripple is garbage. All that market cap and next to no price action, thanks to its massive supply.
Stratis is solid, I'm balls deep into it. I also hold ARK.
t. racist /pol/tard
Unlike lefties and snowflakes, I dont let politics dictate monetary decisions.
If you trade on an alt coin exchange that doesn't have ark listed, consider sending them an email or request ticket, even if you think the exchange isn't the best, the exposure is important. Few examples: (has a surprisingly large volume on certain coins like Lisk and Waves) (Indonesian exchange)
Start small with these exchanges and as this coin grows we can get ambitious with higher volume exchanges. Also, mobile wallets are now 96% complete and the ARK Foundation is 97% complete. + a new chinese exchnage listing ark in the next day or two.