How can I improve my OHP (otherwise known as THE PRESS)? I feel like I've plateaued. Should I work on mobility? Would de-loading and doing more moderate weight at higher reps help? Pls respond
How can I improve my OHP (otherwise known as THE PRESS)? I feel like I've plateaued. Should I work on mobility...
>Work on mobility
>Deload to perfect form
>Use different rep ranges
>Do more volume
>Use exercises to help you perform the lift as in dips for triceps or db press for shoulders
>Use different pressing motions as z presses
>Work specific bar paths of the movement as pin presses
wow great answer
Lots of good stuff, would also add doing that the push-press with more weight for reps will help your strict press.
if anterior delts are the limiting factor (most common by far) and not triceps, push press will generally not carry over well to the OHP
bretty gud, the thing most likely to push your OHP up is just doing more volume and frequency of overhead pressing (no 3x5 meme shit)
i would throw close grip bench in there too, it carries over to my OHP pretty nicely, and back when OHP was a contested lift a lot of lifters swore by incline benching
The first only makes sense if you cant move through the full range of motion without pain.
Also perfect form is a bit of a spectrum, there is some variation in what form allows people to lift a weight successfully without pain, and then even more that is a little bit inefficient form but likely not injurious.
I think often times bad form is a compensation for weakness, e.g. forward lean in a squat because your quads are too weak, you need to have enough load that your quads are taxed heavily and you are fighting to not do a good morning, but not so much that you are doing a good morning. So it should often actually be a constant struggle to maintain good form, because if its too easy you won't get better at the movement and if its too hard you won't really get better because you won't really be doing the movement.
TLDR :good list of points, just want to say make sure the first two aren't at the expense of hard training
isolate each head of the delt after you do your ohp
Who is this beaut?
At the risk of sounding like a pleb - how? What exercises would you suggest?
>Would de-loading and doing more moderate weight at higher reps help?
Pressing overhead takes a lot of volume to improve, hence why everybody who does the same repXset scheme for every movement stalls on OHP.
Find your everyday 15RM and do sets of 10 with that weight, for time.
Give yourself 20 minutes to make as many sets of 10 with your 15RM as you can.
Retest your 1RM after 2 months of that.
me on the rite
Faith Schroder my man
reported to the fbi
Frontal and regular lateral raises, butterfly reverse
Do more sessions per week and alternate volume and intensity
whats your total reps and volume aka what your average intensity?
pls quit posting 6/10s
What makes you think 16 is illegal in OPs country or anyone elses in this thread for that matter? USA is like the only country in the world where age of consent is not 15-16 lol.
whatever you say bitchboi, enjoy prison
What a beauty this Schroder is.
Stay mid burgercuck, I can fuck as many 16 year olds in my European country as I want and it's perfectly legal. 25 years old and still fucking teens top kek.
It's actually 16 in most states.
>he thinks screwing 16 year olds at 25 is something to brag about
grip width literally never feels comfortable to me. OHP is my bane
I can't really raise my arms directly overhead anybody got any good tips for shoulder mobility particularly flexion?
I want to be able to do THE PRESS
It's something You can't brag about, or you'll get your freedomed.
Stay mad, americuck.
I know. I always wonder why almost all Americans are triggered as fuck by anybody fucking a 16 year old when only California and a handful of few other states have age of consent at 18.
I guess most Americans don't even know their own states laws and just assume its 18 all over because they watch too much Hollywood garbage?
Would wife and pump full of my cum.
Why wouldn't it be? Women are at their prettiest and most fertile at around 15-17 years old, and their pussies are a lot tighter than as 20-30 year old roastie filth.
It's pretty fucking great, banging tight ass teens.
I'm cool with it, banging kids is gross.
wew pls DELET
Even 15 year olds aren't kids dumbass, they're young adults.
>it's legal, that must make it right!
pedos get out
yeah remember when we were 15 and so mature and grown up?
lol you don't actually believe that.
Pull ups and lat pulldowns?
Triggered as fuck Commiefornian who can't fuck cute 16 year olds.
