Why was France given any sector of Germany after the war considering they actively worked with the germans and were the only one of the 4 to have been defeated?
Why was France given any sector of Germany after the war considering they actively worked with the germans and were the...
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To appease the French De Gaulle Government, who had icey relations with the allies. To keep them allying the east.
They were allies and France was still a strong colonial power. Completely denying them any say simply due to their defeat in the war would have hurt the relationship between the Western allied powers and with the cold war on the rise, you need to have all your allies in line
>be irrelevant
>manage to obtain occupation zones in Germany and Austria
>manage to terminate US occupation of France
De Gaulle was a diplomatical genius
So basically France is a nigger and it was to stop them from chimping out?
>Franks and Krauts ruin Europe, more at 11
Woah, it's almost like big powers involved in Europe also have a negative impact on it.
Yes, basically.
Reparation for the destructions commited by US forces.
>spotted the frog
I think it played a big role, the US army killed more civilians than Germans and glassed entire cities, if I had been De Gaulle I would have put that on the negociating table.
The fact that anyone thinks de gualle could negotiate from a position of power is beyond me. The country fucking surrendered.
because Stalin believed that a communist revolution in France was imminent and allowing the French an occupation zone would both stretch their forces thinner and give them more clay to control when they turned communist
It's a bit more complex, hundreds of thousands French soldiers fought all along the war in the Allies side, it was anything but anecdotal, they were decisive in key battles.
They also left the earliest, apart from a few ceremonial posts.
>it's only 341x292
What is this, a picture for ants?
>de gaulle surrendered
Are you retarded? De Gaulle from the beginning stated that the armastice was illegitimate. He his organization was really important for the free french and his broadcadts inspired the resistance. By the beginning of the Normandy invasiona there were more than 400,000 free french soldiers. This is why you don't fall for lindymemes.
because France sent 1 million troops in Germany, "liberated" german cities and regions from nazis and France got a direct border.
Because China wasn't in a position to occupy Germany.
Nice orwellian memory hole pic there; These are the actual occupation zones (SHAEF-approved borders as of december 31st, 1937 included)
Pending a final peace treaty the polish and russian-mananaged area will of course be returned aswell
Nobody can read that.
take off your blindfold silly
France was supported by Britain as a way to balance power in the continent
>the armistice was illegitimate
I fucking hate de gaulle, sitting pretty in england while calling french people traitors that didn't flee the country
What an analogy
You can come and try it. And then we'll take back east "Germany" too.
>free french
>the majority are colonial troops
>implying poles can beat a country with more manpower more industry and a better army
why are you so delusional?
Because the Americans wanted the French to contribute to the occupation and defense of Germany.
It's really not difficult to figure out.
>How could Poland ever defeat a country which literally hasn't won a war since 1871?
>how could poland defeat a country that partitioned and overran it twice and whose defeat took the combined effort of most of the great powers of whom the still managed to capitulate at least one in every world war
why are poles such brainlets?
Daily reminder that Elsaß-Lothringen is Alsace-Lorraine and Prussia is Poland. Germans do not win wars. They win battles, but being subhuman scum they then lose the war.
>german majority lands are not german
germans only lost wars because of shitty allies one on one no country in europe could have defeated the empire or the reich much less the shithole that is poland
>American zone has no coast but contiguous borders between Austria and Germany
>British zone has a coast but no contiguous borders between Germany and Austria
I'm upset
When it's everyone against you, you tend to lose on slices of the victor pie.
>Elsaß-Lothringen is Alsace-Lorraine and Prussia is Poland.
For now.
The Americans had Bremen and Bremerhaven (that's the only reason its still its own city-state and wasn't incorporated into Lower Saxony). It didn't really matter as they were allies anyway. Just a question of where your bases/airfields/meat shields/Military Police operate.
