The South is Rising.
The Confederate Army is strong.
Next Civil war when?
The South is Rising
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>Next Civil war when?
Months before WW3, in which Russia will annex the Eastern European countries, Scandinavia, and Germany since the EU would of fallen and none of the European countries will defend one another till it's too late. While Russia is tearing Europe asunder, China will annex Korea, Philippines, Thailand, the Oceanic countries, large swaths of Africa, and will take Bengal and it's surrounding area from India.
Fuck I just realized that I stole two pictures from Veeky Forums and meant to create 2 threads on /int/ but instead created them on Veeky Forums. Why am I so retarded??
That depends on what your definition of the South "rising again" is.
If rising again is the destruction of the United States and the establishment of a second country called the "Confederate States of America", you could most definitely be successful in that. There is no way I can imagine a country as bureaucratically dysfunctional as the United States not splintering apart in a Civil War, especially in a war where the enemy is not contained to one region, but is everywhere (as is the case in a Civil War with multiple factions).
If rising again is a return to Antebellum slavery, segregation, or the new Confederacy replacing the Union as a Superpower, you'd be falling way short of that goal. The revived CSA might be the strongest of post-American states but would only have a fraction of the old Republic's power and prestige. For example, the CSA would not be allowed to inherit the USA's seat at the UN Security Council.
The South will be an absolute shitfest in the event of a Second Civil War and I'm not talking about race here.
You'd have neo-Confederates split into at least two factions, the extremists (Ku Klux Klan, White Nationalists, Neo-Nazis etc.) who want a full blown race war against blacks and the moderates ("Heritage Not Hate" civic nationalist types, states' rightists, Christian fundamentalists, what's left of the state governments etc.) who want what more resembles a return to the status quo but with the Confederate flag replacing the American one. Either they'd somehow have to find a way to put their differences aside and fight the Yankees (the US government) or they will be killing each other even more than they do Yankees.
IMO the moderates would likely win out simply because their platform is appealing to a much larger crowd, they could actually strike a deal with black leaders trading their loyalty to a new Confederate government for a seat at the table, and would be more likely to win recognition abroad.
tl;dr have realistic goals
I never thought about the color of the soldiers. That picture implies a lot of blacks fought for the North? So it is basically liberals vs conservatives in terms of modern US politics?
Its a painting of the Battle of the Crater, in which a substantial number of USCT (United States Colored Troops) took part. It didn't end well for them to say the least.
Fuck, forgot the link
Happens to the best of us. Hey at least your thread has brought conversation, so there's that.
And what would it be fought over? The desire of some obese redneck autist posting from his mom's home to recreate his retarded fantasies?
You guys fucked it up the first time. Assainated the man that was going to ship them back. Next time hire the Irish.
You'd have a higher chance of southerners representing the remnant of the federal government over being the actual secessionists.
Out of curiosity? What’s the goal? What happens to that darkie in the group?
>So we have this crazy idea to just blow the rebels up and then send troops through the hole in their lines. We could win the war in a single day.
>Have the niggers do it, we don't want to accidentally blow up good troops.
>*train USCT for weeks in how to assault out of a recently exploded crater*
>Wait shit, the niggers will become heroes for this if this works and we actually end the war.
>Pull them and send in the Irish instead. At least they're white.
>*don't train the replacement troops at all*
The Battle of the Crater was one of the biggest blunders the Union Army undertook in the entire war. They squandered SO fucking much.
>You'd have a higher chance of southerners representing the remnant of the federal government over being the actual secessionists.
THIS....I don't see the West or New England fighting to keep the South in the country, more likely we'd want to do our own thing.
Where does Texas end up?
So that's what actually happened or embellished a bit, /pol/ style?
>He doesn't realize much of the South's growth and development is the result of Northerners moving into the region.
It's fairly accurate.
The South is being flooded with Northerners and Blacks outbreed Whites by a large margin.
Dixie culture will die a slow death, it will likely live longest not in the richer coastal heart of Dixie, but in poor Appalachia. Hell, that's already true.
Realistically, the next Civil War is more likely going to be racial strife as identity politics becomes more entrenched and we end up with a spoils system. But it'll be low level violence. Geographically we're too interspersed and interrelated to have a large war.
No, if you want a big US war you're going to have to wait for low skill jobs to become obsolete, early transhumanism making elites not give a fuck about poor people, and then a massive class based uprising. Transhumans obviously win because they control all the resources and are biologically superior.
Once rich people can start altering their DNA or fertilizing 100 eggs for each child and choosing the best (already possible), plus private elite education and nutrition, phenotype won't matter and racism might actually end. A genertically engineered Nigerian oil magnate's son will still be superior to a regular white, even if racial disparities are as large as the high estimates suggest.
appalachia was anti-dixie even in the civil war. its identifying as confeds is a modern larp.