Mental maturity does not determine adulthood, physiology does. When someone's body is the body of an adult, they are an adult. 16 year old girls are more fertile than even 18 year old ones lol, so clearly nature meant women to have children at around this age.
Why wouldn't I believe it when it's the obvious truth.
Stay mad.
There are even 30 year old women who are mentally not mature yet, kind of ruins your little theory about the importance of mental maturity.
>Mental maturity does not determine adulthood, physiology does. When someone's body is the body of an adult, they are an adult. 16 year old girls are more fertile than even 18 year old ones lol, so clearly nature meant women to have children at around this age.
Not to mention that women never mentally mature anyway.
Take four weeks off from doing any heavy/max weight on OHPs (do laterals too during that time as well) and just do them for reps on a moderate weight. Do triceps 2 times a week at least with a good mix of push downs, dips, skull crushers, and behind the neck raises with a dumbell. Hit them hard and make sure they are nice n sore when your done. Come back to shoulders after a month on OHP and then go for your max or whatever heavier weight you were aiming for and trying to do more reps with.
Strengthening triceps was the key for me when making gains on OHP and incline bench pressing.
That statue almost turned me gay
>Strengthening triceps was the key for me when making gains on OHP and incline bench pressing.
What weights can you OHP now? I'm at 80kg for sets of 5 and I got here within 6 months. The big thing for me was doing more sets (5-6) of around 4-5 reps every second day. Though I respond extremely well to high-frequency compared to most people
*My big point being that I don't do assistance work and I'm still getting stronger consistently
Yep basically...Some at 30+ are worse than HS girls and seem to devolve badly with worse drama.
What gets me is you go back to all the ancient kings/pharaohs and rulers of old thousands of years ago, even in biblical history where they had hundreds of concubines at like 13-16. Even some of them were made king/prince or interim ruler for a time. And yet, that was all ok. Why was it ok then and not now? Rhetorical qn, I know, but go figure.
Yeah, no matter how old a woman is they are mentally like a child. This applies to like 95% of women.
the fuck is this? the fatso posse?
>What gets me is you go back to all the ancient kings/pharaohs and rulers of old thousands of years ago, even in biblical history where they had hundreds of concubines at like 13-16. Even some of them were made king/prince or interim ruler for a time. And yet, that was all ok. Why was it ok then and not now? Rhetorical qn, I know, but go figure.
If you are dedicated to finding answers to these things, it's worth reading Julius Evola's Revolt Against the Modern World as well as his Metaphysics of Sex. The traditional perspective on women is extremely insightful.
In short, women have been given social and political power by playing on the sentiments of men (the first world war being the biggest catalyst as women were given the right to vote after all of their husbands were killed - same with the lower classes, they could vote after so many of them were killed.). This is one of the prime reasons why civilisation is falling apart now.
Someone like Molyneux offers a more readily digestible materialist evolutionary-biological interpretation of the same phenomena though, so maybe start with some of his videos on why women and vain and childish their entire lives.
Well, i am one them people who shuffle shit up constantly and mix in different types of OHP movements. For example, i will start out with a good warmup set light with 50lb dumbells (or 135 on the bar) for a lot of reps (about 20-22ish) two sets i go very heavy at 100/110lbs for about 10-12. Next two ill drop down to about 80 or 75, the back to 50 for as many as possible. I respond better to high frequency reps like you mentioned, even at heavier weights. I prefer beating the shit out of the muscle and getting good contractions as opposed to really low reps in the 4-6 range. Once in a while ill do that, but not often. When i feel i am ready, the next time when I hit shoulders i will try increasing the weight on the heavier sets by 5 or so.
Also, you can do things like drop setting or a mini drop set. Sometimes on that 3rd or fourth set, i will instantly do a set with 40 or 30 lb dumbells just to burn the crap put of the shoulders.
You can also do things like a set of side laterals, front or rear and then do a set of OHP. Rest, laterals, OHP. Rinse and repeat for about 5-6 sets or do them back to back without rest if you really wanna ramp shit up :)
Also when coming down on the negative on OHP, dont go too far down (like going below your ears). No need for that and can lead to injury. The delts will get all the work they need right toward the top of the ear/shoulder level.
