
No skin care thread??

I want to start taking better care of my skin. Right now I only use cheap shaving cream and a middle range aftershave what else should I add for skin care gains? Also are facial peels a meme or worth it and how do I fix the change in skin colour around my eyes?

Best way is to stop eating shit.

>wash face twice daily with cleanser
>exfoliate a couple of times a week
>facial moisturize daily
>eat carrots daily
>omega 3 supplement daily


This. Mine gets quite dry sometimes though, is that diet related or just shit skin?

my skin looks its best when I touch it with as few products as possible.

For real, I had all sorts of spots, marks, dry skin problems when I was exfoliating x2 a day, using the occasional mask, using expensive aftershave balm products etc.

The only thing I do now is shave x1 a day (sometimes I rest it on sunday) with a cheap supermarket brand shaving cream, bog standard razorblade and a sensitive aftershave balm, and it looks fucking great.

Most skincare products are a fraud

read the Veeky Forums skincare general sticky

this x2
there's a certain brand of peanutbutter that makes pimples pop up on my face and back, if i stop eating it they dissapear, same with granny smith apples
just change your diet up a bit, see what happens

Granny Smith apples give you spots? First time I've heard that.

probably allergies or something like that, some people get itchy spots, some get acne (i think)

I found the key is natural Omega3 intake and zinc intake.

Add 1/4 tsp per pound of your weight 3x a week of coconut oil if you want to go above and beyond. It's antifungal and anti bacterial and just very healthy.

I looked into it after I noticed I got a ton of pimples after I took Omega 3 pills and skipped a day. It turns out normal Omega 3 supplements suppress your body's immune response to pimples. So once you stop taking them, they come back with a vengeance.

To avoid that you need natural sources that contain Omega 3s and zinc.
Zinc has been proven to help natural skin support for preventing acne.

1/2 a cup of canned spinach had the amount of zinc you need a day

4oz of salmon has the amount of Omega 3s you need a day.

If I eat both 2-3 times a week, use coconut oil instead of olive oil, and my skin is very clear.

If you hate fish, you can still get Omega3s with grass fed beef and vegetarian fed chicken. Feeding them corn like normal fucks up the chemistry in the meat so they have a higher amount of Omega6s.