Anyone Thirsty? Here's a cup, take the handle
(Pump incoming)
Anyone Thirsty? Here's a cup, take the handle
(Pump incoming)
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More like double top fucking sell
You won't get our coins :)
1 day old graph
double top
kek faggot kys
Please make it happen
u dumb pajeet i already made 400% on this selll
>he doesn't know that the cup and handle pattern closes in a downtrend
You would be thinking of inverted cup and handle, which is not what is displaying here.
I'm ready with my stupid low buy order for when this tanks.
Did the WP come out yet? I was asleep when it was said to have come out.
no, I've done the research. This is a shitcoin unless someone can prove that the chinese government is behind this.
Give me links to your research.
Check their white paper, its utter garbage.
Also their github is empty.
Pumpers are having fun rn, but its gonna get dumped hard. Theres nothing there.
Uh the white paper is and has been out on their website for like 8 hours now. Also confirmed same devs as inchain who have proven to have partnership with massive companies. You're all literal retards if you don't have at least a few of these coins.
There GitHub is empty because it hasn't been updated. Inchain which is the same developers is very updated. And they are updating the Nuls GitHub on Monday.
coin up not even 280%
made 400%
actually sold
kek fucking retard hHAHAHA oh boy, stay poor kid :) your time to grow up will come
Get in NULS before this weekend if you want the moonshot
what does JUST'd mean, yes new to Veeky Forums
>Some literally who shitcoin
Yeah, nah, pass.
Yes and it's actual garbage.
I am the Original OP that shilled this coin a few days ago, and I made a nice sizable profit. If you listened and bought than you most likely made profit, and you should sell now before it's too late.
Nice LARP. Dozens have pretended to be OP.
>not buying under 30 cents
This pump is over man how can u guys not get that. Over 200% in 2 days is bound to correct very soon. You can make a dumb choice and buy this and get left bag holding or you can buy EDO and go to the moon next.
Nullies gtfo
Big if true.
But this guy makes a point. Lot's have pretended since. Still, on the off chance you are Based Whale OP from the other night, Cheers.
It's really easy to make the larpers sweat when you link to og thread and the donation address he was requested to post there.
They either keep up the larp and encourage you to tip like it makes it more believable, or they break down and confess lol
op was based for this unJUSTing
Og thread here
If it wasn't fishy enough, just look at the white paper
Fucking ridicolous.
I was buying when it was only paired with BNB and sold last night at $1,10. Hope you did the same.
Thanks OP of the original thread, kill yourself retarded pajeet shillers of a dead coin.
yeah, 40% airdrop to pajeets.
This is dead guys, this coming from someone shilling Nul since OP's thread.
OP was right in that it would rise, but that's about it. People made some profits. Sell those profits and all your Nuls now or you're gonna get stuck holding bags.
>40% airdrop to pajeets
absolutely shit FUD
it's in the whitepaper :S
>pg. 4 "We decided to airdrop 40% of our tokens to street shitters"
Yeah bullshit fuckwit.
>what is speaking ironically
A 40% airdrop is still bad no matter who it goes to.
>what is guaranteed protection against 51% attack
Why do you hate decentralization? Are you Jewish?
The numbers speak for themselves too. This was supposed to reach $2 when the English WP was to be released. It's at 0.92 right now. No one likes it. It was good while it lasted but we are pulling out now.
No one said it was supposed to reach $2 when english whitepaper was released. Some speculated it could go that high. But people took some profits. I did. And you probaby did too if you were smart. But if you were even smarter you bought back in lower, same as me and increased your stack. We are going to $5 and probably beyond. Just get ready for more profit taking at $2.00, $2.50 & $3.00.
Maybe be careful with $3 though, since it could just rocket to $5 and leave people behind.
If it goes to at least 1.75 I'll consider buying back in, dumb idea I know but I honestly don't think this will go any higher.
Sell low, buy high. I fucking love you Veeky Forums never change.
>I'll buy in once it goes higher
I can't believe how dumb this fucking board is
It's certainly worth a $500-750 gamble imo
I just rather not waste my time with a coin I don't think is gonna do well. If it's gonna go to $5 like what's been said, then buying at 1.75 doesn't really bother me that much. But it's been lingering at 1 for almost a whole day now. and I don't think the whitepaper did it any favors either.
jesus why is this so low? Ill wait till it goes higher to buy.
were you dropped as a child?
Clearly you were if you have to shill a coin this much.
See you at $5 buddy. I'll send a postcard from the moon.
I got in at $0.30, sold at $1.10, took some profit + initial investment out and now holding a comfy amount on the off chance this really is the next NEO.
Thanks biz
could be the next WTC, plus market conditions are better now
you know what fuck it, you win. But I'm only putting a small amount of my gains back in. I'm telling you, this is not gonna fly.
Google is your friend.
It refs a retarded haircut on some dentists ad which people described as 'just fuck my shit up' and it got memed onto Brendan Fraser cos of him being divorce raped/nostalgia over when he was almost the next big Hollywood star.
Anyway means you're getting your shit fucked up.
>t. Reddit spacing.
Those dozens are liars. I'm every OP prove me wrong - protip you can't.
You chose wisely.