>having to go back nearly 150 years to find a war where you actually won, and even claiming the fucking Napoleon wars where the RUSSIANS won as your own victory
assblasted kraut lmao
For forever, papa Macron will leave you your part of the Rhineland if he is feeling generous, if he isn't he'll reclaim the Left Bank of the Rhine again
The Russians alone did not "win" the Napoleonic Wars. The various 'Germanic' forces are what turned the key battles. 'Struth.
lol, K. If he doesn't get lost chowing down on grey-haired pussy first.
if anything the germans will just bltiz through belgium for the 3rd time i hear they get a free smoothie for this one
>this is what germans honestly believe
you've been an irrelevant shithole for millenia hans
do give me a war that a poland or france won in the last 150 years in which they didn't surrender and/or get rescued by ruskies and anglos
Sorry but Belgium will already be annexed
t.polish russian boytoy or french anglo cocksleeve
that only makes blitzing more fun at least there's no need to worry about anglo intervention anymore
Poland of course, actually beat the Soviet Union in the Polish-Soviet War, something that the Germans couldn't do, plus beating Lithuania and Ukraine. Hmm, sounds like the Poles are the real anti-Russian superpower, when Kraut scum couldn't beat the Russians but the Poles did.
Bomber Harris will be along for Anglo blood too, but with B*lgium gone then at last a rational restructuring of Europe along the lines of glorious emperor Macron can take place
>luckily managed to hold off the Bolsheviks who were at the time busy fighting one of the largest civil wars in history
and Germans did actually beat the Russians, you know: en.wikipedia.org
>beat the czuckar
wow what an achievement
and the Republic
and the Bolsheviks
just accept you talked shit
>france beating itself and African and Indochinese shitholes and some trade ports with help most of foreign powers
>poland holding the rsfr not even the soviet union yet who was also simultaneously at war with all anti-communist forces and thinking they're a superpower only to get partitioned anyway and bumfucked from 1939 moving forward
>thinking this is anyway comparable to the humiliations of met at the hands of the mighty hun in the world wars and in the polish partitions
delusions of grandeur like i've never seen before in my life desu
that's France won wwII tier
No it really isn't.
ITT : autism
>Invaded Russia alongside Napoleon and then switched side when he started losing
More like Italy tier
>...since at least the 1400s: German lands are important, if not world-leading, centres of: philosophy, religion, chemistry, industrial engineering, automobiles/aerospace, all machinery more generally, mathematics, finance, modern art/design (e.g. Bauhaus)
>biggest industries are make-up, cosmetics and food
Good to know France will always be there to serve us some cheese and pastries and your little girls will give us a blow job when all the hard work is done at the end of the day.
The English had to let the French be at the victors' table, out of guilt. That Americans today don't know about it didn't remove the fact that the French seriously took one for the English in 1940.
>us army killed more civilians than Germans
Are you actually retarded?
Wow, you are hateful. Could that particular trait be linked to your nationality -that I could not possibly guess- by any chance?
>since at least the 1400s: German lands are important
>if not world-leading
Don't' bother, they're not.
Also, as the most numerous ethnicity in Europe Hans, you should have been far more relevant than you were. Historically, you didn't have the impact of the UK, France, Italy or Greece, all of which have a fraction of your population. You must have had a comparable impact than Spain's, which is a great country, though also way less numerous. On top of that, they didn't start (world) wars on the behalf that as they were "superior", they would "win".
>biggest industries are make-up, cosmetics and food
That's our richest company, yes. But we also kick your arses in mechanical engineering, since you seem to be onto it. Let's look at the last 30 years together.
>Airbus (though Merkel is stealing it)
>Nuclear aircraft career with catapult (only country with the US to have that, USSR didn't manage fyi)
>Autonomous nuclear power
>Electric cars
>Tail wing of the Eurofighter
> test exhaustion gases of the Wolkswagen Polo on monkeys*, and humans
*as a scientist experimenting on monkeys with serious and deontology, this particularly saddens me btw
About your last sentence, I think we both know that's your complexes speaking.