>150 years later
>Amerilards are STILL mad at each other
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
This whole post is dumb for various reasons but this
>>Blacks outbreed Whites by a large margin.
Is especially stupid. Blacks have held steady at roughly 13%, that's not going to change. The group that has grown in size is hispanics and they don't like blacks at all.
>>nigerian oil magnate
lol nigerians are an irrelevant factor in US demographics
>appalachia was anti-dixie even in the civil war
... You realize that is onyl true for the more northern parts of the Appalachian chain, right?
tennessee had appalachians fighting against the confederates, appalachians in the carolinas didn't like the lowland plantation owners either
this guy knows his shit.
no it was true of most of the Appalachian population. West Virginia and Eastern Tennessee were pro-Union.
A good chunk of the south was against secession.
that map confirms what they were saying about the Appalachians.
>tennessee had appalachians fighting against the confederates
Yes, and Tenessee had Appalachians who fought for the Confederates.
>West Virginia
Wasn't a state until the Civil War you dip
>Appalachia had largest problems with incest
>Voted for the Union
>Tenessee had Appalachians who fought for the Confederates.
sure, but they can't be said to be the majority. there's a reason the east tenneseeans try to secede like west virginians do. the reason it doesn't succeed is cause the union army doesn't back it up like they did in west virginia.
>Wasn't a state until the Civil War you dip
you can still call it that, it was a geographic area entirely different from lowland virginia economically and socially. this in itself shows that to say there is a "dixie" culture is foolish, because even if appalachians did fight for dixie it was a hugely different lifestyle from the plantation agriculture of the rest of the south.
>Wasn't a state until the Civil War you dip
and why was that I wonder...
Americans are born hating each other
Why else would we all need guns?
>sure, but they can't be said to be the majority.
In western Tenessee then yes, in Eastern then no. Not everyone in the South identifies with the CSA, just the majority of the South with a few exceptions. Border states were neutral to secession and the conflict in general until Jayhawkers started carving a name for themselves in the skirmishes out there.
The Confederates Battle Flag or Rebel Flag post-civil war came to be known with Southern Identity in general rather than just Union vs Confederacy, which is why you see portions of the South who fought against the CSA identify with the flat. Symbols and their meanings change with time, my dude.
The deep south is a pretty weak and terrible place, Appalachia is even worse. There might be civil unrest in the future, but I high doubt it'll become anything. The military could put them down no problem, and so could the Justice Department
Oh no! A group of morbidly obese, Jesus-loving morons who voted for Donald Trump to save them from their own stupidity will waddle to their scooters and advance over tarmac with their AR-15s and...?
>The military could put them down no problem, and so could the Justice Department
>The government will just ruthlessly murder civilians and all of the government will follow their orders meme
Umm... Actually sweetie
>Dixie culture will die a slow death, it will likely live longest not in the richer coastal heart of Dixie, but in poor Appalachia. Hell, that's already true.
Not if we exterminate every single nigger and Northerner, down to the last man, woman, and faggot pronoun.
>The military could put them down no problem, and so could the Justice Department
>combat branches of all military services are overwhelmingly populated with Southerners, as is law enforcement
But they are threatening "come take muh guns". They all have AR-15's with buttstocks.
>White Southerners are mostly anglo
>Implying the eternal Anglo would pass up an opportunity to spill the blood of innocents
Ya but you won’t, so Dixie culture is dying.
Against the Deep south, yes. Most of the military comes from California and Texas residents. If another insurrection happens, it will either be put down by the military, or stopped by the FBI.
They don't know how to use them in combat situations. also, no drones. no intel. no special forces.
>implying we're gonna do the dirty work of the jackbooted Yankee and shoot our brethren
Fuck off
t. Texan
dude, I get Yankees suck dick at economics, and you guys are great at it, but the deep south sucks at everything. It's made up of the most retarded people in the country. at least put them in your sphere of influence and demand the retards stop it
>Most of the military comes from California and Texas residents
Actually they mostly come from the South... and Texas is Southern... So umm...
>It's made up of the most retarded people in the country
You mean blacks? There is a lot of those in South I here
True. Most of them just enjoy hunting or plinking which I totally understand and approve of. But then they go online and start this "muh 2A and muh militia against the govt tyranny" bullshit. Why do they do that?
>They don't know how to use them in combat situations.
>What are veterans
>What are mercenaries
>What is law enforcement
>No drones, no Intel, no special forces
>Implying elements of the government wouldn't side with rebels in the event of a major conflict
Doesn't really matter what the political conflict is, there is going to be people who defect, especially its like a civil war or large scale revolution and not just a coup de etat or rebellion
everyone in the south, whites included, most retarded people I've ever met. A bunch of welfare cases
>Using anecdotal experiences to describe a large population
Wew lad
and statistics. highest population of blacks, don't know how they're gonna avoid that. poorest education. I take note of everyone I've ever met while in service, few from that region, highest rate of AIDS, opioids are effecting them the worst, but also Yankees as well; also the largest incarceration rate; highest obesity; they have nothing
Well yeah that is true. I wouldn't say the dumbest people on Earth tho, I mean Africa is still a thing just to remind you
Where does Texas end up?