I'm back in, the fucking "ONE BELT ONE ROAD" rumors and shit have me excited again. NULS hasn't done me wrong yet, I just didn't want to get burned at any major drop which never really happened, just a normal correction last night after hitting ATH.
NULS is receiving FUD which requires some basic meme effort? I'm all in this shit confirmed to moon.
Lol, did you guys just wake up? slack cunts.
I bought at 15k and feel like a retard. Really tempted to just dump at 12k and be done with it.
Is it true there was no ICO and all these tokens were pretty much just fucking given away for free? It's amazing it is as valuable as it is now with that being true.
It's as valuable as it is because there is a rumor of official nod of approval from the People's Republic of China government.
>Buy high
>Sell low
why do you do this to yourself user? I want you to stop hurting yourself m8. pls.
Buying was a mistake. I figured I could flip it for a quick 10% at 16k but it's obviously not getting back there any time soon. I fucked up I almost bought raiden instead and could have had that quick flip... Oh well.
>coin has been out only 2 weeks
>already blowing everything else the fuck out.
>chinks have woken up
see you at $5.
I wish. It mooned so fast and hard yesterday because there weren't any coins on the market. Once the price skyrocketed a bunch of people moved to Binance.
It mooned because people immediately saw the value in a sneaky under the radar coin that is actually created by the devs from Inchain and wasn't already "priced in."
You are going to hate yourself a week from now. You know we are just trying to share the love right?
Sorry the whole airdrop thing just gives me too much concern. Also it pretty much not having a real use case bothers me too. I want to hold, you think I want to sell at a 20% loss? It just seems way too risky, like it could go back to 5k by the time I wake up.
now let's just be honest with each other for a second user. no pretenses. you don't really know what the function of an airdrop serves, do you?
I think it is supposed to generate hype and interest in a token. Supposed to. That doesn't mean I believe it does, or believe they hype is worth diluting the market cap by 40 million coins.
How about you generate interest in your project by having a good fucking project instead of giving away 40 million tokens to street shitters?
This shit is going to moon again tonight. It starts every night in US when China wakes up
shut up you fishhead sewer dragon.
no its gonna dump back to 60 cents
>fishhead sewer dragon
it was funny the first time, and god damn it was still funny this time.
Hey, tell me more about that protection against 51% attack as a result of 40% airdrop so I can unFUD and reshill a friend.
was that in this thread or another that got kill? but yeah, disperse that shit so no one can have a 51% attack vector. also assume that whales hold a good chunk and want to see gainz as much as we do, then the dev team would hold some and so would exchanges. It's not rocket doctering m80
Ye, I think the reason I bugged out mostly is because someone was able to shill me on a coin that was "about to moon any minute" thank fuck I was able to see that it was a shitcoin and was really only gonna moon over the course of several years, if at all, but by that point I had already transferred exchanges, and was already sold on the 40% airdrop thing.
Good thing I bought and sold when I did, though, made a few extra Nuls.
I'm waiting on a transfer to come through too. Once it's there I might do some FUD to try to get some cheaper NULS. Sorry if i make it too convincing and shake some weak hands out.
Well damn, user, you weren't kidding, it went down to 0.86. Wish I would've caught this sooner so I could get in on that.
I haven't kidded at all. I'm slowly buying up as much as I can. I'm just a poor fag too, but I'm nearly at 1000NULs, and honestly I see potential in this doing a WTC, or maybe even and OMG or NEO. Do you understand the implications of that? I sold 300 OMG at $2 and didn't catch the dip back in. I am NOT doing that again with this. I know this shit is the real deal.
Yeah, only got 266 Nuls, that's all I was able to scrounge up for this, from when the original OP from last night was saying 40,000% gains. Though even at $5 per Nul I should expect some really good gains if buying between 0.30 - 0.90
This shit is over op everyone get on the EPY train like everyone else
excuse me, original OP from two nights ago. I hadn't slept that night keeping an eye on this so my brain mistook it for last night for a minute.
I have been shilling $5, but honestly I see this hitting as high as $10, maybe even more. If this is the REAL chinese ETH that NEO was sold as we could see $100 EOY
>Not buying this tasty dip.
when will you learn?
would've seen instant gain too, it's already back up.
It is go down to 0$ . Random who is calling himself as a comunity manager is looking for smbdy who can write a professional whitepaper : LOL !!!
Oh look, it recovered again.
Whatever, Sanjeev.
>100x gains in 1.5 months
I keep telling people. people keep telling me I have some sort of agenda. If anyone has been listening across the threads and actually listening to me when I've given figures they would have made heaps.
>Buy ETH in Jan
>Buy NEO in June
>100x gainz
holy shit you sure got me there faggot.
ETH from Jan would be max 1.5x gains
NEO from Jun would be max 30x gains
but yeah this thing is going to go to $100 from less than $1 within 50 days. if it's a good enough coin, then it doesn't need the hyperbole "faggot"
Dropping pretty hard.
>goes from $10 to $400
>max 1.5x
what did user mean by this?
TA doesnt work for low market caps with almost zero chart history
he is calculated in BTC terms
don't care anymore. Just need to do one more tiny swing trade to increase my stack to 1000. @990 NULS now.
Everyone buy this dip.
Uhhh, guys?
We know.
Inchain holders got the airdrop
Imagine if it had actually gone to street shitters.
What if it did user? What if the crafty pajeets tricked us again?