Do you want to destroy Germany even more?
>the resistance
No such thing ever existed
I wonder where you come from to say such a thing. How old you are. Maybe you are too young. Maybe you are too spoiled. You cannot imagine what the French lived through. Yet here you are, baiting hard.
I never liked baiters, from the first grade to today. Always done by insignificant guys, that in order to get any attention, will use words to hurt. What is beyond doesn't really matter, does it? It's only about saying something that hurts, to exist. Kind of sad.
>durrrr let me cherry pick and show my ignorance
I forgot to mention psychology and psychiatry above, though I guess that can be classed in with philosophy.
Germany was not unified under the """""HRE""""" so before the 1400s or so, it's a little more scattershot. That doesn't really matter, since we are living in a world, today, more impacted by "Germanic" (not necessarily red/black/gold banner) advances than French.
French mechanical engineering kicking anyone's arses? LOL. I'm not even gonna bother a detailed rebuttal because it's such a stupid claim. You know it too, Amadoullah. Germany is faaaaar ahead on electric and automated autos.
Anyway, I don't even care that much, shit's all globalized now. My main point was to refute your initial (and ongoing, I see) idiocy.
If you want to cry about dead monkeys, forget about a dozen or so outsourced in the US some years, once, and think about all the dead mammals month after month that your Gallic make-up companies torture and kill. Hypocrite.
Why are states occupied by the Americans the richest (excluding the free cities)?
>german campaign
>russia is the bulk force
It's like France who invaded germany along side the allies in 1944
>Great Turkish War
Poland and Russia won that while the Germans cowered in Vienna
Why the aggressiveness? Did I hit a spot, or are you a literal nigger?
The HRE was ended by Napoleon in 1806, why you point to 1400 instead, I imagine is to point Gutenberg and Luther which are basically your only claims to a global influence, to this day.
But well, probably every other nation in Europe was unified before 1400's. Oh wait.
Also, you are wrong. Today's world is by far more Anglo or French than any Germanic. Remember: Germanics don't create civilizations, they destroy them. Or at least try.
>You know it too, Amadoullah. Germany is faaaaar ahead on electric and automated autos.
No I don't know that. It is however more advanced on carbon fibre production, which is important, but as you said that kind of thing's globalized (it's in the US). For the rest of mechanical engineering, which is very much nationalized, I'm still waiting for your excuses, since you don't have examples.
>If you want to cry about dead monkeys, forget about a dozen or so outsourced in the US some years, once, and think about all the dead mammals month after month that your Gallic make-up companies torture and kill. Hypocrite.
What the fuck is this supposed to mean? L'Oreal tests its products on animals? Is this what you're saying? FYI the simplest shampoo company does that for allergies and skin reactions. However, the process has been refined a lot. Now they only use one animal of which they extract eye's cells, out of which a cell population is grown. The tests are made on these cell populations, not on the animal. But well, when you test a product that directly interacts with the human body, it's not so far fetched to test it first on animals anyway. We certainly benefit from it, not like from the pseudo-scientific tests made by Wolkswagen.
Last thing:
>French mechanical engineering kicking anyone's arses? LOL
I never said that. I said that we're achieving more in that domain than Germany. Which we are, as I showed with examples. Also is my first post.
Yes. It’s the same reason why the French “resistance” is still talked about.
Military occupiers has nothing to do with it. Hessen is banks and more banks, while the two southern states pursued a far more industrial-oriented economy post-WW2. The northwestern areas were more sparsely inhabited and tended to prefer agriculture/light industry. NRW has (somewhat) tanked only in the last 20 years or so. No one wants coal and European steel as much anymore.