What a weird thread.
This is good advice, read Evola. Easily the wisest philosopher of history so far.
Heh, that Metaphysics of Sex sounds interesting. Kinda sounds like some Henry Miller shiznits like Tropic of Cancer or something. But yeah, i get where that first book would be coming from and the whole emasculation of men coming into play due to the cultural/sociological shifts that took place. In a sense, the brain chains came off way too much. I mean, shit, the 'good ole Jews' consider 13 to be a "man".
Thanks user
>picture of her as a runway model with barely any clothes
>body of a mature women
>used by the fashion industry for body to sell shit
Yes I'm the evil one.
>This is good advice, read Evola. Easily the wisest philosopher of history so far.
Agreed. The understanding of the metaphysical world he leaves you with is also something that will leave you and your worldview irreversibly changed.
>I'm at 80kg for sets of 5 and I got here within 6 months.
Yeah nice meme. Really small percentage of people can do that after 4 years
if you can ohp 1.5 times your bodyweight youre a fag
1.Most media comes out of california
2.Pressure from dyke feminists who want more time to groom the young horny and stupid girls
3.Middle aged women who've aged out of being hot/marriage material aka men being willing to put up with their bullshit to get a taste forcing the issue.
Show a video, you're probably one of those guys that does standing incline bench presses.
The key is to never fuck or jack off seated or laying. Only do it standing and keep your back straight using only your shoulders and hip drive.
>Really small percentage of people can do that after 4 years
Yeah, that's utter bullshit. If I was lifting for 4 years to just OHP 80kg I wouldn't lift at all.
Start OHPing every second day and see where it gets you.
My training partner was also OHPing 80kg after 3/4 months - he weighs 90kg though (I weigh 75@5'9).
Frequency and reps of 4-5 for about 5 sets is what worked for both of us.
What can you OHP now and how long have you been training?
Stay cucked moralfag
Americucks do not unironically believe that fucking 16 year olds is wrong and pedophile. Right?
For modern feminism to work in the west they have to forcibly shrink the dating pool for men and demonize male sexuality overall while pushing lesbianism and being used up independent women who'll pop out a generation of state owned and raised future debt slaves.
It's their choice...till they're well out of their prime breeding years and are almost completely incapable of having a longterm meaningful relationship. Ever.
Most of them do unfortunately, they're the most brainwashed population on the planet. Cultural Marxism runs through their veins.
Please tell me this thread is full of yurotrash trolling yurotrash.
Americans, on 4chinz no less, don't care this much a 16yo getting her fuck on...
The ass on that female in the back
>finally managed to do 5x5 42.5kg
Been stuck on that for weeks. Now I can finally move on to failing 45kg.
t. Broscience from a dyel
>Americucks do not don't unironically don't not believe that fucking 16 year olds is wrong and pedophile. Right?
>tfw you've never fucked someone this hot
>Tfw you probably never will at this point because you're still just barely getting into shape at 23
fml. Literally hate everything about myself and my life.
I'm in decent shape, 6'1, not balding, I can talk to people easily etc. But the only girls that ever show any sort of interest in me are fatties and ugly chubby whores.
The only girl that was attractive and was actually interested in me found some rich guy to date instead. Since then I can't even look at average/below average girls because I feel like absolute shit knowing if I had played my cards right, I could have been with a genuine hottie and now at best I have to settle for these digusting pigs.
thats a defeatist attitude user
nothing is stopping u from getting any girl u want
Do it in the squat rack.
>I'm old at 23
If you're giving up already you should look into necking yourself.
Men don't reach their peak until their mid 30s.Women begin fizzling out in their mid 20s.
>But the only girls that ever show any sort of interest in me are fatties and ugly chubby whores.
That's because top shelf pussy doesn't go out looking for guys to fuck, because guys are constantly hitting on them. If you want to score top shelf pussy, you gotta get out there and get it.