Wherever we damn well please.
But if we are talking about a hypothetical event of the government's disarming the gun nuts, I doubt any sort of mass defection would occur to the point it would make any difference.
>they have nothing
>largest naval shipyard is in Virginia
>nuclear weapons are made in Tennessee
>largest US Military installation on the planet is in Texas
>growing manufacturing thanks to Yankee outsourcing
>unparalleled access to the sea
>population is spread out and thus less vulnerable to being blanketed with nuclear weapons (firing handful of atomic bombs at the largest Northern cities would be more demographically devastating than the Holocaust)
>But if we are talking about a hypothetical event of the government's destruction of the Second Amendment
Yeah that would lead to a civil war almost overnight. A lot of law enforcement would refuse their orders same with the military
why are mutts especially hicks are obsessed with the civil war autism
A lot of southerners are stereotypical trash. Fat, consumerist fools with a different accent than northerners. Ignorant whales who roll coal and buy camouflage whilst quoting the bible and voting for Trump.
I say this as a southerner who looks upon my fellow countrymen with shame on how far it has fallen away from a hardworking and clever people to a mass produced "identity" so morons can be sold trucks, heart-destroying food, and ignorance. It's depressing.
>MFW none of those states are in the deep south.
Texas: Appalachia, South West, and Midland
Tennessee: Appalachian.
Virginia: Tidewater
Deep South: British settlers from Barbados
Georgia, most of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Northern Louisiana, Southern Arkansas, South Carolina. Most of those states are comprised of humble folk who don't want a war to bring in some theocracy either.
A Second Civil War would probably solve that (albeit in an extremely Darwinian manner).
Now I wonder has America ever pulled an Argentina and just sent a shit ton of Black soldiers to be cannon fodder?
/Int/ is the Reddit of Veeky Forums.
fucking kek!
Not really. Blacks would usually do POG work. Actually, that's still true. From a former POG
Yes. The south would be immediately put down.
Latinos might "dislike blacks" but they still hold common course with them in regards to mutually being shit on by white people. You're deluding yourself if you ever think latinos would side with whites over blacks in any racial conflict.
>The south would be immediately put down.
By who? The national government would probably completely disintegrate within days of another Civil War breaking out.
>Where does Texas end up?
As a new Mexican province
Fuck T*xas
The South needs to be nuked and remade.
You fags do this with black people, latinos and muslims literally every day though
Why are white people such glass cannons when it comes to banter?
99% of America needs to be nuked
>Where does Texas end up?
A new Mexican settlement.
they're loyal to the nation
It's already too late to stop the flow of history. The US is becoming more powerful, larger, more united. Some dead revolt can't undo that.
sure, but you can't call it a historic identity that stretches back to the civil war. it's a modern fiction to say that appalachia will be the last bastion of a southern culture because it assumes that southern culture is homogenous and is an identity that has heritage to it.
You're a fool if you think that or that another civil war would actually happen.
why they were anti-confed? because of great social and economic differences between mountain folk (who didn't own slaves or have a slave economy) and the slave planters and those white farmers who supplied the slave economy in the lowland regions
No, /int/ is /b/ with flags plus /bant/ plus a bunch of /pol/tards.
>You're a fool if you think that
The FBI is literally trying to remove the sitting president on bogus charges foreign election meddling. It's not that outrageous to think a government as bloated and bureaucratically dysfunctional as the United States might cease to function complete in a severe enough of a crisis
>that another civil war would actually happen.
They were saying that in 1860 too.
>The US is becoming more powerful, larger, more united.
What fucking timeline do you live in?
I very much doubt that the South would ever attempt a unified secession again. They no longer have the major unifying factor they once had. At most I could believe Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, the non urban Georgians, and maybe South Carolina. Virginia, Florida, and Texas especially are not as well connected to the rest of the South in tendency, economy , racial and ethnic makeup, and the impact of the major urbanization of these states can not be discounted in it's effects. And in terms of the military capability, without Texan or Virginian support the South is fucked, even just against the northeast, not including the west coast. The actions of the midwest would be a huge factor though. Especially the states with the majority of our nuclear arsenal(missiles) Nebraska, Montana, Dakota's.
You're underestimating the cuckedness of the average American in any state.
civil wars only ever strengthen countries. as said by jung and schop
at this point I can't fucking wait until a civil war actually does happen, even if it's based on shit like identity politics. I can't wait for the inept government to be ousted like the piece of shit it is, and for the house to finally be undivided. I can live with whatever the decision is as long as it actually fucking happens.
>civil wars only ever strengthen countries
>The US is becoming more powerful, larger, more united.
by definition a civil war cannot end in secession