France didn't constitute half of the force like the German states did against Napoleon
Vienna was won mainly by Germans and the counteroffensive in the Balkans was fought by Germans as well. Research your history or gtfo
>Beat an even more incompetent republic
Poland beat a revolutionary movement with the backing of the workers and peasants and saved Europe from communism, Germany beat a crumbling and decadent empire, created communism, and then claims itself as some sort of superpower
>Germany loses
>Germans are still proud
>The producers of the mainstay of modern political ideology, the mainstay of modern culture, the center of refinement, civilization, who's language has influenced the majority of Europe and composes 1/3 of English as well as being important in of itself
>An irrelevant nation that produces automobiles at most
France occupied Wurtemberg which is one of the richest zones.
>France occupied Wurtemberg which is one of the richest zones.
It's not really related to the French occupying it though. Bade-Wurtembergwursts are close to their money,
France was already a liability in the US/UK/France alliance, as it had different interests to the two others and often supported soviet views of de-industrializing Germany.
If you find that aggressive, you wouldn't like to see me when I'm actually involved and angry.
Your English kinda sucks, btw, so it's kinda hard to bridge the gaps in your logic. Is it language, stupidity, or both?
I'm saying 1400ish is when Europe generally moved into more modern times. Science and technical development practically belonged to German lands until post-WW1. Gutenburg and Luther are only but two players in the whole big picture, and not even what I was specifically referring to.
>I'm still waiting for your excuses, since you don't have examples.
sorry, what?
>What the fuck is this supposed to mean?
It is archly stupid and hypocritical to claim a grand narrative based on literally one recent example (it took place in the US via a series of indirect outsourcing), when your economy is based on cosmetic companies torturing bunny rabbits to death.
>we're achieving more in that domain than Germany
lol, no. World wide, ask anyone what European country is most associated with industrial might, and it sure as fuck isn't France. To pretend so is pure fantasy.
>everything France is supposed to proud of happened before your grandparents were even born
Sounds like you're in denial that France is washed-up.
Why on earth was Austria occupied for a decade? Imagine not having a legal system, government or proper laws in a quasi-modern nation for that long.
This is the equivalent of that for WW2 France tho
Well, for France you have this one in which they kicked Austrians from Italy
This one in which they saved the Anglos from the Ruskies
And ofc tons of colonial wars that wouldn't be glorious by French history standards, but are considered the pinacle of military glory in British history
And plenty of frogs fought with the nazis against the allies, and I would hardly refer to them as being "decisive" in either case.
This. It was just a meme for college students to blow off stress. Poland and Yugoslavia had far more extensive and effective resistance movements yet there is zero romanticizing of them.
>there were more than 400,000 free french soldiers.
You more glorified indentured servants conscripted against their will?
>This is why you don't fall for lindymemes.
This is why you don't fall for french propaganda.
The UK had a larger GDP than Germany, and you think America didn't have shitty allies? The russians were kidnapping our troops and torturing them.
>If you find that aggressive, you wouldn't like to see me when I'm actually involved and angry.
Wow, I'm shivering. (Out of fear.)
> it's kinda hard to bridge the gaps in your logic
I will use simple words from now on.
>sorry, what?
Provide examples of advanced German engineering, or state excuses as to why Germans can't produce new shit.
>It is archly stupid and hypocritical to claim a grand narrative based on literally one recent example (it took place in the US via a series of indirect outsourcing), when your economy is based on cosmetic companies torturing bunny rabbits to death.
As I told you this -however scientifically valid given you put the product on your skin later- is no longer the exact case.
On the other hand, my main problem with WW is that, on the cover of a so called "scientific interest", Germans realized gainless, pseudo-scientific animal tests. Which is an abomination, ethically speaking. Much like what Mengele did. Is this simple enough for you to understand? In case it's not:
question with no answer + a priori risk for humans => ok animal testing within scientific bounds
>lol, no. World wide, ask anyone what European country is most associated with industrial might, and it sure as fuck isn't France. To pretend so is pure fantasy.
Yes, but you see I never pretended that. I'm well aware that everybody likes German cars, cutlery, or anything a monkey following a well established process can produce in high quality. What I talked about were new things, displays of the capability of a nation to produce cool shit. I never said anything about German chain workers.
>And plenty of frogs fought with the nazis against the allies, and I would hardly refer to them as being "decisive" in either case.
Well they were decisive in saving the BEF at Dunkirk, at Bir Hakeim and in Normandy. That's modest compared to the scale of the war, we agree. Maybe if the Brits hadn't sunk our fleet we could have done more. Doesn't matter.
do you actually have an argument?
Of course they had a legal system, government and proper laws. Occupying forces generally kept what was in place, subject to their whims/oversight. The soviets were there first and generally looted, plundered, raped and got into drunken trouble with police (something like 90% of crime reports for the first occupation year are attributed to a "person in soviet uniform"). Soviets tried to install a commie-friendly puppet government, but the commies lost the first elections at the end of 1945, and badly. Basically, Stalin realized his grasp on Austria was too weak and, after the soviets were done looting, let it go in return for promise that it remain perpetually neutral (non-NATO). Which it generally did.
You are one delusional frog if you think France is anywhere at the vanguard of modern technical innovations. It isn't. Germany is, as just a few examples, the world leader in autonomous driving, industrial automation, and environmental engineering.
And you base your claims of French industrial greatness on legacy industries like Airbus (which is not now and never was wholly French - guess who its founding partners are?), and then shitty French trains? I thought France was the centre of everything 'fine' in civilization? Why claim a fight you can't possibly win?
Again, you're claiming a grand narrative on literally one random example. The monkeys and VW is a tempest in a teapot and a tenuous (US subcontractors) once-off thing. Somehow this says something about all "Germans"? It proves literally nothing.
And you're carrying on with a straight face this argument, while your country force-feeds geese and chemically scalds rabbits and monkeys for the backbone of its economy. Hypocrite.
So did they allies ever have any plans for an eventual reunification or was it just "occupy them forever"
tfw when we forget to fortify the Belgian border for the 3rd time.
At least they existed in 1871.
That's a stupid question to ask in the midst of the Cold War. It was a non-starter when Germany was expected to be a meat shield for nuclear conflagration coming any day now.
The occupying forces gradually and greatly reduced their standing armies in Germany after 1991. It's well known that British and French interests were not happy (from an economic POV) about a reunified Germany.
I figured because of tensions they wouldn't let it happen even if there was anything in place regardless of how far down the line it was, but I was just curious.
>British and French interests were not happy (from an economic POV) about a reunified Germany
Why so?
Yea, it was just a non-starter under the Cold War climate.
>Why so?
Economic competition, European domination. West Germany was already strong. They feared a reunified Germany would be even stronger, and it is. Although East Germany lags and the former West still subsidizes it.
>tfw Americans still haven't left
Back2Back World War champs boys
Despite its being one of the Allied Powers, the French Republic was at first not granted an occupation zone in Germany. Later, however, the British and American governments recognised the role of France during World War II in Europe, and agreed to cede some western parts of their zones of occupation to the French Army. This created a French zone of occupation in the westernmost part of Germany. It consisted of two barely contiguous areas of Germany along the French border that met at just a single point along the River Rhine. It included the Saargebiet, which was disentangled from it on 16 February 1946. By 18 December 1946 customs controls were established between the Saar area and allied occupied Germany. The French zone ceded further adjacent municipalities to the Saar (in mid-1946, early 1947, and early 1949).
Included in the French zone was the town of Büsingen am Hochrhein, a German exclave separated from the rest of the country by a narrow strip of neutral Swiss territory. The Swiss government agreed to allow limited numbers of French troops to pass through its territory in order to maintain law and order in Büsingen.
>environmental engineering
Mein sides!
France occupied part of it
>And plenty of frogs fought with the nazis against the allies, and I would hardly refer to them as being "decisive" in either case.
Very few actually. They only fought in meme battles in French colonies and as of 1942 they were either dissolved or had shifted to the allies side.